Planning FAQ (Example: Zoning, Site Plan Review, etc.)
Building FAQ (Example: Adding a deck, Garage, etc.)
Planning FAQ
(Example: Zoning, Site Plan Review, etc.)
What is the zoning on my property?
Click on the link below to view the City’s Zoning Map.
Zoning Map
Please call the Planning Department at 248-347-0415 for additional assistance.
What are the setbacks on my property?
While each zoning district does have specific setback information, your neighborhood may have been designed with requirements unique to that development or options to preserve the wetlands and woodlands.
Click here to check the complete Schedule of Regulations in the Zoning Ordinance, which can be found in Appendix A, Article 24. For additional assistance, please call the Community Development Department at 248-347-0415.
What new projects are planned for the City?
Click on the link below to view the City’s Projects Map.
Projects Map
What uses are permitted in my Zoning District?
Click here to connect to the Zoning Ordinance, which is Appendix A of the Code. Permitted uses for each zoning classification can be found in its appropriate article. Some uses are considered Special Land Uses, which means that the use may be permitted based on approval by the Planning Commission. For further information call the Planning Department at 248-347-0415.
What is the site plan process?
Below is a general description of the site plan process and the timeline each level represents.
1. Interested in Novi?
Call the Planning Department at 248-347-0415 to arrange a Concept Meeting. This meeting with a Planner, Engineer and Landscape Architect provides an opportunity to learn more about the City and the Planning process. Meetings are typically scheduled for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
2. Pre-Application Meeting
After you have attended a Concept Meeting and you have decided to develop a project in Novi, call the Planning Department at 248-347-0415 to set up a Pre-Application Meeting. These meetings are typically scheduled for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Bring ten sets of folded plans to the Planning Department and allow ten business days for review of the available plans (site plan, woodlands, wetlands, landscape plan, building façade elevations, etc.) by each of the City’s reviewers before the scheduled meeting date. There is no fee for the Pre-Application meeting. Pre-Application Form
3. Site Plan Approval
After you have attended a Pre-Application Meeting, you can submit ten folded sets of Preliminary Site Plans to the Planning Department for review by the various disciplines. In some cases applicants are asked to resubmit Preliminary Site Plans before they are scheduled for a Planning Commission Meeting, in order to make changes to the plans to better comply with Ordinance requirements. Plans that are recommended for approval will be placed on the first available Planning Commission meeting agenda for their approval. Planning Commission meetings are typically held twice per month.
After receiving Planning Commission approval, allow for additional time to seek variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals (meetings held monthly) or additional approvals from City Council (meetings held twice monthly).
When all necessary approvals have been granted, you can submit ten folded sets of Final Site Plans to the Planning Department for review. In some cases applicants are asked to resubmit Final Site Plans with the necessary changes made to the plans. Upon the approval of your Final Site Plans, you will be asked to submit Stamping Sets. Your required legal documents (easements, master deed, etc.) will be requested at this time, if you have not already submitted them for review.
When can I apply for a building permit?
After you receive Preliminary Site Plan approval, you may work concurrently with the Planning Department and the Building Department. Contact the Building Department at 248-347-0415. Applications are available online by clicking here.
How long does it take to get a site plan approved?
The City of Novi is constantly striving to improve the time it takes to have a site plan reviewed and approved for construction, while balancing the unique environmental features of the community. The Planning and Building Departments recently underwent a process improvement review and have begun shortening the approval time for new proposals. Currently, it takes approximately 7 months to complete the site plan approval process. This can vary widely based on the type of project proposed, whether or not a rezoning is required, and the quality of plans being submitted for review, among other factors. To discuss your specific circumstances, contact the Planning Department at 248-347-0415.
What do the signs mean that say “Zoning Change Proposed”?
These signs mean that a property owner or applicant has requested different zoning on the parcel than what is currently designated. A change in zoning is requested when an owner wants to propose a use (such as an office or shopping center) not allowed by the current zoning designation. When you see the sign, this usually means that an application is on file with the Planning Department, and that the Planning Commission and the City Council will be considering the applicant’s request in the near future. Please click here for the current Planning Commission agendas to see if the rezoning request is scheduled to be considered.
How do I contact my Homeowners’ Association?
Homeowner Association approval may be required prior to construction of decks, additions, detached structures, fences pools or exterior alterations. Contact your Association for more information. Limited contact information may be available through Community Relations at 248-347-0628.
Building FAQ
(Example: Adding a deck, Garage, etc.)
What are residential setback requirements?
Setbacks are based on the City’s Zoning Ordinance, Article 24 Schedule of Regulations. The setbacks will depend on your zoning district. Please contact the Building Department for details.
What building codes does the City of Novi enforce for building compliance?
Click here for codes currently in effect.
I moved to the City of Novi and would like to review the set of building plans used for the construction of my house. Does Novi have blueprints on file and available for review?
If a building permit was issued for new construction or alterations to a residence within the past 15 years, the Building Department may have blueprints available. Please call the Building Department in advance to request blueprints for review. There will be a cost to retrieve the information from storage and to copy the plans.
What can I do if my builder does not meet my expectations?
Avoid problems with a builder by checking if a residential builder is licensed with the State of Michigan. We recommend contacting the State of Michigan Consumer Industry and Services at 517-241-9347 or the Better Business Bureau at 248-644-9100 to check if there have been any previous complaints.
Is it necessary to meet with the Inspector for an inspection?
On a new home the inspector does not need to meet with you as long as the house is open for the inspector. However, if you call for an inspection on your existing home for additions renovations, etc., it is necessary for an 18-year-old adult to be home to meet the inspector and show the inspector the permit and the area where the improvement is located.
When should I call for an inspection?
Click here to schedule an inspection. Contact the Building Department prior to 3:30pm to schedule an inspection for the next day.
May I request a specific time of day for an inspection?
No, you must contact the inspector in the morning from 8:00am - 9:00am to discuss when the inspector will be available.
Are inspectors available to help me if I have any questions about building in Novi?
Code related questions may be addressed by the appropriate inspector between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. and 3:00pm - 4:00pm.
What requires a building permit?
Requirement sheets for projects needing a permit are listed here.
Is Homeowner Association approval required to get a building permit for additions, decks, fences, garages or exterior alterations?
Homeowner Association approval may be required prior to construction of decks, additions, detached structures, fences or exterior alterations. Contact your Association for more information. Limited Homeowner Association content information may be available through Neighborhood & Business Relations or by calling 248-347-0628.
Do my taxes pay for the Building Department?
The Building Department is primarily supported by permit revenue.