The Community Development Department has the primary responsibility for administering the laws, regulations and requirements that pertain to the physical development of the Novi Community.
Novi’s Community Development Director is Charles Boulard. Novi's Deputy Community Development Director is Alan Hall. Novi’s City Planner is Barbara McBeth.
The Planning, Building and Code Compliance Divisions work in partnership to bring streamlined and accurate information and development review procedures to Novi community members, businesses, and prospective developers. Specific tasks include administering planning and building permit procedures, providing public information, performing building and code enforcement inspections, maintaining complete public records on planning and building projects and issuing necessary permits, certificates, approvals and enforcement citations.
The Planning Division is responsible for both current and long range administration of State, regional and local land use laws and Plans such as zoning, the Master Plan for Land Use, the environmental regulations and the subdivision regulations. The 2016 Master Plan Update can be found here. You can reach the Planning Division at 248-347-0475.
The Building Division conducts the administrative and regulatory responsibilities of the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Housing Codes, as well as the National Electrical Code. Other federal and state requirements include the mandated handicapped access and energy conservation statutes. You can reach the Building Division at 248-347-0415.
The Code Compliance Division enforces compliance with all local ordinances to ensure health, safety and welfare. You can reach the Code Compliance Division at 248-735-5678. If you have a question about a sign permit or a new sign request, you can email your question to the Code Compliance Division at
The Planning, Building and Code Compliance Divisions are all located on the first floor of the Civic Center
Guest Service Guarantee
In 2012, a team of administrative staff was charged with the task of creating and implementing a common set of standards regarding how we provide services to the customers and residents of our community. Guest Service Guarantee