No Knock Registry LogoThe Novi City Council has amended the chapter of the City Code that covers Peddling and Soliciting. The ordinance creates a "No Knock Registry". Residents who sign up for the Registry will be able to restrict peddlers, solicitors or both from coming to their homes. Please note that representatives of religious or political organizations, who are distributing information, are not subject to the requirements of the local law.

An optional 8x8 vinyl cling is available by checking the box below. It will be mailed to you within 1-2 weeks.

Peddlers and Solicitors, who are issued permits from the City allowing them to go door-to-door, will be required to download the current "No Knock Registry" list each day.

Directions to add your address to the Do Not Knock Registry

  1. Type in your Street Number
  2. Click [Tab]
  3. Select your Street Name from the Drop Down
  4. Click Submit