The nationally accredited Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department provides facilities, programs, classes and opportunities where memories are created, skills developed and quality of life and relationships with friends and families are enhanced. “Everyone benefits” from the services provided by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department (PRCS). Quality parks and recreational programs invite and retain business, generate retail sales, improve property values, provide economic impact, and attract citizens to the community. Novi PRCS Vision is “To be seen as an essential service whose benefits are recognized and valued in the Novi Community.”
The Department manages more than 1,400 acres of parkland throughout the community. Locations include Brookfarm Park, Bosco Fields & Grand River Fields, Ella Mae Power Park, Fuerst Park, ITC Community Sports Park, ITC Trail, Novi Dog Park, Pavilion Shore Park, Lakeshore Park, Rotary Park, Village Wood Lake, Villa Barr Art Park and Wildlife Woods Park.
The Recreation Division engages more than 140,000 users annually with a variety of programs. Recreation programs are offered based upon national accreditation guidelines, citizen survey data, and partnerships. The Recreation Division includes cultural services, (theatre, dance and music classes, art program, and performance groups -- Novi Concert Band, and Novi Choralaires), sports and fitness (soccer, softball, lacrosse, flag football, basketball, cricket, karate, Zumba, yoga, Pilates, etc.), summer camps, and community events (Memorial Day Parade, Light Up the Night, Daddy Daughter Dance, and more).
The Novi Ice Arena and Meadowbrook Commons are enterprise facilities managed by contracted services that are overseen by the PRCS Department.
The Older Adult Services Division provides increased recreation opportunities and support services for the “boomer” and “older adult” population through special events, fitness/wellness programs, socials, travel trips, support groups, meals, and transportation services. The Older Adult Services Division offices are located at the Novi Civic Center. The majority of programming takes place at the Meadowbrook Activity Center and Novi Civic Center. Visit the Older Adult section of our website for more information.
The Facility Reservation Division oversees facility reservations for meetings, weddings, showers, special events, and more in the Civic Center, Township Hall, Fuerst Park Amphitheater, and park shelters.
Volunteers provide nearly 28,000 hours of service yearly to PRCS, with approximately 16,000 of hours being completed in the area of youth sports programs and nearly 12,000 hours in the area of Older Adult Services and related programs. According to the Independent Sector, the value of a volunteer hour in Michigan as of 2024 was $33.49. The yearly benefit realized by the Parks Department through volunteerism is estimated to be $937,720.