Regular City Council Meeting
April 08, 2024 | 7:00 PM
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center | 45175 Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0460
ROLL CALL – Mayor Fischer, Mayor Pro Tem Casey, Council Members Gurumurthy, Heintz, Smith, Staudt, Thomas
Novi Robotics Demonstration
1. Manager/Staff
2. Attorney
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. This is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. Speakers wishing to display visual materials through the City’s audiovisual system must provide the materials to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. The materials cannot be changed before the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS AND APPROVALS – All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of the normal Agenda.
1. Adoption of a resolution authorizing approval of a contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation to agree to the rights and obligations associated with the reconstruction of Fountain Walk Avenue between Novi Road and the westbound I-96 entrance ramp, with the City of Novi’s estimated responsibility for construction in the amount of $348,000.
(Click for this packet item)
2. Approval to award a contract for annual audit services for a three-year term ending with the June 30, 2026 fiscal year with two one-year renewal options and adoption of associated fees effective April 8, 2024.
(Click for this packet item)
3. Consideration to refer the recommendation of the Public Safety Building Needs Committee that the City Council explore construction of a new Police Station and three new Fire Stations to the Consultant Review Committee to formulate a Request for Proposals to secure the services of a professional project management company to evaluate the viability of that recommendations and propose next steps for further City Council consideration.
(Click for this packet item)
4. Initial review of Planned Rezoning Overlay (PRO) eligibility of the request of NoviTen Associates, for JZ23-09 Novi Ten PRO for a Zoning Map Amendment from Light Industrial (I-1) and Office Service (OS-1) to Low Density Multiple Family (RM1) and General Business (B-3) with a Planned Rezoning Overlay. The subject site is approximately 34-acres and is located east of Novi Road, south of Ten Mile Road (Section 26). The applicant is proposing to develop a 71-unit multiple-family townhome development on the RM-1 portion, and approximately 35,900 square feet of commercial space on the B-3 portion. Under the PRO Ordinance, this initial review by City Council is an opportunity to review and comment on the eligibility of the proposal and offer feedback.
(Click for this packet item)
have been removed for discussion and/or action.
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. This is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. Speakers wishing to display visual materials through the City’s audiovisual system must provide the materials to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. The materials cannot be changed before the meeting.
1. Older Adult Needs Committee
2. Public Safety Building Needs Committee
3. Rules Committee
CONSENT AGENDA – Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office.
A. Approve Minutes of:
March 18, 2024 - Regular Meeting
(Click for this packet item)
B. Approval of employee contract between the City of Novi and Jan Ziozios as the City Assessor of the City of Novi, Michigan.
(Click for this packet item)
C. Approval of request for Pyrotechnics Display Permit by Brightmoor Christian Church to be operated by James Herr, on Thursday, April 18th and Friday, April 19th, 2024.
(Click for this packet item)
D. Approval of a Resolution to close Meadowbrook Road from 25075 Meadowbrook to Ten Mile and close 10 Mile Road from Meadowbrook to the Civic Center at 45175 Ten Mile Road for the 2024 Memorial Day Parade from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Monday, May 27, 2024.
(Click for this packet item)
E. Approval of the adoption of a resolution designating the City of Novi as a Bee City USA affiliate and affirming commitments to conserve native pollinators.
(Click for this packet item)
F. Approval of the 2024 Summer Maintenance Agreement between the City of Novi and the Road Commission for Oakland County for street sweeping selected County Roads in Novi; and adoption of resolution authorizing Novi to provide summer maintenance on selected County roads.
(Click for this packet item)
G. Approval of the 2024 Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) Municipal Credit Fund Contract and Resolution for the Older Adult Transportation Program in the amount of $62,149.
(Click for this packet item)
H. Consideration of approval to purchase and install sound dampening panels for the Lakeshore Park community building from Takeform, through the General Services Administration (GSA) cooperative purchasing contract, in the amount of $69,346.15.
(Click for this packet item)
I. Approval of a Storm Drainage Facility Maintenance Easement Agreement and acceptance of a Warranty Deed for additional right-of-way along Garfield Road as part of the Parc Vista Development located on the north side of Eight Mile Road and west of Garfield Road (parcel 50-22-31-402-045).
(Click for this packet item)
J. Enter Executive Session immediately following the regular meeting of April 8, 2024 in the Council Annex to discuss pending litigation (Novi v Malles, et al) and confidential written communication for legal counsel.
(Click for this packet item)
K. Approval of claims and warrants – Warrant 1153
(Click for this packet item)
SCHEDULED MEETINGS – All Regular Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. For a complete listing of scheduled meetings, please visit the Event Calendar at
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the City Clerk (248) 347-0456 at least two working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.