Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:00 PM
(248) 347-0415
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Board Members
Linda Krieger
Michael Longo
Clift Montague
Joe Peddiboyina
Siddharth Mav Sanghvi
Kevin Sanker
Michael Thompson
Ramesh Verma
Public Hearing Format and Rules of Conduct
Approval of Agenda
Minutes – June 2020(Click for this packet item)
Public Remarks
PZ20-0021 (Maen Jabboori) 26181 Mandalay Circle, East of Beck Road and North of Eleven Mile Road, Parcel #50-22-16-300-086. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 for a 14 foot variance for a proposed 21 foot rear yard setback, 35 feet required by code and a 10 foot variance for the 30 foot aggregate total side yard setbacks, 40 feet required. Section 4.19.E-iii for a variance of 890 square feet for a proposed 1890 square feet of garage space, 1000 square feet of garage space allowable by code. These variances will accommodate the building of a proposed second garage and portico. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).(Click for this packet item)
PZ20-0022 (Robert Cummings/ Jim Ascencio) Maudlin Street, West of Old Novi Road and South of South Lake Drive, Parcel #50-22-03-453-011. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a 9 foot variance for 16 foot aggregate total side yard setbacks, 25 feet required. A 4% increase of lot coverage for a total proposed lot coverage of 29%, 25% allowed by code. These variances will accommodate the building of a new home. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).(Click for this packet item)
PZ20-0023 (William DeCoste) 22430 Southwyck Ct, East of Beck Road and North of Nine Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-28-351-007. The applicant is requesting variance from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 for a 5 foot variance for a proposed 30 foot rear yard setback, 35 feet required. This variance will accommodate the building of a proposed screened-in porch. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).(Click for this packet item)
PZ20-0024 (Curtis Massoll) 330 Ludlow Drive, East of West Park Drive and South of West Pontiac Trail, Parcel #50-22-03-129-027. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11.1A ii to allow the installation of a fence to the property line. Fence shall not extend toward the front of the property nearer than the minimum front yard setback distance by code. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).(Click for this packet item)
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations