City of Novi Planning Commission
August 26, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
Novi Civic Center – Mayors Conference Room
45175 W. Ten Mile, Novi, MI 48375
(248) 347-0475
Members: Giacopetti, Lynch, Pehrson
Staff Support: Barb McBeth, Sri Komaragiri, Christopher Gruba, Tom Schultz
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Audience Participation and Correspondence
4. Discussion Items
A. Master Plan for Land Use Review 2015
1. Review Scope/Work Program & Timeline (see attached).
2. Review Public Input. Discuss potential groups that should be included in the public participation process and how we will reach out.
i. My Sidewalk – Overview of platform and discussion topics (see attached materials from 8/26 training).
ii. Community Open House: October 21, 4 – 7 p.m.
3. Review & Discuss Existing Conditions Chapter (see attached).
4. Next Steps.
i. Website information. Our team will provide preliminary information for the City’s website, including information on the process and meetings, as well draft plan chapters.
ii. Meeting materials. Complete market assessment and the environment/open space summary
iii. Prepare for Open House. Our team will share information on the existing conditions and above noted meeting materials.
We will also share the information collected from MySidewalk.
B. Approval of the May 20, 2015 Master Planning and Zoning Committee meeting minutes.
5. Adjourn Click for the Packet