Regular City Council Meeting
January 27, 2025 | 7:00 PM
Fox Run Senior Living Community Belmont Clubhouse|41200 Fox Run Road Performing Arts Center
(248) 347-0460
This meeting will be taking place at the Fox Run Senior Living Community, when entering from Thirteen Mile Road guests will need to proceed through the security gate. Please indicate your intent to attend the City of Novi Council meeting, should you need assistance the staff and volunteers can direct you to appropriate building/room.
Due to the venue, our normal meeting technology will be limited. No live broadcast will be available; however, a recording will be made available online following the meeting. Additionally, we will be unable to project visual aspects of presentations. All materials can be viewed prior to, during, and after the meeting at and, as a courtesy, some presentations will be made available as handouts during the meeting.
ROLL CALL – Mayor Fischer, Mayor Pro Tem Casey, Council Members Gurumurthy, Heintz, Smith, Staudt, Thomas
Novi Public Library Annual Report –
Dana VanOast - Communications Manager
Mark Sturing - President of Novi Library Board
Julie Farkas - Library Director
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1. Manager/Staff
2. Attorney
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. This is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. Speakers wishing to display visual materials through the City’s audiovisual system must provide the materials to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. The materials cannot be changed before the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS AND APPROVALS – All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of the normal Agenda.
1. Appointments to Boards and Commissions
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2. Approval of resolution to authorize Budget Amendment #2025-3
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3. Approval to award engineering design services to Spalding DeDecker for the design of Ella Mae Power Park Pathway Reconstruction and Parking Lot Rehabilitation, in the amount of $39,775.
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CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COUNCIL ACTION – Consent Agenda items which have been removed for discussion and/or action.
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. This is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. Speakers wishing to display visual materials through the City’s audiovisual system must provide the materials to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. The materials cannot be changed before the meeting.
1. Public Utilities and Technology Committee - Councilmember Thomas
2. Environmental Sustainability Committee - Councilmember Smith
1. Sale of City Senior Transit Buses
2. Villa Barr Art Park Pathways
CONSENT AGENDA – Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office.
A. Approve Minutes of:
January 6, 2025 - Regular Meeting
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B. Approval of contract award to Accuform Printing & Graphics to design, produce and distribute Engage three times per year in the amount of $62,964.00 annually for one year, with the option for two renewals.
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C. Consideration of contracts for as needed Supplemental Building and Trade Inspections, Plan Review services, with Carlisle Wortman and McKenna, and to amend the fee schedule.
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D. Approval of claims and warrants – Warrant 1172
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SCHEDULED MEETINGS – All Regular Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. For a complete listing of scheduled meetings, please visit the Event Calendar at
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the City Clerk (248) 347-0456 at least two working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.