A Lake Improvement Board is a Michigan statutory public agency established under Part 309 of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (Public Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended). Part 309 is a project-oriented statute that authorizes (either through petition of lake front property owners or resolution from a local unit of government) the creation of a lake improvement board to carry out projects for improvement of an inland lake. Such improvements include projects designed to improve or develop recreational and conservation benefits; to eliminate pollution or water conditions that jeopardize the public health and safety; and to increase the value or use of lands and property arising from an improvement to an inland lake (from Oakland County’s Lake Improvement Board Manual)
LAKE IMPROVEMENT BOARDS ARE NOT PART OF NOR RUN BY EITHER CITY OR OAKLAND COUNTY. The Lake Board is a separate statutory public agency that is charged with the responsibility of carrying out desired improvements for a specific lake as governed by Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 309, as amended.
Additional information about lake improvement boards can be found on the Oakland County website.
Members of a Lake Improvement Board are designated by law.
Upcoming Meetings:
To be determined
Board Members
Tina Miller, Riparian Owner Representative (Chairperson)
Megan Mikus, City of Novi Representative (Secretary / Treasurer)
Dennis O’Rourke, City of Walled Lake Representative
Karen Warren, P.E.; Oakland County Water Resource Commissioner’s Representative
Robert Smiley - Oakland County Board of Commissioner’s Representative
Resolution No.5 - Resolution Confirming Assessment Roll 2020
Resolution No. 4 – Resolution Confirming Assessment Roll 2015
Resolution No. 3 - Resolution Confirming Assessment Roll 2010
Resolution No. 2 - Resolution approving projects and properties to be included in the district
Resolution No. 1 - (Schedule a Public Hearing Date to Review the Engineering and Economic Reports and to Determine the Practicability of the Project)
Assessment Roll 20-24
Revised Special Assessment Roll 2020-2024
Parcel Map 2020
Assessment Roll 2015-2019
Special Assessment Roll 2015-2019
Parcel Map
Assessment Roll 2010 Vintage
Addendum to Study Regarding Alternate Treatment Options (May 20, 2010)
December 1, 2009 Lake Improvement Study for Walled Lake (3.8MB)
Lake Improvement Study for Walled Lake Appendix (6.9MB)
MSU Cooperative Extension Pamphlet on Biological Control of Eurasian Milfoil
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) - Aquatic Nuisance Control FAQs
State of Michigan Invasive Species Information
Michigan Sea Grant- Aquatic Invasive Species Fact Sheets MSU Extension - How to prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species
City of Novi's Resolution to Establish a Lake Board (1/12/09)
City of Walled Lake's Resolution to Establish a Lake Board (11/18/08)