Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 7:00 PM
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 W. Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0415
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 7:00 PM
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 W. Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0415
Board Members
David M. Byrwa
Brent Ferrell
Cynthia Gronachan
Linda Krieger
Joe Peddiboyina
Siddharth Mav Sanghvi
Thomas Nafso
Samuel Olsen
MINUTES - JULY 2018 - (
PZ18-0033 (Halis Roziali) 25869 Strath Haven Dr, East of Beck Road and South of Eleven Mile Road, Parcel #50-22-21-101-014. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1 to reduce the front yard setback to proposed 40 feet, 45 feet minimum required, to reduce the rear yard setback to proposed 40 feet, 50 feet minimum required and reduce the combined side yard aggregate to proposed 42.84 feet, 50 minimum required. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ18-0036 (DTN Management Company/Tricap Holdings, LLC), West of Novi Road and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcels #50-22-22-226-005 & 50-22-22-226-003
The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Sections:
4.82.2, to increase the maximum percentage of one bedroom units allowed for this development by 8 percent (58% proposed, 50% maximum allowed by code).
3.27.1D, to allow parking in side yard for commercial building for proposed 49 spaces, allow parking in front yard for residential section (approximately 38 spaces) and to allow parking in side yard for residential section (approximately 50 spaces in east side and 35 spaces in west side. No front yard or side yard parking allowed by code.
4.82.2.e, to allow for the reduction of minimum building setbacks for Building 1 on east side of building (15ft required, a minimum of 12 feet with overhang of 8.81 feet proposed for an approximate length 12 feet, total building length is 283 feet, 30 feet minimum setback required. To allow for the reduction of minimum building setback for Building 2 on east side of building (15 ft required, a minimum of 8 feet with overhang of 3.8 feet proposed for an approximate length 16 feet, total building length is 283 feet, 30 feet minimum setback required. To allow for the reduction of minimum building setback parking garage on the west side of building (15 feet required, 5 feet proposed for entire structure, total building length is 283 feet, 30 feet minimum setback required by code.
5.7.3E, to allow for the increase of average to minimum light level ratio for the site (4:1 maximum is allowed, 4.8:1 proposed.
5.7.3K, to exceed maximum allowed foot candles along the south property line abutting railroad tracks (1 foot candle maximum allowed, up to 1.7 foot candles is proposed for a small area) 1 foot candle maximum allowed where a site abuts a nonresidential district .
3.27.1H and 5.4.2, to allow two loading areas in the side yard for the residential section. All loading and unloading within the TC-1 district shall be in the rear yard by code, 5.2.4 to reduce the minimum required loading areas for each of the two spaces in residential section (2,830 square feet required, 644 square feet provided.
3.27.1.I, to reduce the width of the sidewalk along a nonresidential collector (12.5 feet required on both sides, 8 feet proposed on west side and 10 feet asphalt path proposed on east side of road. 12.5 feet required by code.
5.3.2, to reduce the minimum parking bay depth for spaces proposed in parking garage (18 feet proposed, 19 feet minimum required by code).
This property is zoned Town Center-1 (TC-1).
PZ18-0031 (Pulte Homes of Michigan, LLC), East of Novi Road and North of Nine Mile Road, Parcel #50-22-26-300-015. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.17.D for a 40 feet building setback along north property line, 37 feet building setback along west property line, 27 feet building setback along east property line, whereas 75 feet minimum is required along all property lines. Section 3.8.2D for the perimeter building orientation to be less than the minimum required 45 degrees from all property lines. This property is zoned Low-Density Multiple-Family (RM-1).
PZ18-0029 (Hillside Investments/D. Hardin) 25540 Seeley Rd, West of Haggerty Road and North of Grand River Ave, Parcel #50-22-24-251-027. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Sections: 3.6.2F.ii and 4.19.2 to reduce the required north parking setback from 100 feet (proposed 55 feet) and to place two accessory structures in the south side yard. Except where otherwise permitted and regulated, accessory structures shall be located in the rear yard. This property is zoned Light Industrial (I-1).
PZ18-0035 (My House Fitness/Signarama) 43443 Grand River Ave 230, West of Novi Road and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcel #50-22-22-227-029. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Section 28.5 for the installation of an additional wall sign for back of building, one wall sign allowed per business. This property is zoned Town Center-1 (TC-1).
PZ18-0027 (Araneae Inc/Ascension Providence Hospital) 47601 Grand River Ave, West of Beck Road and South of Grand River Ave, Parcel #50-22-17-400-046. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Code of Ordinance Section 28-5 to allow the installation of 19 additional wall and ground signs. Some of the additional signs exceed the allowed height and area limits. A wall sign and ground sign are allowed by right. The property is zoned Office Service Commercial (OSC).
PZ18-0034 (TBON LLC) 46100 Grand River Ave, West of Taft Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel #50-22-16-251-024. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Section 28.5 to install five new additional oversized full screened changeable copy signs. The allowable changeable copy portion of a sign shall not exceed two thirds (0.66) of the sign area. The proposed signs are in addition to those already installed and allowed by right or previous variances. This property is zoned OST District with EXO Overlay (EXO).
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.