The Novi Youth Police & Fire Leadership Academy was created to provide area youth with an inside look at local law enforcement and fire prevention careers, while challenging and preparing them to become citizen-leaders in their community.
The program will be held in different locations throughout the week. Locations include the Novi Police Department, Novi Fire Department and Walled Lake Adventure Center. All drop off an pick up locations will be within the City of Novi.
Each student will be provided with a dry-fit t-shirt, matching shorts, water bottle, and sling bag to carry their gear in for the week. They will be asked (and expected) to wear the provided “uniform” for the week.
Participants should wear sturdy athletic style footwear each day. No flip-flops or sandals.
Students should pack a lunch each day.
All participants will also be required to bring a great attitude, lots of enthusiasm, plenty of questions, a strong desire to learn new things, willingness to contribute in a team environment, and the ability to have lots of fun and plenty of laughs.
During this program, Novi’s Public Safety staff will educate participants on a variety of subjects pertaining to law enforcement and fire safety and prevention. Each Novi Youth Police & Fire Leadership Academy participant will gain a deeper knowledge of how Public Safety fits into the Novi Community, while being motivated in a team driven environment aimed at developing leadership qualities.
The core objectives of the Novi Police & Fire Youth Leadership Academy are to:
- Increase understanding through education and interaction with the Police and Fire Departments.
- Provide positive interaction with Department staff and to educate youth about the challenges and responsibility of law enforcement and fire prevention.
- Create and develop responsible, well-informed youth citizens and future leaders.
- Build lasting and productive partnerships between Novi Public Safety and the community members we serve.
- Establish lasting bonds of friendship with squad-mates and other Academy participants.

Police & Fire Youth Leadership Academy Training
What is the program format?
Physical Activity - Each day will include some basic physical fitness (callisthenic-style exercise), as well as activities that are aimed at keeping the students moving throughout the day, just like police and fire professionals do during their shift.
- Team-Building Challenges -Activities that will reflect the nature of Public Safety work, which relies heavily on the team approach, will be presented throughout the week. These challenges will contain both physical and mental elements, as well as a healthy dose of communication among the squads. We will even spend an entire day at the Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center to participate in their Adventure Challenge Programs. This program involves all sorts of adventurous team-related events, including climbing, ropes course, zip-lining, etc.
- Classroom Learning - Students will be taught by experts from the police and fire protection professions with a mix of lecture style and hands-on demonstration style learning. Topics include:
- Patrol operations
Use of force
- K-9
- Traffic laws
- Traffic stops
- Judicial system
- Digital forensics
- Aviation
- Crime scene investigation
- Fire Department operations
- Confined spaces rescue
- Home fire/emergency safety
- Jaws of life
- Novi residents
- Entering 6th grade through 10th grade
- Preference will be given to new applicants. Applicants who have previously attended are welcome to apply, but will be placed on a wait list.
- The application can be accessed here
- Each applicant must submit an essay and letter of recommendation with the application.
- Program dates: June 16-20, 2025
- Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2025.
- Applications will not be accepted without an attached essay and letter of recommendation.
- Essays should be typed and included with the online application.
- Essays should be a minimum of 200 words.
- Essays should explain:
- Why the applicant wants to attend the academy
- What unique qualities the applicant can offer to the academy
- What the applicant hopes to learn during the academy
- Letters should be from a school official (i.e. teacher, counselor, or administrator), a coach, or non-family adult that knows the applicant well.
- Letters should be included with the online application.
If you have additional questions, please contact either:
Detective Julie Warren
248-449-1606 or
Detective Sarah Moulik
248-449-1537 or