PDF Michigan Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Credentials Frequently Asked Questions - Revised August 30, 2023

PDF What Do Testers Need To Know?
PDF Contractor List for Cross Connection / Backflow Prevention
PDF Residential Cross Connection Control District Map
PDF Residential Cross Connection Control Program Informational Brochure
PDF Skilled Trades Regulation Act

The DPW Water and Sewer Division is the entity charged with providing safe drinking water to Novi residents and businesses. State and Federal Laws (Safe Drinking Water Acts) require that the City of Novi protect water supply to the customer’s tap. The Plumbing Code, Michigan Residential Code, and the City of Novi Code of Ordinances also require that the City verify that cross connections on private plumbing systems do not pose a contamination risk to the public water supply through the enforcement of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Part 14 Administrative Rules for Cross-Connection Control.

As part of the cross connection control program, the Water and Sewer Division will be performing inspections of residential, commercial, and industrial cross connections to ensure that backflow prevention devices are in place, and present on the plumbing systems. This may include testable and non-testable devices. Testable devices must be tested.

Consumers also share in the responsibility for protecting the water supply by properly maintaining their plumbing systems in a safe condition.

Click here to review Commercial Cross Connection Control

Click here to review Residential Cross Connection Control

Collage cross connection and water glass

Commercial Information


PDFFire Sprinkler System Upgrade / Time Extension Request

Please complete the fillable form requesting a time extension for the required maintenance upgrade for your fire sprinkler system backflow prevention assembly. Once the fillable areas are completed, please print the request on your company letter head, sign and return an original copy to the Water & Sewer Division. The time extension request should be based upon a reasonable, realistic time period needed for corrective upgrade measures to your fire sprinkler system noting the urgency and importance of protecting the public drinking water supply and the process necessary to complete the corrective measures including your internal process.

PDFBackflow Preventer Test Report

PDFAttachment A - Fire Sprinkler System Backflow Prevention Corrective Options


PDFCross Connection Control Handbook

PDFContractor List for Cross Connection / Backflow Prevention

PDF50 Cross Connection Questions, Answers & Illustrations

PDFStop Backflow News!  Case Histories & Solutions

PDFCross Connection Control Manual

Residential Information


PDFBackflow Preventer Test Report

PDFMandatory Residential Cross Connection Plumbing Inventory Worksheet - (Updated February 24, 2023)

PDF(Instructions for Mandatory Residential Cross Connection Plumbing Inventory Worksheet)

Failed Backflow Perventer

Failed Backflow Preventer

Improper winterization of your backflow preventer = $$$


Video How to properly winterize your lawn irrigation system

Video Winterizing Your Hose Bib Vacuum Breakers and Hose Connections

PDFHandout Lawn Irrigation Cut and Cap

PDFIs your laundry tub cross connected creating a cross contamination hazard?

PDFContractor List for Cross Connection / Backflow Prevention

PDFResidential Cross Connection Control District Map

Cross Connection Control Handbook

PDFFEBCO 765 Freeze Protection Guidelines

PDFPicture Identifier / Residential Backflow Prevention Devices

PDFHose Bib Protection Identifier

PDF50 Cross Connection Questions, Answers & Illustrations

PDFStop Backflow News!  Case Histories & Solutions

PDFCross Connection Control Manual

PDFWater Assisted Backup Sump Required Protection

PDFSolar Water - Heating Systems

PDFBidets – Protective Requirements for Installation

PDFSetting Up A Safe Toilet To Protect Against A Backflow Event

Pressure Vacuum Breaker

High Sprinkler Head High Sprinkler Head

The Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB) backflow preventer is on the right, above the red line. The Sprinkler head, circled in yellow, must be 12 inches below the red line.

The Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB) backflow preventer (white arrow). The Backflow Preventer, measured from the red line, must be 12 inches above the highest sprinkler head. In this picture, the backflow preventer must be raised, or sprinkler heads must be lowered.

Cross Connection Videos

VideoIntroduction to Cross Connectors

VideoCommon Backflow Preventers in Your Home

VideoTesting a Backflow Preventer

VideoLawn Irrigation

VideoWinterization of Lawn Irrigation Backflow Preventers

VideoWinterizing Your Hose Bib Vacuum Breakers and Hose Connections