
February 2021

The City of Novi’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services department has a history of actively seeking grant funding to enhance our parks, create or improve recreation opportunities and acquire new park land.
In 2021, we are planning to submit an application titled, “Northwest Park Improvements” to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for development of Northwest Park. The park is located at 50635 Twelve Mile Road, Novi, MI 48374. It is bordered by Detroit Catholic Central High School and the Andelina Ridge subdivision. The park is currently undeveloped and planned improvements will be Nature Based. These include a nature play area, nature trails, parking area, sidewalk and a prairie restoration with emphasis on it serving as a Monarch Butterfly Waystation.

Trail in park  Log fencing

 Ariel view of park area in black and white
PDF Icon Conceptual Map Northwest Neighborhood Park

November 6, 2019

A community meeting was held at the Novi Civic Center November 6, 2019, to update residents and local businesses on the project and give them an opportunity to weigh in on the direction of the park’s development. An online public survey also allowed patrons to provide feedback from October 15 - November 15.

Meeting room with rows of seats  Display board with details of building a park