Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 7:00 PM
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 W. Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0415
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 7:00 PM
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 W. Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0415
Board Members
David M. Byrwa
Brent Ferrell
Cynthia Gronachan
Linda Krieger
Joe Peddiboyina
Siddharth Mav Sanghvi
Thomas Nafso
Samuel Olsen
Public Hearing Format and Rules of Conduct
Approval of Agenda
minutes – April 2018
Public Remarks
PZ18-0010 (Mike Corrigan) 45200 Grand River Avenue, West of Novi Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel #50-22-15-301-010. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Code of Ordinance Section 5.2.12.E for 75 parking spaces to allow for the proposed 197 parking spaces, 271 minimum parking spaces is required by code. This property is zoned Light Industrial (I-1).
PZ18-0011 (A&H Custom Deck Construction LLC) 43484 Scenic Lane, West of Novi Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-34-228-005. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Code of Ordinance Section 3.32 (7) for a 2 foot exterior side yard set-back variance for a proposed deck extension, 30 feet minimum required by code. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-3).
PZ18-0012 (Chris Cramer/Vicki Bolanis) 1301 South Lake Drive, East of West Park Drive and South of South Lake Drive, Parcel #50-22-03-331-012. The applicant is requesting variance from the City of Novi Zoning Code of Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a front yard set-back variance of 25 feet, 35 feet minimum required by code, a rear yard set-back of 25.45 feet, 35 minimum required by code, a side yard total aggregate 27.17 feet, 40 feet minimum required by code, for the proposed maximum lot coverage of 25% required by code. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ18-0014 (Steven Agazzi) 42900 Ten Mile Road, East of Novi Road and North of Ten Mile Road, Parcel #50-22-23-376-006. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Code of Ordinance Section 3.1.19.D. for reduction of minimum front yard setback for building (100 feet required, 22 feet existing non-conforming and 18 feet proposed) and for reduction of minimum side yard setback for building (50 feet required, 20 feet existing non-conforming and 12 feet proposed). Section 7.1.4.A to allow the proposed enlargement of the existing non-conforming structure by increasing its nonconformity. This property is zoned General Industrial (I-2).
PZ18-0015 (Daifuku) 30100 Cabot Drive, East of Haggerty Road and North of Thirteen Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-01-400-039. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Code of Ordinance Section 28-5 for the addition of one sign, one 250 square foot sign allowed by code. This property is zoned Office Service Technology (OST).
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.