Tuesday evening’s severe weather included wind gusts in excess of 70 mph. While approximately 90 percent of customers were not affected, DTE’s Storm Response Team is laser focused on restoring service for the approximately 10 percent of customers that were.  

In total, more than 288,000 of our 2.3 million electric customers lost power on August 27 following the evening storm, and as of 7:30 a.m., more than 87,000 customers have had their power restored. We expect that 90% of customers impacted by this storm will have their power restored by the end of the day tomorrow (Thurs., Aug. 29).

Thousands of DTE employees as well as 1,200 line workers from neighboring Midwest states are in the field today addressing power outages. Please continue to stay at least 25 feet from any downed wires and anything those wires touch.

DTE What to Do

  • Be careful as you head outside – live downed wire can be covered up or out of sight after falling. Be mindful of supervising children and pets outdoors.
  • Always consider wires live and dangerous – please remember to stay 25 feet from downed wires and anything in contact with those wires.
  • Stay away from fallen trees or branches – they could have brought down a wire. Downed wires can look like sticks, so don’t pick any up.  
  • Report outages or down wires – Call 800-477-4747, visit outage.dteenergy.com, click below, or use the DTE Energy mobile app to report an outage.
  • DO NOT CROSS YELLOW CAUTION TAPE – everyone should also heed the warning of yellow caution tape, indicating a downed power line in the area. 
  • Never use portable generators inside a home or business – they emit carbon monoxide, which can be deadly. Keep it outside, away from windows and doors, so fumes won’t come in.

Click Here to Report an Outage or Down Wire

Step by Step Restoration Process DTE