City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on January 11, 2022, at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider:PZ21-0077 (Metro Detroit Signs / Land Rover Jaguar) 25245 Meadowbrook Road, West of Meadowbrook Road and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-23-251-025. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Section 28-5(a) and 28-5(b)(1)(b) for number of signs, oversized signs and over height signs. Five additional wall signs and five additional ground signs (a combination of three signs is permitted). Two wall signs are oversized by 40.44 square feet and two wall signs are oversized by 12.53 square feet. One ground sign is over height by 2 feet and three ground signs are over height by 1.22 feet. Six-foot height is permitted. This property is zoned Gateway East (GE).
PZ21-0079 (Metro Detroit Signs / Sleep Number) 26222 Novi Road 100, East of Novi Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-14-352-002. The applicant is requesting variance from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Section 28-5(d)(2) for the installation of a 52.87 square foot illuminated wall sign on the east elevation of the building (24 square feet allowed, variance of 28.87 square feet). This property is zoned Town Center (TC).
PZ21-0078 (Coy Construction) 22230 Meridian Lane, East of Meadowbrook Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-36-102-014. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Sections 3.1.4 for a proposed rear yard setback of 30 feet (35 feet minimum required, variance of 5 feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a screen porch on the existing deck. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-3).
PZ21-0080 (Cambridge of Novi LLC / Terra), West of Beck Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-32-402-036. The applicant is requesting an extension to a variance from the City of Novi Code of Ordinance Section 28-6 for a temporary sign beyond 64 days. The sign is located at the northwest corner of the intersection at Eight Mile Road and Beck Road. The maximum display time of free-standing temporary signs is 64 days. The board previously approved this and one other, since removed sign, on June 11, 2019, in case PZ19-0020 “for the duration of two years or, if sooner, until 75% of Certificates of Occupancy have been issued”. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice - Catholic Central STEM Addition, JSP 21-44
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 7:00 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider CATHOLIC CENTRAL STEM ADDITION, JSP 21-44, for REVISED SPECIAL LAND USE PERMIT, PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, WOODLAND PERMIT, AND STORMWATER management PLAN APPROVAL. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED R-4, R-1 AND I-1. The property is approximately 115.77 acres and is located at 27225 Wixom Road, south of Twelve Mile Road and west of Wixom Road (Section 18). The applicant is proposing a two-story, 56,000 square foot addition to the school building. Revisions to parking areas are also proposed.
Plans are available for review at the Community Development Department in the Novi Civic Center.
Subject Parcel IDs: 22-18-200-026 and 22-18-200-027
All interested persons are invited to attend. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
Published December 23, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Notice Of Enactment – Zoning Map Amendment 18.735
THE CITY OF NOVI ORDAINS:Part I. That Ordinance No. 97-18, known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Novi is hereby amended as indicated on ZONING MAP NO. 18.735 attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance.
Part II. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS REPEALED. Any Ordinance or parts of any Ordinance in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part III. WHEN EFFECTIVE. Part III. WHEN EFFECTIVE. The provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety and is hereby ordered to take effect fifteen (15) days after final enactment. The effective date of this Ordinance is December 21, 2021.
MADE AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Novi, Michigan the 6th day of December, 2021. Copies of the Ordinance Amendment may be purchased or inspected at the Office of the City Clerk, Novi, Michigan, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, local time.

City of Novi - Zoning Text Amendment 18.291
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOVI CITY COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 18.291 TO AMEND THE CITY OF NOVI CODE OF ORDINANCES, ORDINANCE 14-271, THE CITY OF NOVI ZONING ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, AT ARTICLE 3.0 ZONING DISTRICTS, ADD SECTION 3.1.29 TO ESTABLISH THE PSV – PAVILION SHORE VILLAGE DISTRICT, AND SECTION 3.32 PAVILION SHORE VILLAGE REQUIRED CONDITIONS, RENUMBERING GENERAL EXCEPTIONS TO SECTION 3.33, AND TO AMEND ARTICLE 4.0 USE STANDARDS, SECTION 4.31 VETERINARY HOSPITALS AND CLINICS AND SECTION 4.71 LIVE/WORK UNITS. ALL BEING DONE TO ADD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PSV, PAVILION SHORE VILLAGE DISTRICT.The Ordinance was adopted by the City Council on Monday, November 22, 2021 and the provisions of the ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after its publication. A complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public use and inspection at the office of the City Clerk, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., prevailing local time.
Cortney Hanson, City Clerk
Publish: 12/02/2021
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on December 14, 2021, at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider:PZ21-0070 (Moiseev/Gordon Associates, Inc) 47645 Bellagio Drive, West of Beck Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-32-278-031. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1 for a side yard setback of 15 feet (20 feet minimum required, variance of 5 feet) and Section 4.19.1.E(i) for a total of 1,157 square feet of accessory structure space (maximum of 1500 square feet allowed by code, variance of 721 square feet). These variances would accommodate the building of a pool house and lounge addition. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA). This case was postponed from the November 9, 2021 meeting at the request of the applicant.
PZ21-0071 (Renaissance Building Inc) 1720 South Lake Court, East of West Lake Drive and South of Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-03-153-027. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Sections 4.19 (b) to allow an exterior side yard setback of 15 feet (30.0 feet required, variance of 15.0 feet); 4.19(c) to allow a proposed structure to occupy 74% of the rear yard (25% allowed, variance of 49%) and 4.19(g) for a reduced separation of 8.5 feet from the primary structure (10 feet required, variance of 1.5 feet) to allow construction of a new detached garage. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0072 (MSU Tollgate Farm) 28115 Meadowbrook Road, East of Novi Road and South of Thirteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-11-400-006. The applicant is requesting variances from Sections 28-1(7), 28-5 (a) Chart, 28-5(b), and 28-5(f) of the City of Novi Code of Ordinances to allow for the installation of three (3) additional signs; Two (2) additional fence- mounted signs of 6 square feet each displayed on the south entry way driveway fence, and an additional non-conforming Ground Pole sign of 24 square feet, in the public right-of-way, as a second property identification ground sign. A single Ground sign is allowed and is currently in place. Pole signs are not allowed. Per Code, Ground Pole signs are only allowed as a temporary sign. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-A).
PZ21-0074 (Faith Community Presbyterian Church) 44400 West 10 Mile Road, East of Taft Road and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-22-378-011 The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Sections 285(b)(2)(a) to allow installation of a 44.7 square foot ground sign (32.5 square feet allowed, variance of 12.2 square feet); 28.5(g)(3) to allow the sign to include 30.8 square feet of changeable copy (20 square feet allowed, variance of 10.8 square feet ) and 28-5(a) to allow a sign height of 6 feet 4 inches (6 feet allowed, variance of 4 inches). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0075 (Mark and Tiffany Yost) 23030 Heatherbrae Way, East of Meadowbrook Road and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-25-302-007. The applicant is requesting variances from Sections 4.19,1E. I, of the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a proposed 875 square foot garage addition (850 square feet allowed variance of 25 square feet). Section 3.1.5 for a proposed minimum side yard setback of 3 feet (10 feet minimum required, variance of 7 feet). Proposed lot coverage 17.41% (Maximum lot coverage 25% required, 10.59% variance requested). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
City of Novi - Public Notice Request for Temporary Special Land Use Permit - PTSLU21-0009
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the representative for Northern Equities Group is requesting a Temporary Special Land Use Permit in accordance with 7.6.2 of the Novi Zoning Ordinance for temporarily Driving Vehicles for Component Testing at 30755 Cabot Drive, parcel 50-22-01-200-048, north of Thirteen Mile and west of Haggerty Road from November 18, 2021 through November 18, 2022. The property is zoned OST (Office Service Technology) and the use is contrary to 3.14.1.A of the Novi Zoning Ordinance.
A public hearing can be requested by any property owner whose property is located within 300 feet of the boundary of the property being considered for a temporary special land use permit.
A public hearing will be held at 10:30am on November 18, 2021 at the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road in the Mayors Conference Room. All written comments should be directed to Nina Schaffrath and must be received prior to Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 3PM.
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on November 9, 2021, at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider:
PZ21-0022 (Dan and Wendi Williams) 1419 W Lake Drive, East of West Park Drive and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-03-204-021. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a side yard setback of 5 feet (10 feet minimum required, variance of 5 feet); an aggregate total side yard setback of 17.75 feet (25 feet required, variance of 7.25 feet); and a proposed lot coverage of 32% (25% maximum allowed, variance of 7%). Section 3.32-7 for a proposed deck 13.5 feet from the rear yard property line (17 feet minimum required, variance of 3.5 feet). Section 4.19.1.E(i) for the construction of a 1,157 square foot garage (maximum of 850 square feet allowed by code, variance of 307 square feet). Section 3.1.5 for a third story, 2.5 stories allowed by code. These variances would accommodate the building of a new home and deck. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4). This case is being re-considered based on the Zoning Board’s decision to rehear the case at the August 10, 2021 meeting. This case was tabled from the October 12, 2021 meeting.
PZ21-0056 (Joseph Yono) 1401 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-329-027. The applicant is requesting a variance from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 392 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 292 square feet). The variance would accommodate the building of a new lakefront accessory structure. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4). This case was tabled from the October 12, 2021 meeting.
PZ21-0064 (Cambridge of Novi LLC / Terra), West of Beck Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-32-402-036. The applicant is requesting an extension to a variance from the City of Novi Code of Ordinance Section 28-6 for a temporary sign beyond 64 days. The sign is located at the northwest corner of the intersection at Eight Mile Road and Beck Road. The maximum display time of free-standing temporary signs is 64 days. The board previously approved this and one other, since removed sign, on June 11, 2019, in case PZ19-0020 “for the duration of two years or, if sooner, until 75% of Certificates of Occupancy have been issued”. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).
PZ21-0065 (Marc & Katherine Kennedy) 1201 S Lake Drive, West of Old Novi Road and South of South Lake Drive, Parcel 50-22-03-332-003. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11 to install a fence in the front yard of a corner lot. By code, a fence shall not extend toward the front of the lot nearer then the minimum front yard setback. The proposed new fence would be replacing an existing chain link fence in the same location. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0068 (Thomas Sebold & Associates) 21575 Equestrian Trail, West of Beck Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-32-401-089. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 for a rear yard setback of 19.93 feet (35 feet minimum required, variance of 15.07 feet). These variances would accommodate the building of a new home addition. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ21-0070 (Moiseev/Gordon Associates, Inc) 47645 Bellagio Drive, West of Beck Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-32-278-031. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1 for a side yard setback of 15 feet (20 feet minimum required, variance of 5 feet) and Section 4.19.1.E(i) for a total of 1,157 square feet of accessory structure space (maximum of 1500 square feet allowed by code, variance of 721 square feet). These variances would accommodate the building of a pool house and lounge addition. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at 7:00 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider JSP21-33: NOVI MEDICAL BUILDING (AKA MAPLES OF NOVI TENNIS COURTS), FOR A REQUEST TO AMEND THE MAPLES OF NOVI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND AREA PLAN. The subject property totals approximately 0.42 acres and is Parcel 50-22-02-200-043, which is located east of Novi Road and south of Fourteen Mile Road (Section 2). The subject property is zoned RA (Residential Acreage) with a PUD (Planned Unit Development) Agreement. The applicant is proposing to construct a 2,652 square foot medical office on the parcel currently occupied by the tennis courts. The proposed development will not impact any of the open space that is currently used as a golf course.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department at the following email address:

Subject Parcel ID’s: 50-22-02-200-043
All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, November 17, 2021.
Published on October 28, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 17,2021, at 7:00 the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider MICHIGAN CAT PROJZ21-22 FOR PLANNING COMMISSION’S CONSIDERATION FOR A PLANNED REZONING OVERLAY (PRO) CONCEPT PLAN ASSOCIATED WITH A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT 18.734, TO REZONE FROM I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) TO I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL). The subject site totals approximately5.29acres of the 32.39 acre site and is part of Parcel 50-22-23-351-065, which is located at east of Novi Road and north of Ten Mile Road(Section 23). The site is proposed to be used as outdoor storage for construction equipment related to Michigan CAT’s shore and pump operations.The equipment will be less than eight feet tall in height and will be stored year-round.
Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department at the following email address:

All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, November 17, 2021.
Published on October 28, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
Notice of Election - City of Novi - November 2, 2021 Election
To the qualified electors of the City of Novi:
Notice is hereby given that a presidential primary election will be held in the City of Novi on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following locations:
1 | Meadowbrook Congregational Church | 21355 Meadowbrook Road |
2 | Good Shepard Lutheran Church | 41415 W. Nine Mile Road |
3 | Village Oaks Elementary School | 23333 Willowbrook Road |
4 | Church of the Holy Family | 24505 Meadowbrook Road |
5 | Orchard Hills Elementary School | 41900 Quince |
6 | Church of the Holy Family | 24505 Meadowbrook Road |
7 | Department of Public Works | 26300 Lee BeGole Drive |
8 | Meadowbrook Elementary School | 29200 Meadowbrook Road |
9 | Crosspointe Meadows Church | 29000 Meadowbrook Road |
10 | Fox Run | 41000 Thirteen Mile Road |
11 | Hickory Woods Elementary | 30655 Novi Road |
12 | Portsmouth Apartment Clubhouse | 31170 Wellington Drive |
13 | Brighhtmoor Christian Church | 40800 13 Mile Road |
14 | Crosspointe Meadows Church | 29000 Meadowbrook Road |
15 | Faith Community Church | 44400 West Ten Mile Road |
16 | Novi Civic Center | 45175 West Ten Mile Road |
17 | Novi Civic Center | 45175 West Ten Mile Road |
18 | Novi Public Library | 45255 West Ten Mile Road |
19 | Legacy Church of Novi | 45301 West Eleven Mile Road |
20 | Novi Middle School | 49000 Eleven Mile Road |
21 | Novi Middle School | 49000 Eleven Mile Road |
22 | Deerfield Elementary | 26500 Wixom Road |
23 | Novi Meadows 5th Grade House | 25299 Taft Road |
24 | St. James Catholic Church | 46325 West Ten Mile Road |
25 | Thornton Creek Elementary School | 46180 West Nine Mile Road |
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Novi will be voting for purposes of electing candidates for the following office:
MAYOR – 2 YEAR TERM – vote for not more than 1
COUNCIL MEMBER – 4 YEAR TERM – vote for not more than 3
A sample ballot may be viewed at
Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the City of Novi Clerk to obtain an application for an absent voter ballot.
To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
Cortney Hanson, MMC, MiPMC II
City Clerk, City of Novi
(248) 347-0456
City Of Novi - Notice Of Provision Of The Snow Emergency Ordinance
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Chapter 33, Article III, Division 5 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Novi, Michigan, a snow emergency shall be deemed to exist whenever: (1) freezing rain, sleet or four (4) or more inches of snow has been forecasted for the area by a newspaper circulated in the city, or by a radio or television station with a normal operating range covering the city; or (2) freezing rain or sleet has fallen or four (4) or more inches of snow have accumulated in the city.Whenever any vehicle without an operator is found parked or left in violation of any provision of this Division, the Director of the Department of Public Works, or his designee, or the Police Department may immediately remove the vehicle or cause the vehicle to be removed to a place of safekeeping at the expense of the registered owner of the vehicle.
Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in Chapter 33, Article III, Division 5 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Novi, Michigan may also result in the prosecution for same, and liability to the extent of the penalty therein provided.
Jeffrey Herczeg
Director of Public Works
Published on October 7, 2021
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on October 12, 2021, at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider:PZ21-0052 (Northern Sign Company / Crumbl Cookies) 26060 Ingersol Drive, East of Novi Road and North of Eleven Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-14-351-063. The applicant is requesting variance from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Section 28-7(a)(11) for 100% window coverage by utilizing etched vinyl sign graphics. Only 25% of all the glass area of the frontage of the building may be covered by signage by code (variance of 75%). This property is zoned Town Center (TC).
PZ21-0053 (Robert O’Neill) 114 Bernstadt Street, East of West Park Drive and South of South Lake Drive, Parcel 50-22-03-454-019. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a side yard setback of 4.75 feet (10 feet minimum required, variance of 5.25 feet) and an aggregate total side yard setback of 13.25 feet (25 feet required, variance of 11.75 feet). Section 4.19.1.E(i) for 1,152 square foot of garage space (maximum of 850 square feet allowed by code, variance of 302 square feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a home addition. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0054 (Dana Ziegler and Martin Vallespinos) 48950 Nine Mile Road, East of Garfield Road and North of Nine Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-29-326-021. The applicant is requesting a special approval pursuant to the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 4.19(1)(k) to convert an existing detached accessory building into a home office, by code the use of a detached accessory building in a residential district for use other than use other than the parking and storage of private motor vehicles, tools, recreation equipment or dog houses shall require review and approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ21-0055 (Harman International) 30001 Cabot Drive, West of Haggerty Road and North of Thirteen Mile, Parcel 50-22-01-400-032. The applicant is requesting a variance from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11.2A. for the installation of a fence in the exterior side yard. The ordinance states “no fence shall extend into a front or exterior side yard.” This property is zoned Office Service Technology (OST).
PZ21-0056 (Joseph Yono) 1401 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-329-027. The applicant is requesting a variance from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 392 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 292 square feet). The variance would accommodate the building of a new lakefront accessory structure. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0057 (Veres Signs / The Springs Apartments) 30995 Springlake Boulevard, East of Beck Road and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-04-200-011. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Code of Ordinances Section 28-5(a) footnote (3) for a 30 square foot (159” x 27.25”) illuminated entranceway sign. By code the maximum height allowed is 5 feet and sign area no larger than 24 sq. ft (variance of an additional 6 square feet of sign area and 1-foot 3-inches in height). his property is zoned low-density multiple family (RM-1).
PZ21-0058 (Matthew Bedikian) 43465 Ellesmere Circle, west of Old Novi Road and North of Twelve Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-10-281-026. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 4.19.1.E(i) for a proposed 984 square feet of total accessory structure space (maximum of 850 square feet allowed by code, variance of 134 square feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a 360 square foot freestanding patio canopy. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0059 (Mr. Cool Marine LLC) 40100 Grand River Avenue, West of Haggerty Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-24-251-022. The applicant is requesting variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.18.D for interior side yard setbacks of 10 feet and 5 feet (20 feet required by code, variances of 10 feet and 15 feet respectively) and Section 3.14.1.B.ii for the placement of two storage tanks within the required interior side yard setback. This property is zoned Light Industrial (I-1).
PZ21-0060 (Tappers Fine Jewelry) 20800 Haggerty Road, East of Haggerty Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-36-476-003. The applicant is requesting variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.4.2 to eliminate the requirement for a loading and unloading zone, a loading zone is required by code. This variance would accommodate the building of a new jewelry store and showroom at the site of the former Big Boy restaurant. This property is zoned Freeway Service (FS).
PZ21-0022 (Dan and Wendi Williams) 1419 W Lake Drive, East of West Park Drive and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-03-204-021. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a side yard setback of 5 feet (10 feet minimum required, variance of 5 feet); an aggregate total side yard setback of 17.75 feet (25 feet required, variance of 7.25 feet); and a proposed lot coverage of 32% (25% maximum allowed, variance of 7%). Section 3.32-7 for a proposed deck 13.5 feet from the rear yard property line (17 feet minimum required, variance of 3.5 feet). Section 4.19.1.E(i) for the construction of a 1,157 square foot garage (maximum of 850 square feet allowed by code, variance of 307 square feet). Section 3.1.5 for a third story, 2.5 stories allowed by code. These variances would accommodate the building of a new home and deck. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4). This case is being re-considered based on the Zoning Board’s decision to rehear the case at the August 10, 2021 meeting.
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at 7:00 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider CATHOLIC CENTRAL CONNECTOR ROAD, JSP 21-17, for PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, WETLAND PERMIT, WOODLAND PERMIT, AND STORMWATER management PLAN APPROVAL. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED R-4, R-1 AND I-1. The subject property is approximately 115.77 acres and is located at 27225 Wixom Road, south of Twelve Mile Road and west of Wixom Road (Section 18). The applicant is proposing a new roadway connection between the existing loop road north of the school and Twelve Mile Road. Wetland mitigation, stormwater management detention, and utility extensions are also proposed.
Subject Parcel IDs: 22-18-200-026 and 22-18-200-027.
All interested persons are invited to attend. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, October 6, 2021.
Published September 30, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
Notice of Registration for the Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualified elector of the City of Novi who is not already registered, may register to vote at the office of the City Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated agency. Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the City Clerk. Voters who are already registered may update their registration at
The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, October 18, 2021.
After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492) at the City of Novi Clerk’s office, located at 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 at the following times:
- Regular business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Election Day, Tuesday, November 2nd from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
MAYOR – 2 YEAR TERM – vote for not more than 1
COUNCIL MEMBER – 4 YEAR TERM – vote for not more than 3
Persons with special needs as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the Clerk’s Office.
Cortney Hanson, MMC, MiPMC II
City Clerk
Publish: 9/30/2021
City of Novi - Ordinance No. 21-188.01 Amendment
ORDINANCE NO. 21-188.01
The Ordinance was adopted by the City Council on Monday, September 13, 2021 and the provisions of the ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after its publication. A complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public use and inspection at the office of the City Clerk, 45175 Ten Mile Road, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., prevailing local time.
Cortney Hanson, City Clerk
Published on September 23, 2021
Notice of Official Public Accuracy Test for the Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Clerk’s Office will conduct a Public Accuracy Test of the Optical Scan tabulating equipment to be used for the Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The test will be conducted at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375.The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election, counts the votes in the manner prescribed by law. This test is open to all interested parties. For further information, contact the Novi City Clerk’s Office at 248-347-0456.
Publish: 9/23/2021
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider Holiday Inn JZ 19-24 For Planning Commission’s Recommendation To City Council For A Planned Rezoning Overlay (Pro) Concept Plan Associated With A Zoning Map Amendment 18.730, To Rezone From I-1 (Light Industrial) To Tc (Town Center). The subject property is located on the south side of Grand River Avenue, east of Beck Road in Section 16 of the City of Novi. The property totals about 5.52 acres. The applicant is proposing to develop a 4-story, 117-room hotel with a sit-down restaurant and a 16,413 square foot commercial building. A public plaza is proposed to the north of the commercial building along Grand River Avenue.
Plans are available for review at the Community Development Department in the Novi Civic Center.
Subject Property Parcel ID’s: 50-22-16-300-050 & 50-22-16-300-051
All interested persons are invited to attend. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 22, 2020.
Published September 2, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 18.291 And Zoning Map Amendment 18.735 For A Recommendation To City Council To Amend The City Of Novi Zoning Ordinance At The Following Locations: Article 3.0 Zoning Districts, Add Section 3.1.29 To Establish The PSV – Pavilion Shore Village District, And Section 3.32 Pavilion Shore Village Required Conditions, Renumbering General Exceptions To Section 3.33, And To Amend Article 4.0 Use Standards, Section 4.31 Veterinary Hospitals And Clinics And Section 4.71 Live/work Units In The Zoning Ordinance. All Being Done To Add Requirements For The PSV, Pavilion Shore Village District, And To Rezone Property Located South Of Thirteen Mile And East And West Of Old Novi Road In Sections 2, 10 And 11 From B-3 General Business To PSV Pavilion Shore Village.
Proposed Ordinance language is available for review by contacting the Community Development Department at the following email address:
Subject Parcel IDs: 50-22-02-353-003, 50-22-10-229-003, 50-22-10-229-004, 50-22-10-229-005, 50-22-10-230-009, 50-22-10-230-006, and 50-22-11-101-001
All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 22, 2021.
Published on September 2, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on August 10, 2021, at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider:
PZ21-0039 (Kiel Hearn) 157 Wainwright Street, East of Old Novi Road and South of Thirteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-11-101-011. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11 to install a fence in the front yard of a corner lot. By code, a fence shall not extend toward the front of the lot nearer then the minimum front yard setback. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4). This case was tabled from the July 13th meeting.
PZ21-0040 (Eric & Susan Colthurst) 1291 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-176-016. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a side yard setback of 3.85 feet (10 feet minimum required, variance of 6.15 feet) and an aggregate total side yard setback of 16.55 feet (25 feet required, variance of 8.45 feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a home addition. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0041 (Vinyl Sash) 45137 Bartlett Drive, West of Novi Road and North of Twelve Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-10-301-130. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a rear yard setback of 18.21 feet (30 feet minimum required, variance of 11.79 feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a sunroom. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ21-0043 (Allied Signs / Total Wine & More) 21071 Haggerty Road, West of Haggerty Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-36-477-034. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Code of Ordinance Section 28-5(b)(1)a for a 236.50 square foot sign for the new Total Wine & More location. A 65 square foot sign is permitted by code; the proposed sign is oversized by 171.5 square feet. This property is zoned Office Service Commercial (OSC).
PZ21-0044 (Scott & Lisa Hoag) 21850 Garfield Road, East of Napier Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-32-100-017. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1.E for two lots with less than the required 150-foot minimum lot width (30-foot lot width proposed for each, variance of 120 feet) and 3.6.2.A.i for two flag shaped lots (by code flag shaped lots are not permitted). These variances are for the splitting of an existing 5.97-acre lot into three new lots. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ21-0045 (Ryan Damuth) 23218 W Le Bost Drive, East of Meadowbrook Road and South of Ten Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-25-151-026. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section and 3.6.2(A) for an accessory structure in the exterior side yard 2 feet from main house. These variances would accommodate the replacement of an old existing shed on the property. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
City of Novi - Ordinance No. 21-156.04 Amendment
ORDINANCE NO. 21-156.04
The Ordinance was adopted by the City Council on Monday, July 12, 2021, and the provisions of the ordinance shall become effective fifteen (15) days after its publication. A complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public use and inspection at the office of the City Clerk, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., prevailing local time.
Cortney Hanson, City Clerk
Publish: July 22, 2019
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 7:00 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT 18.297 FOR A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE CITY OF NOVI ZONING ORDINANCE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: ARTICLE 2.0, “DEFINITIONS,” AT SECTION 2.2, “DEFINITIONS,” AND ARTICLE 7.0, “ADMINISTRATION, APPEALS, AND ENFORCEMENT,” AT SECTION 7.13, “AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE,” IN ORDER TO COMPREHENSIVELY REVISE THE PLANNED REZONING OVERLAY REGULATIONS.Ordinance language is available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email.
All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, July 28, 2021.
Published on July 8, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email

Subject Parcel ID: 50-22-32-376-023
All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, July 14, 2021.
Published on July 8, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
Ordinance language is available for review by contacting the Community Development Department email.
All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, July 28, 2021.
Published on July 8, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 7:00 P.M. in Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI to consider JSP21-23: ISLAND LAKE NORTH BAY (PHASE 6) TREE REMOVALS, FOR A REQUEST TO APPROVE A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE ISLAND LAKE RESIDENTIAL UNIT DEVELOPMENT AREA PLAN AND REVISED LANDSCAPE PLAN APPROVAL. The subject site totals approximately 22.1 acres and is located east of Napier Road and north of Seaglen Drive (Section 18 & 19). The subject site is zoned RA (Residential Acreage) and R-1 with a RUD (Residential Unit Development) Agreement. The applicant is proposing to remove 31 trees within the Island Lake North Bay Community.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email.

Subject Parcel ID: 50-22-19-100-006
All interested persons are invited to attend this in-person meeting. Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be made to the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during the City’s regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and must be received by 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, July 14, 2021.
Published on June 24, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi Notice of Public Hearing Notice Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider LAKEVIEW JSP 18-16 for first amendment of the planned rezoning overlay (PRO) agreement. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY HAS BEEN REZONED TO RM-2 (HIGH DENISTY MID-RISE MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH A PRO. The subject properties are approximately 3.15 acres and are located on the east and west side of Old Novi Road, south of Thirteen Mile Road (Section 10 and 11). The applicant has received approval for 20 single family, detached residential site condominiums. At this time, in order to be able to accommodate new home styles, the applicant wishes to remove or modify the condition in the PRO Agreement that states front-facing garages must be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the front porch of each unit.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email

Subject Parcel ID’s: 22-10-232-001, -002, -003, -004, -005, -006, -007, -008, -009, -010; 22-11-109-001, -002, -003, -004, -005, -006, -007, -008, -009, -010
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the June 9, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on . Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on June 3, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi Notice of Public Hearing Notice Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider JSP19-22: FOUNTAIN VIEW PROFESSIONAL CENTER, FOR PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, WOODLAND USE PERMIT, WETLAND USE PERMIT, AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL. The subject property totals approximately 5.45 acres and consists of two parcels, parcel 50-22-10-400-067 and parcel 50-22-10-400-012, located east of Dixon Road and north of Twelve Mile Road (Section 10). The subject property is zoned OS-1 (Office Service District). The applicant is proposing to construct three medical office buildings. Building A is proposed to be a total of 13,300 square feet and one-story in height. Building B is proposed to be a total of 27,940 square feet and two stories in height. Building C is proposed to be a total of 8,725 square feet and one-story in height.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email

Subject Parcel ID’s: 50-22-10-400-067 & 50-22-10-400-012
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the June 9, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on June 3, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on June 8, 2021 at 7: 00 PMThis meeting will be held electronically as authorized under the open meetings act, mcl 15.261, et seq., as amended. Members of the public body and members of the public may participate electronically.
PZ21-0022 (Dan and Wendi Williams) 1419 W Lake Drive, East of West Park Drive and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-03-204-021. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a side yard setback of 5 feet (10 feet minimum required, variance of 5 feet); an aggregate total side yard setback of 17.75 feet (25 feet required, variance of 7.25 feet); and a proposed lot coverage of 32% (25% maximum allowed, variance of 7%). Section 3.32-7 for a proposed deck 13.5 feet from the rear yard property line (17 feet minimum required, variance of 3.5 feet). Section 4.19.1.E(i) for the construction of a 1,000 square foot garage (maximum of 850 square feet allowed by code, variance of 150 square feet). Section 3.1.5 for a third story, 2.5 stories allowed by code. These variances would accommodate the building a new home and deck. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0024 (Abdul Alkhafaji) 41321 Llewelyn Drive, East of Meadowbrook Road and North of Eight Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-36-352-004. The applicant is requesting variance from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1 for a proposed rear yard setback of 46.7 feet (50 feet required, variance of 3.3 feet). This variance would accommodate the re-building of a home and a new addition. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA). This case was tabled from the May 11, 2021 meeting as no applicant was present.
PZ21-0025 (James Wildman) 22635 Beckenham Court, West of Beck Road and North of Nine Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-29-476-016. The applicant is requesting variance from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 for a proposed exterior side yard setback of 19 feet (30 feet required, variance of 11 feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a home addition. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).
PZ21-0026 (Joseph Yono) 1401 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-329-027. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a 20.25 foot front yard setback (30 feet required, variance of 9.75 feet); an 11.75 foot rear yard setback (35 feet required, variance of 23.25 feet); a side yard setback of 8 feet (10 feet required, variance of 2 feet); an exterior side yard setback of 11.08 feet (30 feet required, variance of 18.92 feet), an aggregate total side yard setback of 19.08 feet (40 feet required, variance of 20.92 feet); and a proposed lot coverage of 38.16% (25% maximum allowed, variance of 13.16%). These variances would accommodate the building a new home. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4). This applicant was previously denied on case PZ21-0015 during the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting April 13, 2021; they are now pursuing lesser variances.
PZ21-0027 (Francisco Briceno) 51285 Nine Mile Road, East of Napier Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-31-100-001. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11to install a four-foot front yard fence and driveway gate. By code a fence shall not extend toward the front of the lot nearer then the minimum front yard setback. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ21-0028 (Joye Harris) 1256 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-151-018. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Code Section 5.14.10.A for a permanent backup generator creating sound over 55 decibels and up to 85 decibels during limited times of charging and while being used during a power outage. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0022 (Vijay Ghadge) 27668 Hartwick Circle, West of Wixom Road and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-18-201-055. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.32-7 for a proposed deck 7 feet from the rear yard property line (17 feet minimum required, variance of 10 feet). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (RM-1).
City of Novi Notice of Public Hearing Notice Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider JSP21-03: IXL LEARNING CENTER OF NOVI, FOR A REQUEST TO AMEND THE MAPLES OF NOVI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND AREA PLAN. The subject property totals approximately 30.32 acres and is Parcel 50-22-02-200-039, which is located east of Novi Road and south of Fourteen Mile Road (Section 2). The subject property is zoned RA (Residential Acreage) with a PUD (Planned Unit Development) Agreement. The applicant is proposing to repurpose the Maples of Novi clubhouse into an education center for children and will maintain the current golf course as open space.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department at the following email address:

Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the June 9, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting
Members of the public participating in the public comment via ZOOM will wait in a virtual queue until called during the public comment period.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on . Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on May 20, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
Notice is hereby given that Sakura Novi, LLC and Robertson Sakura Novi, LLC have submitted a request to the City of Novi for the establishment of a Commercial Rehabilitation District under the “Commercial Rehabilitation Act P.A. 210 of 2005,” and an application for issuance of a Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate.
The proposed project consists of the four following parcels:
Parcel Number 1: Tax ID Number 50-22-23-126-006, described as follows:
T1N, R8E, SEC 23 PART OF E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 BEG ON N SEC LINE DIST N 89-34-00 E 433.70 FT FROM NW COR OF SD E 1/2 OF NW 1/4, TH N 89-34-00 E 613.40 FT, TH S 00-17-20 E 891.25 FT TO CEN LINE US-16 HWY, TH N 71-44-00 W ALG SD CEN LINE 650.70 FT, TH N 682.62 FT TO BEG EXC US-16 HWY 10.20 AMN412
Parcel Number 2: Tax ID Number 50-22-23-226-008, described as follows:
T1N, R8E, SEC 23 PART OF NE 1/4 BEG AT PT DIST N 89-00-00 E 99.53 FT FROM N 1/4 COR, TH N 89-00-00 E 165.14 FT, TH S 00-49-20 E 527.55 FT, TH S 89-00-00 W 165.14 FT, TH N 00-44-20 W 527.55 FT TO BEG 2 AMN410B-1
Parcel Number 3: Tax ID Number 50-22-23-126-011, described as follows:
T1N, R8E, SEC 23 PART OF NW 1/4 BEG AT PT DIST S 89-00-00 W 65.61 FT FROM N 1/4 COR, TH S 00-44-20 E 527.55 FT, TH S 89-00-00 W 61.82 FT, TH N 71-53-30 W 170 FT, TH N 01-00-00 W 471.87 FT, TH N 89-00-00 E 224.89 FT TO BEG 2.58 AMN410B-3
Parcel Number 4: Tax ID Number 50-22-23-226-007, described as follows:
T1N, R8E, SEC 23 PART OF N 1/2 OF SEC BEG AT N 1/4 COR, TH N 89-00-00 E 99.53 FT, TH S 00-44-20 E 527.55 FT, TH S 89-00-00 W 165.14 FT, TH N 00-44-20 W 527.55 FT, TH N 89-00-00 E 65.61 FT TO BEG 2 AMN410B-2
Pursuant to Section 3 (3) of said Act, a public hearing shall be held for the establishment of a Commercial Rehabilitation District on Monday, May 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm or as soon thereafter, during which any property owner within the proposed Commercial Rehabilitation District, and any resident or taxpayer of the City of Novi may appear and be heard in relation to the consideration of the aforementioned Commercial Rehabilitation District.
If you have any comments regarding this proposal, they may be presented in writing to the City Clerk’s office or at the public hearing.
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the May 24, 2021 City Council meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
• Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
• Click the link provided to join the meeting
Members of the public participating in the public comment via ZOOM will wait in a virtual queue until called during the public comment period.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the “Raise Hand” feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, City Council members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Cortney Hanson, CMC, MiPMC II
City Clerk
Publish: 05/13/2021
City of Novi Public Hearing Notice Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider JSP20-17: NOVI PROFESSIONAL VILLAGE BUILDINGS D & E, FOR PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, WOODLAND USE PERMIT, AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL. The subject property totals approximately 5.02 acres and is Parcel 50-22-27-200-006, which is located west of Novi Road and south of Ten Mile Road (Section 27). The subject property is zoned OS-1 (Office Service District). The applicant is proposing to construct two 6,175 square foot professional office buildings directly behind three existing professional office buildings that were constructed in 1991.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email

Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the May 12, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on . Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on May 6, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
Notice of Provisions of the Noxious Weed Ordinance
TO: All owners, occupants or possessors of subdivided lands or lots:NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Chapter 21, Article II, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Novi, Michigan, all noxious weeds, or other weeds, grass, brush, or deleterious, unhealthy growths exceeding a height of eight (8) inches, growing, standing or lying upon any property in the City of Novi, shall be cut down, destroyed or removed as the case may be, at least twice in each year, once during the last half of the month of May and again during the last half of July of each year and more often as may be necessary.
If the owner or occupant, or any person or persons, agent, firm, or corporation having control or management of any subdivided land or lots or any other non-subdivided parcel of land upon which any building or buildings have been erected shall fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with the above mentioned Code provisions, the city shall cause the weeds, grass, brush, deleterious, unhealthy growths, rubbish, to be cut down, destroyed, or removed. Provided, further, that any lands which are situated within the floodplains or any natural streams or watercourses, or any area between the lower or upper banks of such streams or watercourses shall be exempted from the provisions of such Code provisions. The expense incurred by the City in the cutting, destruction, or removal of same, together with an administrative charge established pursuant to resolution of City Council, will be levied and collected against such property in the manner provided by law.
Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in Chapter 21, Article II, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Novi, Michigan, may also result in the prosecution for same, and liability to the extent of the penalty therein provided.
Charles Boulard
Building Official
Publish: 5/6/21
Notice of Election - City of Novi, Michigan - May 4, 2021 Election
To the qualified electors of the City of Novi:Notice is hereby given that a presidential primary election will be held in the City of Novi on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following locations:
16 | Novi Civic Center | 45175 West Ten Mile Road |
17 | Novi Civic Center | 45175 West Ten Mile Road |
24 | St. James Catholic Church | 46325 West Ten Mile Road |
25 | Thornton Creek Elementary School | 46180 West Nine Mile Road |
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Northville Public Schools will be voting on the following ballot proposition as presented and listed below:
Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Northville Public Schools, 405 West Main Street, Northville, Michigan 48167, telephone: (248) 344-3500.
A sample ballot may be viewed at
Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the City of Novi Clerk to obtain an application for an absent voter ballot.
To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
Cortney Hanson, CMC, MiPMC II
City Clerk, City of Novi
(248) 347-0456
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on April 13, 2021 at 7: 00PM. As of the date of this notice this meeting is planned be held live in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI.As there are currently amendments to the open meetings act, mcl 15.261, et seq., pending the meeting may instead be authorized to take place electronically. Please check or reach out to the Community Development Department to be apprised of any changes to the location of meeting.
PZ21-0009 (Bell Fork Lift Inc) 46400 Grand River Avenue, East of Beck Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-16-251-017. The applicant is requesting variance from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11.2 for the installation of a fence in the front yard. The Ordinance states “no fence shall extend into a front or exterior side yard.” This property is zoned Office Service Technology (OST).
PZ21-0011 (Kensington Family Homes) Ten Mile Road, East of Beck Road and South of Ten Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-28-101-023. The applicant is requesting variance from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 for a proposed lot split of parcel 50-22-28-101-023 into two lots with widths of 110 and 113 feet respectively (120 feet minimum required by code, variance of 10 feet and 7 feet). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).
PZ21-0013 (Daniel Murphy) 1141 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-126-008. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Sections 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 160 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 60 square feet). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0014 (Josh Robinson) 1375 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-328-009. The applicant is requesting a variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 300 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 200 square feet). Section 3.32-10.ii.b, for a waterfront lot coverage of 13% (5% allowed by code, variance of 8%). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0015 (Joseph Yono) 1401 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-329-027. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a 16.95 foot front yard setback (30 feet required, variance of 13.05 feet); an 8 foot rear yard setback (35 feet required, variance of 27 feet); a side yard setback of 5.08 feet (10 feet required, variance of 4.92 feet); an aggregate total side yard setback, with exterior side yard of 12.41 feet (40 feet required, variance of 27.59 feet); and a proposed lot coverage of 48% (25% maximum allowed, variance of 23%). Section 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 336 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 236 square feet). These variances would accommodate the building a new home and a lakefront accessory structure. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0016 (Michelle Estes) 112 N Haven Drive, East of West Road and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-03-201-005. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a proposed rear yard setback of 27 feet (35 feet required, variance of 8 feet). Section 3.32-7 for a deck projecting into the rear yard setback 14 feet (18 feet maximum allowed by code, variance of 4 feet). These variances would accommodate the building of a home addition and new deck. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
Notice of Registration for the Election to be held on Tuesday, May 4, 2021
The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, April 19, 2021.
After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492) at the City of Novi Clerk’s office, located at 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 at the following times:
- Regular business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Election Day, Tuesday, May 4th from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- 19.2383 MILLS FOR 5 YEARS
A sample ballot may be viewed at
Persons with special needs as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the Clerk’s Office.
Cortney Hanson, CMC, MiPMC II
City Clerk
Publish: 4/1/2021
Notice of Official Public Accuracy Test for the Election to be held on Tuesday May 4, 2021
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Election Commission will conduct a Public Accuracy Test of the Optical Scan tabulating equipment to be used for the Election to be held on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. The test will be conducted at 4:00 PM on Monday, March 29, 2021 on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform.The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election, counts the votes in the manner prescribed by law. This test is open to all interested parties. For further information, contact the Novi City Clerk’s Office at 248-347-0456.
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the March 29, 2021 Election Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
Click the link provided to join the meeting
Members of the public participating in the public comment via ZOOM will wait in a virtual queue until called during the public comment period.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on shall be sent prior to 3:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Election Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Publish: 03/25/2021
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on April 13, 2021 at 7:00PM. As of the date of this notice this meeting is planned be held live in the Council Chambers of the Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI.As there are currently amendments to the open meetings act, mcl 15.261, et seq., pending the meeting may instead be authorized to take place electronically. Please check or reach out to the Community Development Department to be apprised of any changes to the location of meeting.
PZ21-0009 (Bell Fork Lift Inc) 46400 Grand River Avenue, East of Beck Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel 50-22-16-251-017. The applicant is requesting variance from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11.2 for the installation of a fence in the front yard. The Ordinance states “no fence shall extend into a front or exterior side yard.” This property is zoned Office Service Technology (OST).
PZ21-0011 (Kensington Family Homes) Ten Mile Road, East of Beck Road and South of Ten Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-28-101-023. The applicant is requesting variance from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.2 for a proposed lot split of parcel 50-22-28-101-023 into two lots with widths of 110 and 113 feet respectively (120 feet minimum required by code, variance of 10 feet and 7 feet). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).
PZ21-0013 (Daniel Murphy) 1141 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-126-008. The applicant is requesting a variance from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Sections 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 160 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 60 square feet). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0014 (Josh Robinson) 1375 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-328-009. The applicant is requesting a variances from the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 300 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 200 square feet). Section 3.32-10.ii.b, for a waterfront lot coverage of 13% (5% allowed by code, variance of 8%). This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0015 (Joseph Yono) 1401 E Lake Drive, West of Novi Road and South of Fourteen Mile Road, Parcel 50-22-02-329-027. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a 16.95 foot front yard setback (30 feet required, variance of 13.05 feet); an 8 foot rear yard setback (35 feet required, variance of 27 feet); a side yard setback of 5.08 feet (10 feet required, variance of 4.92 feet); an aggregate total side yard setback, with exterior side yard of 12.41 feet (40 feet required, variance of 27.59 feet); and a proposed lot coverage of 48% (25% maximum allowed, variance of 23%). Section 3.32-10.ii. a, for the building of a proposed 336 square foot shed on the waterfront (100 square feet allowed by code, variance of 236 square feet). These variances would accommodate the building a new home and a lakefront accessory structure. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0016 (Michelle Estes) 112 N Haven Drive, East of West Road and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel 50-22-03-201-005. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a proposed rear yard setback of 27 feet (35 feet required, variance of 8 feet). Section 3.32-7 for a deck projecting into the rear yard setback 14 feet (18 feet maximum allowed by code, variance of 4 feet). These variances would accommodate the building of a home addition and new deck. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
State of Michigan, County of Oakland, City of Novi Ordinance No. 18.294
AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY OF NOVI ZONING ORDINANCE, AMENDING ARTICLE 4, USE STANDARDS, AT SECTION 4.64, FACILITIES FOR HUMAN CARE, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT.The Ordinance was adopted by the City Council on Monday, February 22, 2021 and the provisions of the ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after its publication. A complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public use and inspection at the office of the City Clerk, 45175 Ten Mile Road, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., prevailing local time.
Cortney Hanson, City Clerk
Publish: 03/18/2021
City of Novi Public Hearing Notice Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 7:00 P.M on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider TERRA (PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS VILLA D’ ESTE) JSP 17-52 WOODLANDS PERMIT APPROVAL. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 (One-Family Residential) WITH A PLANNED REZONING OVERLAY AGREEMENT. The subject property is approximately 50 acres and is located east of Napier Road and on the north side of Nine Mile Road (Section 29, 30). The applicant previously received approval for a 41-unit single-family housing development. Phase 1 of the project is currently under construction. At this time, the applicant wishes to remove 40 regulated woodland trees from the eastern (Phase 1A) portion of the property. The previous woodland permit has expired, requiring a new permit to be issued.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email

Subject Property Parcel ID’s: 50-22-29-326-040
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the March 10, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
Click the link provided to join the meeting
Members of the public participating in the public comment via ZOOM will wait in a virtual queue until called during the public comment period.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on . Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on March 3, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on March 9, 2021 at 7: 00PMThis meeting will be held electronically as authorized under the open meetings act, mcl 15.261, et seq., as amended. Members of the public body and members of the public may participate electronically, as described at
PZ21-0002 (Patrick Ziarnik) 1601 W Lake Drive, East of West Park Drive and South of W Pontiac Trail, Parcel # 50-22-03-131-007. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 4.19.1.E(i) for the construction of a 930,25 square feet accessory building (maximum of 850 square feet allowed by code, variance of 80.28 square feet). Section 4.19.1.B to install the accessory structure in the front yard when by code accessory buildings shall not be erected in any required front yard or in any required exterior side yard. Section 4.19.G for a proposed 5-foot side yard setback (6 feet required by code, variance of 1 foot). This variance will accommodate the building of a new carport. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0005 (Venkata Chekka) 25762 Beck Road, East of Beck Road and South of Eleven Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-21-101-026. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1 for a proposed front yard setback of 40 feet (45 feet required by code, variance of 5 foot), a proposed aggregate side yard setback of 30 feet (50 feet required, variance of 20 feet, and a proposed rear yard setback of 40 feet (50 feet required, variance of 10 feet). This variance will accommodate the building of a new ranch home. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
PZ21-0006 (Robert Ledbetter) 26510 Taft Road, East of Taft and South of Grand River Avenue, Parcel # 50-22-15-351-004. The applicant is requesting variance from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11 to allow the installation of a fence in the front yard setback. Fences shall not extend toward the front of the property nearer than the minimum front yard setback distance by code. This property is zoned Light Industrial (I-1).
PZ21-0007 (Full Throttle Adrenaline Park) 44225 Twelve Mile Road C118, West of Novi Road and Twelve Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-15-200-112. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Ordinance Code Section 28-5(b)(1)a and 28-5(d)(7) for the installation of two 165 square foot wall signs. Each sign is 100 square feet larger than allowed by code. This property is zoned Regional Center (RC).
PZ21-0008 (Amar Abro) 47133 Nine Mile Road, East of Beck Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-33-100-009. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 4.19.E.iii for a proposed 2,400 square foot barn (1,500 square feet maximum allowed by code, variance of 900 square feet). Section 4.19(I) for a two-story barn height of 18 feet (one-story or 14 feet maximum allowed by code, variance of 4 feet). This variance will accommodate the re-building of a recently burnt down barn. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-1).
PZ21-0010 (Kensington Family Homes) 24847 Dinser Drive, East of Wixom Road and North of Ten Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-20-301-023. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.1 for a proposed aggregate side yard setback of 45 feet (50 feet required, variance of 5 feet). This variance will accommodate the building of a new home. This property is zoned Residential Acreage (RA).
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice - Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider JSP20-38: BALLANTYNE, FOR PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, WOODLAND USE PERMIT, WETLAND USE PERMIT, AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL. The subject property totals approximately 50.86 acres and is Parcel 50-22-31-400-007, which is located west of Garfield Road and north of Eight Mile Road (Section 31). The subject property is zoned RA (Residential Acreage) with a RUD (Residential Unit Development) Agreement. The applicant is proposing to construct 41 single-family residential units with lots ranging in size from 21,780 square feet to 44,045 square feet.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email.

Subject Parcel ID’s: 50-22-31-400-007
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City will be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the February 24, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know you need to be un-muted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on February 18, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider Proposal for Approval of Resolution authorizing submission of a Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant application for “Northwest Park Improvements” to the Land and Water Conservation Fund.The proposed Nature Based park improvements include a nature play area, nature trails, parking area, sidewalk and a prairie restoration. The park is located at 50635 Twelve Mile Road, Novi, MI 48374.
A conceptual plan for the park is available for examination and review at the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services office at 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M, or by contacting Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services via email.
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting.
- Members of the public participating in the public comment via ZOOM will wait in a virtual queue until called during the public comment period.
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know they need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on Comments shall be done prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
All interested persons are invited to attend.
Cortney Hanson
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on February 9, 2021 at 7: 00PMThis meeting will be held electronically as authorized under the open meetings act, mcl 15.261, et seq., as amended. Members of the public body and members of the public may participate electronically, as described at
PZ20-0066 (Margaret Beller) 1235 S Lake Drive, West of Old Novi Road and North of Thirteen Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-03-332-018. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 5.11 to allow the extension of a decorative fence to the front property line on one side of the lot: a 6-foot fence to the front of the house and a 4-foot rail fence to the lot line. Fences shall not extend toward the front of the property nearer than the minimum front yard setback distance by code. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0001 (David and Molly Armstrong) 43824 Westridge Lane, West of Novi Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-34-277-008. The applicant is requesting variances from The City of Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.5 for a 15-foot exterior side yard setback (30 feet required, variance of 15 feet). This variance would accommodate the building of a new garage addition. This property is zoned Single Family Residential (R-4).
PZ21-0003 (Novi Road Retail Management LLC) 26222 Novi Road, East of Novi Road and North of Grand River Avenue, Parcel # 50-22-14-352-002. The applicant is requesting variances from the Novi Zoning Ordinance Section 3.1.25.D for a 5.2-foot exterior side yard (south) setback (20 feet required by code, variance of 14.8 feet). This property is zoned Town Center (TC).
PZ19-0049 (Jason St. John) 22190 Beck Road, East of Beck Road and South of Nine Mile Road, Parcel # 50-22-33-100-013. The applicant is requesting an extension to variances previously approved by the Zoning board of Appeals on 1/14/2020. City of Novi Zoning Code Section 3.1.2 for front yard setback of 19 feet (30 feet allowed, proposed variance is 11 feet) and a rear yard setback of 15 feet (35 feet allowed, proposed variance is 20 feet) to accommodate the construction of a new house. This property is zoned single family residential (R-1).
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 11, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT 18.295 FOR A RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE CITY OF NOVI ZONING ORDINANCE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: ARTICLE 3.0 ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 3.31 “PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS” IN ORDER TO PERMIT STAND-ALONE MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE WITH CONDITIONS AND SUBJECT TO SPECIAL LAND USE APPROVAL IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE REGIONAL CENTER DISTRICT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE.All interested persons are invited to attend. The proposed text amendment is available for examination and review at the Planning Division of the Community Development Department, 45175 W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M, or by contacting the Community Development Department via email.
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know they need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on Comments shall be done prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
Published January 21, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary
City of Novi - Public Hearing Notice - Zoom Video Conference Electronic Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. on the Zoom Video Conference electronic meeting platform to consider JSP20-36: KARIM BLVD SURGERY CENTER, FOR PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, WOODLAND PERMIT, AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL. The subject property totals approximately 3 acres and is Parcel 50-22-24-476-031, which is located west of Karim Boulevard and south of Grand River Avenue (Section 24). The subject property is zoned OS-1 (Office Service District). The applicant is requesting to remove one regulated woodland tree in order to construct a 16,941 square foot surgery center, with a two-story 11,412 square foot office for general office use.Plans are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department via email.

Subject Parcel ID’s: 50-22-24-476-031
Special Instructions for Remote Meeting Procedure:
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the City may be utilizing the video/audio conferencing platform ZOOM to conduct the January 27, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.
In order to connect to the meeting through ZOOM a member of the public needs to do the following:
- Install Zoom App on mobile device or phone. A link to download the Zoom App may be found online at
- Click the link provided to join the meeting
When public comment is permitted, members of the public will be called one at a time, as would happen during an in-person meeting. A meeting coordinator will determine the order of public speakers. If you want to speak, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderator to know they need to be unmuted. When you are un-muted you will have three (3) minutes to share your comments to the public body. At the conclusion of your comments or your three (3) minutes, you will be re-muted and then removed from the queue.
Participants may also choose to submit comments that can be read into the record. Comments can be submitted via an electronic form on . Comments shall be sent prior to 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The electronic form can be found at:
As of the date of this notice, Planning Commission members are expected to log in to ZOOM. There may also be some City personnel at City Hall overseeing this meeting.
Published on January 21, 2021
Novi Planning Commission
Michael Lynch, Secretary