Updated:  8/7/24

Start: June 17,2024
Current Status: Complete
End: Summer 2024
Jurisdiction:  City of Novi

Progress Update:

All work is complete and the roadway is fully open to normal traffic operations. Several minor punch list and restoration items remain but should be complete by the end of this month.


The City of Novi hired a contractor to rehabilitate Taft Road from the City's southern limits (Galway Drive) to 10 Mile Road and construct a new roundabout at the intersection of Taft Road and 9 Mile Road.

The project was split up into three projects:

  • Complete: Project 1 (2022) Roundabout at the 9 Mile and Taft Road intersection.
  • Complete: Project 2 (2023) Rehabilitate Taft Road from 10 Mile to the south City limits.
  • Complete: Project 3 (2024) Construct a new bypass lane on the east (northbound) side of Taft Road at the Addington Lane subdivision entrance.