The Thoroughfare Master Plan Draft Final Report is available for your review. The public hearing is anticipated to be held by the Planning Commission in September 2016. Once the meeting is scheduled an update will be provided here. Any comments you wish to include in the public hearing record should be sent to the Community Development Department via mail or email. Any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 248-347-0475.
Flip through the Thoroughfare Master Plan Draft Final Report - June 2016 or view PDF below. Thoroughfare Master Plan Draft Final Report - June 2016
Community Development Department
Attn: Barb McBeth, City Planner
45175 Ten Mile Road
Novi, Michigan 48375
Thoroughfare Master Plan Poster
The City of Novi is now in the process of preparing a Thoroughfare Master Plan covering the entire City. The intent in developing a Thoroughfare Master Plan is to establish physical and cultural environments that support and encourage safe, comfortable and convenient travel by a variety of modes – by vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian.
The Thoroughfare Master Plan is an important component of a City’s transportation planning efforts and will assist the City’s decision makers identify strategic and sustainable investments in roads and pathways, through comprehensive study of various aspects of transportation. The analysis and recommendations that result from such a plan help to identify short- and long-range transportation improvement priorities community-wide. Thoroughfare plans can identify deficiencies in the existing major road network, provide traffic forecasts, review the functional classifications of the roads, develop alternative thoroughfare improvement plans (from minor road improvements to full-scale corridor upgrades), rank future road improvement projects, and help to identify transit needs.
To assist in the preparation of the Thoroughfare Master Plan, the City has hired The Corradino Group, a professional transportation consulting firm. The Corradino Group is reviewing roadway master plans of various jurisdictions, including the City of Novi, the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). An extensive public outreach effort is being undertaken that will include online tools and public meetings to gather public input.
As stated by The Corradino Group, the overarching goal of the Plan is to protect and enhance the quality of life in Novi. The following guiding principles will help achieve that goal:
- Provide an efficient, safe, and connected transportation system that is coordinated with existing and projected needs and takes into consideration future growth;
- Provide a transportation system that is economical and responsive to land use and non-motorized principles; and,
- Promote interconnectivity between development plans and the existing and future roadway networks.
Any questions or comments about this Thoroughfare Master Plan may be sent to Barbara McBeth, City Planner.
Supporting Documents / Information
Thoroughfare Master Plan Draft Final Report - June 2016
Tech Memo 1 - Public Outreach & Project Management
Tech Memo 2 - Novi Reports Summaries
Tech Memos 3-4 - Existing and Future Traffic Conditions Travel Forecasting Approach
Tech Memo 5 - Thoroughfare Classification
Tech Memos 6-9 - Identification of Multi-Modal Needs and Elements of the Affordable Plan