Regular City Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 | 7 P.M.
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0460
Regular City Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 | 7 P.M.
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 Ten Mile Road
(248) 347-0460
ROLL CALL: Mayor Gatt, Mayor Pro Tem Staudt, Council Members Breen, Casey, Markham, Mutch
Erhard Motor Sales, Inc., Special Development Option Concept Plan: The subject property is 9.48 acres in Section 23 of the City of Novi and located at the southwest corner of Grand River Avenue and Meadowbrook Road in the GE, Gateway East District. The applicant is proposing a 58,663 square foot car sales facility for Jaguar Land Rover.
Novi Road and Grand River Avenue Area Multi-Development Traffic Impact Study - AECOM
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ending June 30, 2018 - Carl Johnson – Finance Director
Comprehensive Financial Audit for year-end June 30, 2018 – Plante & Moran
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. This is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. Speakers wishing to display visual materials through the City’s audiovisual system must provide the materials to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. The materials cannot be changed before the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS AND APPROVALS (See items A-K) All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of the normal Agenda.
1. Consideration for tentative approval of the request of Erhard Motor Sales, Inc., for a Special Development Option (SDO) Concept Plan in the GE, Gateway East District. The subject property is 9.48 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Grand River Avenue and Meadowbrook Road, in Section 23. The applicant is proposing a 58,663 square foot car sales facility for Jaguar Land Rover.
2. Consideration for tentative approval of the request of Keford Collision and Towing, JSP 18-31, with Zoning Map Amendment 18.725, to rezone property in Section 15, located on the south side of Grand River Avenue, east of Taft Road, from I-1 (Light Industrial) to I-2 (General Industrial) with a Planned Rezoning Overlay (PRO) and corresponding Concept Plan. The property totals 7.61 acres and contains two existing buildings. The applicant is proposing to reuse the existing larger building (23,493 square feet) for an auto body collision repair shop and related offices, with accessory car rental services, and use the rear portion of the property as a vehicle tow yard.
3. Approval of the request of Superior Air-Ground Ambulance of Michigan for an Unlisted Use Determination under Section 4.87 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is requesting a determination on the appropriateness of a 24-hour private Emergency Medical Service business as a Special Land Use in the I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District.
4. Approval to award the construction contract for the Nine Mile Road Sewer project (Evergreen Court to Kensington) to D.V.M. Utilities, Inc., the low-bidder, in the amount of $5,553,167.65, and amend the budget.
5. Approval to award civil engineering services to OHM Advisors for construction engineering services associated with the Nine Mile Road Sewer project (Evergreen Court to Kensington) in the amount of $494,892.54.
6. Approval to award the purchase and installation of a playground at Pavilion Shore Park to Penchura LLC in the amount of $100,282.16, using an HGAC Buy cooperative purchasing contract and amend the budget.
7. Appointment to City Council.
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. This is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. Speakers wishing to display visual materials through the City’s audiovisual system must provide the materials to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 P.M. the day of the meeting. The materials cannot be changed before the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: Consent Agenda items which have been removed for discussion and/or action.
CONSENT AGENDA: Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office.
A. Approve Minutes of:
1. October 22, 2018 – Regular meeting
2. October 29, 2018 – Special meeting
B. Enter Executive Session immediately following the regular meeting of November 13, 2018 in the Council Annex for the purpose of discussing privileged correspondence from legal counsel.
C. Approval to award professional services contract to McKenna, for preparation of an update to the Non-Motorized Master Plan in the amount not to exceed $38,640.
D. Approval of Resolution by the City Council Authorizing Termination of Easement for Berm Installation and Maintenance on the property proposed for development as the Woodbridge Park residential development located on 9.23 acres at the northeast corner of Novi Road and Nine Mile Road in Section 26. A replacement easement has been offered that proposes landscaping along the subject property’s eastern property line.
E. Approval to purchase a 2019 Ford Transit van and retrofit for Older Adult Services Transportation use from Mobility Transport Services in the amount of $45,219.
F. Acceptance of a Wetland Conservation Easement from Novi Hospitality Investment, LLC for wetland conservation areas offered as a part of the Novi Tru Hotel development, located on the south side of Thirteen Mile Road, east of M-5, in Section 12 of the City.
G. Acceptance of a Woodland and Wetland Conservation Easement from Pulte Homes of Michigan, LLC for wetland and woodland conservation areas offered as a part of the Emerson Park development, located on the west side of Novi Road, north of Ten Mile Road, in Section 22 of the City.
H. Approval to award a unit price contract for Street Sweeping Services to G&M Enterprises, Ltd, the low bidder, for a one-year term with two one-year renewal options at an estimated annual cost of $78,168.
I. Approval of a Street Light Purchase Agreement with The Detroit Edison Company for the installation and operating cost of seven (7) street lights; one (1) at the entrance of Manchester on Novi Road, and six (6) along the Manchester development frontage on Novi Road, and approval of an agreement with Manchester 13 Mile Road, LLC, for the sharing of installation and ongoing operation costs per the City’s Street Lighting Policy.
J. Approval of a Quit Claim Deed for a parcel located on the southwest corner of 12 Mile Road and Taft Road to dedicate the 60-foot master planned right-of-way along 12 Mile Road to the Road Commission for Oakland County (parcel 50-22-16-226-019).
K. Approval of Claims and Accounts – Warrant No. 1023
SCHEDULED MEETINGS - All Regular Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. The following schedule consists of meetings that are routinely held in the Council Chambers. For a complete listing of scheduled meetings, please visit the Event Calendar at
14 – Planning Commission – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
15 – Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Commission – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
15 – Library Board – Novi Public Library – 7 p.m.
20 – Zoning Board of Appeals – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
22 – City Offices Closed
23 – City Offices Closed
26 – City Council – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
3 – City Council – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
11 – Zoning Board of Appeals – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
12 – Planning Commission – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
17 – City Council – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
19 – Library Board – Council Chambers – 7 p.m.
20 – Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Commission – 7 p.m.
24 – City Offices Closed
25 – City Offices Closed
31 – City Offices Closed
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the City Clerk (248) 347-0456 at least two working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.
We kindly request that you turn off all cell phones while in the Council Chambers. Thank you.