Per city ordinance, you should not put out waste or recycling bins earlier than 24 hours prior to the scheduled collection day. It is the responsibility of both the property owner and the property occupant to place refuse at the designated collection site within a refuse bin, sealed container or plastic bag to prevent objectionable odors, or spillage of refuse upon any public or private site. All receptacles must be removed from such areas no later than 12 hours following the actual collection. Trash receptacles must be placed within a totally enclosed building or placed upon an area of the rear yard of the occupant's property so as not to create a nuisance to surrounding residents.
Yes, this service is designed to assist those residents who, due to short-term injury or long-term disability, cannot carry their trash or recycling to the curb on collection day. Residents must provide documentation (i.e., a doctor’s note or other medical form indicating restrictions) to the City of Novi. To establish this service, please fill out the Door to Curb form and mail it to 26300 Lee BeGole Drive, Novi, MI, 48375 or fax it to 248-735-5659.
The cost for refuse services will be collected as a fee on your summer and winter tax bills and includes trash, recycling, yard waste and bulk item collection. There is no provision in the contract for residents to put a hold on or opt out of service at this time.
Priority Waste strives to maintain a consistent pick up schedule, there are times where service will occur earlier or later due to weather, issues with trucks, substitute drivers, etc.
No, but a courtesy call to Priority Waste at (586) 228-1200 is appreciated to the driver can be prepared.
If one of the following holidays falls during the week ON OR BEFORE your collection day in a given week, your collection will be one day behind. Holidays observed: New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Single-Family Home Rate
2021 - $138
2022 - $138
2023 - $138
2024 - $141.45
2025 - $144.99
2026 - $144.99
2027 - $148.61
2028 - $148.61
Condo Rate
2021 - $111
2022 - $111
2023 - $111
2024 - $113.78
2025 - $116.62
2026 - $116.62
2027 - $119.53
2028 - $119.53