I-696: I-275 to M-10
I-696 Restore the Reuther
Updated: 9/6/24
Start: October 15, 2022
Current Status: In-progress
Projected End: Fall 2025
Road Jurisdiction: MDOT
Please visit DrivingOakland.com for the most up-to-date information including detours, lane closures, bridge closures, and ramp closures.
As part of the "Rebuilding Michigan" initiative, the Michigan Department of Transportation will be reconstructing I-696 (eastbound and westbound) from I-275/I-96/M-5 to Lahser Road. The majority of the rebuilding work will occur during 2023-2024 and will include freeway pavement reconstruction, bridge repairs and replacement, drainage improvements, sign replacement, guardrail, and other safety improvements.
In 2024, westbound I-696 is being rebuilt from east of US-24 (Telegraph Road) to I-275 and both directions of traffic are currently sharing the eastbound side. Eastbound lanes were rebuilt in 2023.
In 2025, completion of I-696 median reconstruction at various locations between I-275 and Lahser Road will take place.
Project details can be found at DrivingOakland.com.