Summer Camp Registration Opens Soon for Novi Residents and Non-Residents!
Join to explore river life and help track water health!
It's almost Road Construction Season, keep informed.
Novi's City Assessor, Jan Ziozios, explains how to read your assessment notice
"Conversations" by Meike Rapp-Ullman, alcohol ink art, on display at The Atrium Art Gallery
Is your HOA contact information up-to-date on our website?
Avoid parking your car on the street during a snow event
The Novi Department of Public Works is asking residents with mailboxes at the road edge to prepare for winter by shaking them.
Rachel Hunter and Alyssa from Michigan Miss Amazing join Sheryl and Mayor Justin Fischer.
Commander Jason Meier shares some tips and information.
Do you have a minute to help make Novi better?
The Novi Police Department is an exceptional law enforcement agency with an outstanding reputation.
Is there a fire in you?
Take advantage of the secure parking lot at the Novi Police Department.
Priority Waste continuing to work on logistics.
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