Meadowbrook Road Rehabilitation: 10 Mile to 11 Mile
Updated 2/21/25
Start: Summer 2025 (after completion of the 9 Mile Road Rehabilitation project)
Current Status: Pending
End: Fall 2025
Road Jurisdiction: City of Novi
Progress: Pending
Road Closure: Meadowbrook Road will be open to local traffic only and closed to through traffic. Through traffic will need to follow the posted detour.
Detour: TBD
Meadowbrook Road will be resurfaced from 10 Mile Road to 11 Mile Road. The project includes shaping and resurfacing shoulder widening, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk ramps, signing, pedestrian signals, and pavement markings.
Stage 1: Perform milling operations on the east side of Meadowbrook Road. Complete all required curb & gutter replacement and shoulder widening on the east side of the road. Perform sidewalk work on the east side of the road. Pave the east half of Meadowbrook Road with HMA up through the leveling course
Maintain one southbound lane for local traffic on the west side of Meadowbrook Road.
Stage 2: Perform milling operations on the west side of Meadowbrook Road, excluding the segment from approximately Sta 39+00 to 10 Mile Road. Complete all required curb & gutter replacement and shoulder widening on the west side of the road. Perform sidewalk work on the west side of the road. Pave the west half of Meadowbrook Road with HMA up through the leveling course.
Maintain one southbound lane for local traffic on the east side of Meadowbrook Road.
Stage 3: Perform milling on the west side of Meadowbrook Road from approximately Sta 39+00 to 10 Mile Road. Pave the west side of Meadowbrook Road with HMA up through the leveling course.
Maintain one southbound lane for local traffic on the east side of Meadowbrook Road.
Stage 4: Apple the HMA top course to all lanes of Meadowbrook Road. Install the permanent pavement markings.
Maintain one southbound lane for local traffic on Meadowbrook Road using traffic regulator control as needed.