9 Mile Road Rehabilitation: Haggerty to Meadowbrook
Updated 2/21/25
Start: Spring 2025
Current Status: Pending
End: Summer 2025
Road Jurisdiction: City of Novi
Progress: Pending
Road Closure: One eastbound lane of traffic will be maintained on 9 Mile Road.
Detour: TBD
The project scope for 9 Mile Road includes a center left turn lane addition from approximately 250 feet west of Heatherwoode Drive to 250 feet east of Cranbrooke Drive, with 125’ tapers at each end. A passing flare will also be added to the north side of westbound 9 Mile Rd at Crosswinds Drive. Improvements will be made to the existing midblock crossing at Sunrise Blvd, and a new mid-block crossing will be added at Heatherbrae Way. Road construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2025 and last 2-3 months. Work may occur on Sundays.
Stage 1: Perform milling operations on the north side of 9 Mile Road excluding the left turn lane at Haggerty Road. Complete all required curb & gutter replacement and pavement widening on the north side of the road. Perform sidewalk work on the north side of the road. Pave the north half of 9 Mile Road with HMA up through the leveling course excluding the left turn lane at Haggerty Road.
Maintain one eastbound lane for local traffic on the south side of 9 Mile Road.
Stage 2: Perform milling or crush & shape operations on the south side of 9 Mile Road, excluding the segment from Solomon Boulevard to Haggerty Road. Complete all required curb & gutter replacement and pavement widening on the south side of the road. Perform sidewalk work on the south side of the road. Pave the south half of 9 Mile Road with HMA up through the leveling course, excluding the segment from Solomon Boulevard to Haggerty Road.
Maintain one eastbound lane for local traffic on the north side of 9 Mile Road from Meadowbrook Road to Solomon Boulevard. Shift eastbound traffic back into its proper lane from Solomon Boulevard to Haggerty Road.
Stage 3: Perform milling on the south side of 9 Mile Road from Solomon Boulevard to Haggerty Road. Pave the south half of 9 Mile Road with HMA up through the leveling course from Solomon Boulevard to Haggerty Road.
Maintain one eastbound lane for local traffic on the north side of 9 Mile Road. Use traffic regulator control as needed to maintain eastbound traffic from Solomon Boulevard to Haggerty Road and through the intersection.
Stage 4: Apply the HMA top course to all lanes of 9 Mile Road. Install the permanent pavement markings.
Maintain one eastbound lane for local traffic on 9 Mile Road using traffic regulator control as needed.

Tree Removal
In preparation for the 9 Mile Road Rehabilitation project, 24 designated trees were removed in early February 2025. Those trees will be replaced by 58 trees as designated by the city’s Landscape Architect once the project is complete.
The City’s Landscape Architect, Rick Meader, developed tree replacement plans that include planting 35 trees between Sunrise Blvd and Haggerty Road and 23 trees west of Heatherwoode Drive. The plans call for a mix of canopy and sub-canopy trees to give a multi-layered look. The sub-canopy trees will have white and pink flowers in the spring, and the larger canopy trees will provide the full spectrum of fall leaf colors. All the trees are native to Michigan and are beneficial to wildlife.
Tree Removal Background
The center-left turn lane addition requires the removal of 12 trees west of Sunrise Blvd. An additional 12 trees located on the north side of 9 Mile Rd between Heatherwoode Drive and Trillium Drive will be removed for drainage and traffic safety improvements.
At City Council’s request, staff reviewed the project design to determine if some of the trees could be saved. During the evaluation, it was affirmed that shortening road tapers and/or the length of the center-left turn lanes would not save the smaller trees impacting the road structure and drainage conditions (via their root systems) or the larger trees that are not already in the crash zone (safe distance from the back of the curb).