Watch the video explaining why Novi wants your input on the update to our Master Plan for Land Use and Active Mobility Plan:


Master Plan Steering Committee Meeting Schedule

The Committee has now completed the public meetings and recommended approval for the Draft 2025 Master Plan for Land Use to move forward to the Planning Commission and the City Council

Click here for Master Plan for Land Use Steering Committee Agendas and Minutes

What is the Master Plan?

The purpose of the Master Plan is to guide the future development of Novi - identifying the type and intensity of future development, while balancing the preservation of open space and natural features, and insuring the sustainability of the City over the long-term through the establishment of a diversified tax base. The thoroughfare plan is intended to help to identify roadway improvements and technology advances that can assist with traffic flow, insure that the City plans for proper access management, and identify transit and non-motorized improvements that will be needed or desirable.

What is the status of this Master Plan review?

The Draft 2025 Master Plan for Land Use has been developed and reviewed by the Master Plan Steering Committee and will be presented to the Planning Commission on February 26, 2025 for consideration and a recommendation to the City Council for approval to distribute the plan for comment.  Following the City Council’s approval, there will be a sixty-three-day review period when public comment on the draft document will be received. Following this review period, a public hearing will be held to allow for additional community input before the plan is adopted.

How was the Plan developed and what are some of the Key Components of the Draft Plan

Beckett and Raeder, the City’s Planning Consultant for the Master Plan started the process by providing an analysis of demographics, natural features, the real estate market, economic development, and land use. As part of the work with the Committee, the total number of land use categories is recommended to be reduced from twenty-two to seventeen categories. Additionally, new mixed-use categories are introduced in response to market trends that favor a variety of uses and walkability. As part of the zoning plan, the draft plan recommends an amendment to include a Planned Unit Development (PUD) option to achieve some of the mixed use the Committee is envisioning.

Hubbell, Roth, and Clark, the consulting engineering firm for the Master Plan, worked to develop the traffic and transportation components focusing on growth rates and crash data throughout the City, and the city’s efforts to complete sidewalks and non-motorized connections.  The recently adopted Active Mobility Plan was reviewed, and certain recommendations from that plan were incorporated into the Action Plan in the draft Master Plan.   
Found in Chapter 11, the Action Plan identifies the Guiding Principles of the Master Plan, as well as actions for Novi to consider moving forward.  The Guiding Principles are as follows:

Novi is…

  • A community that builds on its assets.
  • A community that celebrates the diversity of its residents.
  • A city that demands quality real estate development.
  • A place where the built and natural environment coexists for the benefit of its residents.
  • A city that embraces the transformation of its existing commercial activity centers.
  • A community that promotes welfare, health, and safety for its residents.
  • A community that strives to connect neighborhoods and activity centers with nonmotorized access.
  • A city that uses fiscal resources wisely to advance the community master plan and associated capital improvements program.  

The draft plan carries over several actions recommended in the 2016 Master Plan, as well as new actions to reflect the findings and recommendations identified in the updated plan.   

Here is a link to the Draft 2025 Master Plan

How can I participate?

Public comments will be received by the Planning Division of Community Development utilizing the form below.

Your comment