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Regular Meeting
Council Chambers | Roll call Members Cassis, Ghannam, Ibe, Krieger, Sanghvi, Skelcy and Gedeon Present: Members Ghannam, Ibe, Krieger and Gedeon Absent: Members Cassis, Sanghvi and Skelcy Also Present: Charles Boulard, Community Development Director, Beth Kudla, City Attorney, Malinda Martin, Senior Customer Service Representative Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Agenda: APPROVED Approval of Minutes: APPROVED Public Remarks: NONE
The petitioner has requested in writing to table this case to the March 8, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. IN CASE NO. 10-061 Motion to table this case until the March 8, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting as requested by the applicant. Motion carried: 4-0 IN CASE NO. 10-063 Withdrawn by petitioner prior to meeting. The petitioner is requesting a variance from 2505.14.c(9) to allow occupancy of an existing building for Mercantile use with reduced parking provisions and installation of a 2nd wall sign and a ground sign for this business. The ground sign and a smaller second wall sign were previously approved for Lazy Boy only. CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, 28-5(3) states: "Number of on-premises advertising signs permitted: No building or parcel of land shall be allowed more than one (1) sign permitted under this section. Section 2505.14.c(9) requiring one parking space for 200 SF for retail use IN CASE NO. 10-069 Motion to table this case until the March 8, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting as the applicant is not present. Motion carried: 4-0 Singh Development LLC is representing Waltonwood at Twelve Oaks and is requesting renewal of a variance to allow a 32.7 SF off-premises leasing sign at the intersection of 12 Mile Road and the east mall access drive. The property is zoned RM-1 and is located south of Twelve Mile Road and east of Novi Road. CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-6 (3) Sale, rental or lease sign which identifies the sale, rental, or lease of the residential property (other than multiple-family apartment complexes) are not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area nor more than ten (10) feet in height., Section 28-8 Off-premises advertising signs permitted according to district… …(1) Ground pole signs and wall signs only shall be permitted in an I-2 district only. IN CASE NO. 10-070 Motion to deny the requested variance because the applicant has not shown any practical difficulty other than economic factors which are being felt by all members and all property owners in the community. Motion carried: 4-0 The petitioner has requested in writing to table this case to the March 8, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. IN CASE NO. 10-071 Motion to table this case until the March 8, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting as requested by the applicant. Motion carried: 4-0 OTHER MATTERS Member Gedeon spoke regarding the possibility of having applicants submit proposed motions. Election of Officers The board voted to delay the February election of officers to the March 8, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting and extended the term of existing officers until that time. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.