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Regular Meeting
Council Chambers | CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll call: Members Cassis, Ghannam, Ibe, Krieger, Sanghvi, Skelcy, Wrobel and Gedeon Public Hearing Format and Rules of Conduct Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes from November 9, 2010 Public Remarks
( Robert Cummings is requesting six (6) variances for the construction of a new home located at 1254 East Lake Drive. Applicant is requesting a ten (10) foot front yard setback variance, a 22.06 foot rear yard setback variance, a north side yard setback variance of ten (10) feet, a south side yard setback variance of 5.29 feet with a total aggregate variance of both side yards of 15.29 feet, and a lot coverage variance of 15.1%. Property is zoned R-4 and located on Lot 2 in the Supervisor’s Plat No. 1 Subdivision, which is located east of East Lake Drive and north of New Court. The existing house is to be or has been demolished. The Board granted this request in April 2006 NOVI CODE OF ORDINANCES: ARTICLE 24; Section 2400, "Schedule of Regulations" requires; a thirty (30) foot front yard setback, a thirty-five (35) foot rear yard setback, a minimum side yard setback of ten (10) feet with an aggregate setback of both side yards of twenty-five (25) feet and a maximum lot coverage of twenty-five (25 %) percent. Required front yard setback 30 feet Required rear yard setback 35 feet Required side yard setback (north) 15 feet Required side yard setback (south) 10 feet Required side yard setback (both sides) 25
feet Proposed lot coverage 40.1% (revised to 37.9%) The petitioner is requesting an extension of the tabling of this case until the January 11, 2011 Zoning Board of Appeals.
The petitioner is requesting consideration to be withdrawn, case tabled from the December 14, 2010 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. The petitioner is requesting consideration to be withdrawn, case tabled from the December 14, 2010 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. ( The petitioner is requesting a variance to
install a 51 SF ground sign with a height of 5’ 5” at the entranceway of
the Fox Run Village Community located at 41000 Thirteen Mile Rd. The
property is zoned RM-1 and is located north of Thirteen Mile Rd and west
of M-5. The petitioner is requesting an extension to variance ZBA09-038 to allow the continued placement of the existing real estate sign located south of Potomac Drive in Main Street Village. The property is zoned TC-1 and is located south of Grand River Avenue and east of Novi Road. CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-6 (4) Temporary Signs states: "Sale, rental, or lease sign which identifies the sale, rental, or lease of multiple-family apartment complexes upon which the sign is located shall be valid until and thirty (30) days after sale of lease of property." ( The petitioner is requesting a variance to install an additional 50 SF wall sign on the building located at 42970 Grand River Ave for Tony Sacco’s Coal Oven Pizza. The property is zoned TC and located north of Grand River and east of Novi Road. Section 28-5 (3) states: "Number of on-premises advertising signs permitted: No building or parcel of land shall be allowed more than one (1) sign permitted under this section…." ( The petitioner is requesting a variance to install the tenant name in both 3 SF tenant locations on the existing ground sign adjacent to the mall ring road and an additional 90 SF wall sign on the building located at 43235 Twelve Mile Rd. The property is zoned RC and is located south of Twelve Mile Rd and east of Novi Rd. CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-5 (3) Number of on-premises advertising signs permitted, states: "No building or parcel of land shall be allowed more than one (1) sign permitted under this section…" Space Project Construction Inc. is requesting a variance to locate an accessory structure in the interior side yard of the property located at 46470 Desoto Ct. The property is zoned I-1 and is located north of West Rd and east of Beck Rd. CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 2503.2.A requires accessory structures to be placed in the rear yard. OTHER MATTERS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.