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ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA Roll Call: Members Bauer, Cassis, Ghannam, Ibe, Krieger, Sanghvi, Skelcy and Wrobel Pledge of Allegiance Public Hearing Format and Rules of Conduct Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes from August 11, 2009Public Remarks OLD BUSINESS: 1. Case 09-028 41010 Malott Drive Presley Architecture LLC is requesting a variance to allow construction of a rear 1 story addition to an existing residence at 41010 Malott Drive. The existing structure extends into the side setbacks. In addition to the following dimensional variance the project requires an exception to 2502.4.a to allow expansion of a non-conforming structure. Property is zoned R-4 and is located east of Meadowbrook Road and south of Ten Mile Road. Following the direction of the board when tabling this motion at the July 14, 2009 ZBA meeting, the applicant has revised the request as noted below. CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Article 2400 Schedule of Regulations requires a 35 foot rear yard setback, a 10 foot minimum side yard setback, a 25 foot aggregate side yard setback and maximum total lot coverage of 25%.
( The petitioner is requesting a variance to allow installation of one (1) additional 50 square foot wall sign on the west elevation of the multi tenant building located at 26054 Novi Road for Bagger Dave’s. The property is zoned TC and located north of Grand River and east of Novi Road. Section 28-5 (3) states: "Number of on-premises advertising signs permitted: No building or parcel of land shall be allowed more than one (1) sign permitted under this section…." NEW BUSINESS: 1. Case No. 09-034 Shiro Restaurant – 43180 Nine Mile Road The petitioner is requesting an extension to variance ZBA07-087 to allow the existing off premises SHIRO Restaurant pole sign to remain on the northeast corner of Nine Mile Road and Novi Road in the RM-1 district. The properties where the sign and the restaurant are located are both owned by Arkin Enterprises. CITY OF NOVI CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-8 (1) Off-premises advertising signs states: "Off premises advertising signs, illuminated or un-illumined, shall be permitted in an I-2 district only." 2. Case No. 09-035 Lennox Park – 40812 Thirteen Mile Road The petitioner is requesting an extension to the granted variance ZBA07-030 to allow the continued placement of a revised over size/height real estate marketing sign located on M5 for Lennox Park. The property is zoned RM-1 and is located west of M5 and north of Thirteen Mile Road. CITY OF NOVI CODE OF ORDIANCES, Section 28-6 (3) Temporary Signs states "Sale, rental or lease sign which identifies the sale, rental, or lease of the residential property…six square feet in area and not less than one-half the distance between the principal building and adjacent street and not higher than five (5) feet." 3. Case No. 09-036 28175 Cabot Drive – Art Institute of Michigan The petitioner is requesting a variance to allow installation of 6 (30" x 76") banners 2 on each pole to be mounted from 3 existing light poles in the east parking lot of The Art Institute of Michigan located in Haggerty Corridor Corporate Park. The property is zoned OST and is north of Thirteen Mile Road and west of Haggerty Road. CITY OF NOVI CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-10 (b) (2) states: "The following signs shall not be permitted, erected, or maintained in any district, anything in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding: (2) Banners, pennants, spinners and streamers." 4. Case No. 09-037 48320 W. Nine Mile Road The petitioner is requesting a height variance of 5 feet to allow construction of a (1) story 19 foot high barn style garage addition to a relocated garage at 48320 W Nine Mile Road. The property is zoned R-1 and is located west of Beck Road and north of Nine Mile Road CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 2503.1(I) A detached accessory building in R-1 district shall not exceed one (1) story or fourteen (14) feet in height. REQUIRED MAXIMUM DETACHED ACCESSORY HEIGHT
OTHER MATTERS ZBA 2010 Calendar dates ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.