View Minutes for this meeting
CULTURAL SERVICES COMMISSION AGENDA 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioner Blair, Dooley, Iszler, Jewell, Policicchio, Staab, Wingfield, Student Representative Kerbrat 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: 4. CITIZEN COMMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of October 8, 2009 meeting minutes 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Walkable Novi Commissioner Iszler & Policicchio B. Novi Park Foundation Commissioners Dooley & Staab 7. STAFF REPORTS: A. Administration Division Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural
Services Randy Auler B. Recreation Division Superintendent of Recreation Nancy Cowan 8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION: 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS: 10. COMMISSION COMMENTS: 11. ADJOURNMENT
12. FUTURE EVENTS: November 2009 6 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Theatre Performance 7:30PM 7 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Theatre Performance 2PM & 7:30PM 7 Novi Game Day Novi Ice Arena 8 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Theatre Performance 2PM 9 City Council Meeting 7PM 11 Veterans Day - City Offices Closed 12 Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Commission Meeting 7PM 14 Novi Parks Foundation Annual Gala 7PM Hotel Baronette 20 Mobfather Theatre Performance 7PM 21 Mobfather Theatre Performance 6PM & 9PM 23 City Council Meeting 7PM 26 City Offices Closed 27 City Offices Closed December 2009 4 Ringing in the Holidays 4 Novi Choralaires Holiday Concert 5 Novi Choralaires Holiday Concert 6 Novi Choralaires Holiday Concert 7 City Council Meeting 7PM 10 Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Commission Meeting 7PM 11 Annie Jr. 7:30 PM 12 Annie Jr. 7:30 PM 13 Annie Jr. 2 PM 18 Annie Jr. 7:30 PM 19 Annie Jr. 2 PM 20 Annie Jr. 2 PM 21 City Council Meeting 7PM 24 Christmas Eve Day City Offices Closed 25 Christmas Day City Offices Closed 31 New Years Eve - City Offices Closed
NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department 248.347.0400 at least two working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.