The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with Commissioner Dooley
ROLL CALL: Blair (Present), Dooley (Present), Iszler (Present),
Jewell (Present), Policicchio (Present), Staab (Present), Wingfield
(Present), Kerbrat (Present).
It was moved by Commissioner Policicchio and seconded by Commissioner
Blair to approve the agenda as written.
Voice Vote Unanimous
It was moved by Commissioner Policicchio and seconded by Commissioner
Staab to approve the 2009 minutes as written with the correction of
Commissioner Blair as the second on the approval of the October 9, 2009
Voice Vote Unanimous
A Walkable Novi – Commissioners Iszler & Policicchio
Commissioner Iszler stated the pathway and sidewalk prioritization
analysis and process was finalized and approved by the Walkable Committee
and is also now available on the City website.
Commissioner Policicchio stated Director Auler visited the meeting and
gave some input on Parks and Recreation positions on items. There was a
lively discussion on Grant applications and the need for a Master Plan to
buttress anything ultimately applied for.
B. Novi Park Foundation – Commissioners Dooley & Staab
Commissioner Staab stated this Saturday night, November 14th,
at the Hotel Baronette on Novi Road will be the third annual Novi Parks
Foundation Gala. Tickets can still be purchased by calling the Parks
Coming up on December 4th will be the drawing for the third
annual raffle for the lease of an Escape. Tickets can be purchased from
any Foundation member.
Commissioner Dooley stated he wanted to thank all of the Commissioners
who have sent an RSVP for the Gala. Tickets can be purchased on Pay Pal,
at the Novi Parks office or at the door.
Commissioner Staab stated he wanted to acknowledge that one of the
Parks Foundation members, Justin Fischer, was recently elected to the Novi
City Council. He wanted to thank him for the way he has handled the
finances, the good books he has kept, and the policies and protocols he
has established over the past few years.
A. Administration Division – Randy Auler, Director of Parks, Recreation
and Cultural Services
Director Auler stated that at the last City Council meeting a Student
Commissioner was appointed to this Commission so we will be making contact
with him and doing an orientation. The student is Jay Raina. He will
hopefully be in attendance at our December meeting.
At the December Commission meeting we will be bringing the Strategic
Plan forward for the Commission’s discussion. We will also be discussing
Capital Improvement projects we want to potentially include as part of the
budget process. Director Auler asked the Commissioners to think about any
items they might like to discuss and to e-mail them to him so he can
include them in the packet for the December meeting. Capital improvement
items are those that are $25,000 or greater and have an asset life of
longer than five years.
He should also have a final draft of the Park Maintenance standards for
the Commission’s approval. He is working with Steve Printz on finalizing
As an update, we have contracted with a company to help deter the geese
in a humane way at Fuerst Park. To date, that has been successful. We are
still working on a few punch item issues and design issues. This includes
the crushed granite pathway erosion. We are working with our Recreation
Staff, the Library Staff and High School in developing a full plan of
activities and events for Furest Park for the spring and summer.
Commissioner Jewell asked how the geese problem and erosion problem at
Furest Park have affected the budget.
Director Auler stated we have made it clear to the contractor,
manufacturer and the architect we are not going to spend any more on
resolving the crushed granite pathway issue. The contractor has insurance
and other ways to fund that and we will hold fast in our position.
Director Auler also stated we had some wet weather this fall that has
affected the quality of the turf at ITC Community Sports Park. We
rearranged our schedules at the end to get all of the soccer season in and
even relocated to other sites within the park system. We received positive
customer feedback on this. Because the weather had detrimental affect on
the turf we also lost a significant lacrosse tournament which will go to
another community. We could not allow them to play on the fields because
we need to get them ready to be able to use in the spring. We need to look
at, with DPS and user groups, further limiting time on turf. We also have
some damage on baseball fields 1, 2 and 5 in particular due to the flag
football program being held in the outfields.
B. Recreation Division – Nancy Cowan, Superintendent of Recreation
Superintendent Cowan stated October was a busy month. The Storybook
Stroll and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" production were held. We closed
out the Adult Softball, soccer and flag football seasons. DPS worked
really hard to help us get some fields up for the last week of games to
fulfill the commitment to our user groups and participants in our leagues.
In the upcoming month we have our first ever Murder Mystery Dinner
Theater which will be held at Andiamo’s on November 20th and 21st.
There are three shows and the Saturday show at 6:00 p.m. is already sold
out. The Friday evening show at 7:00 p.m. only has a few left. The
Saturday show at 9:00 p.m. still has tickets. We are excited about the
response this show is getting. It is being performed by our talented
actors in the Novi area doing some improvisation which is different for
them. The show was written and is being directed by our part time
employee, Nancy Hayden, who is a Second City alumna and has been with
Second City for a very long time. She has been fantastic for the actors to
work with and learn from. We already have a second show planned for April
which is going to be a jewel theme. She encouraged the Commissioners to
see the show. The tickets are $35.00 each with a fantastic meal from
Andiamo’s. The partnership with Andiamo’s is one we hope to continue.
The theatre production "Annie, Jr." opens December 11th and
she encourages everyone to get their tickets. There are six shows and over
400 tickets have already been sold.
Senior "Turkey Day" is coming up next week to celebrate the
Thanksgiving holiday. This event is always one that is sold out.
Ringing in the Holidays is Friday, December 4th. The
Electric Light Parade starts at 6:00 p.m. We need more floats for the
parade so if you know of a group in the area who is interested it is a
great way to participate. The Opening Ceremony is planned for 6:45. We
hope to do this inside this year to bolster the audience and
participation. We also have many performers that night from youth dancers
to choirs. Santa will be there as usual with pictures for community
members. The whole event is free. We have a Craft Show area that is new
this year. There will be over thirteen different vendors. The Brownies
will have their Bake Sale. We also have two rooms as a kid’s area which
will be used for games and activities. This will all be indoors so that it
is warmer.
In the packet there is a list of partners as requested by Commissioner
Staab. This will enable you to thank them when you are out in the
community. Every day this list grows. Just recently we formed a
partnership with Home Depot and Novi Meadows School. Our staff came up
with a creative idea about snow creatures. Home Depot has donated lumber
and some time to help us cut out some large three to five foot snowmen
which we will deliver to Novi Meadows. The Principal there has committed
over twenty classes to decorate the snowmen which will be displayed on
Main Street during "Ringing in the Holidays". We will then bring them to
the Civic Center to display them through January either in the outdoor or
indoor areas so that kids can come and visit their art. Home Depot is also
thinking of building a float to enter in the parade.
She thanked Director Auler and the City Administration for the
opportunity to attend the NRPA (National Recreation and Parks Association)
four day conference last month. We are already implementing new ideas and
things which she learned there and has brought back and shared.
Commissioner Staab stated he wished to thank Superintendent Cowan for
the listing of partnerships and applauds her for taking time out of her
schedule to attend the NRPA conference.
Commissioner Dooley stated he had a chance to go to the ITC Community
Sports Park fields this week. He saw that the 11 v 11 fields are in great
shape as they have been for a number of years. He noticed some of the 6 v 6
and 8 v 8 fields are damaged and he realizes that is from the weather. He
wondered if this is something that can be discussed during the winter
leading up to the spring when youth soccer and youth baseball are on the
fields again. We need to reevaluate the usage of these fields during the
week for practices. We should perhaps use those fields for games only.
Commissioner Blair asked if we are still using Novi School System fields
for Parks and Recreation practices.
It was confirmed that is true.
Student Commissioner Kerbrat stated she agrees with the soccer field
comments because when she was younger they always practiced at the Middle
School because there are enough fields in front and behind it. Maybe those
should be used for practice during the week and ITC only for games on the
Commissioner Jewell had no comments.
Commissioner Iszler had no comments.
Commissioner Policicchio asked if it would be possible to get a very
brief report on what the trend is with Parks and Recreations around the
country in terms of going to artificial turf on their fields. It is going to
be a never ending problem in Michigan. He would like to know what the costs
of that might be. He knows more High Schools are going to artificial turf.
He would be interested in information on it including cost and lifespan.
Commissioner Blair stated he is also interested in the fields and the
discussion over the winter and hopefully address the issue because it is a
concern for many of the parents and players.
Commissioner Wingfield stated there are 65 to 70 partners listed and
he asked why Novi Youth Baseball was not listed with 650 to 700
participants. He asked if it was a different category than Jaguars.
Superintendent Cowan stated the reason the Jaguars are listed is because
we use their coaches to train our coaches. As a user group, we have not
gotten to that with Novi Youth Baseball League yet. That is something which
has been talked about for spring with t-ball clinic and those types of
Commissioner Staab stated he would like to thank both Director Auler
and Commissioner Dooley for stepping up and chairing the upcoming Gala
event. He stated that on December 4th and 6th the
Choralaires will be in concert. He also encourages everyone to purchase
raffle tickets.
Commissioner Dooley stated he would like to acknowledge Milan
Obrenovich who is the Principal of the Novi Middle School. He is the fifth
annual recipient of the "Hugh and Kathy Crawford Award". He was instrumental
in starting the Parks Department in the late 1960’s.
It was moved to adjourn the Commission meeting by Commissioner Dooley and
seconded by Commissioner Blair.
Voice Vote Unanimous
The meeting was adjourned by Commissioner Dooley at 7:35 PM.
DATE APPROVED: December 10, 2009.
Jay Dooley, Chairperson
Paul Policicchio, Vice Chairperson