View Minutes from this Meeting![]() REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NOVI A G E N D A CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Mayor Landry, Mayor Pro Tem Capello, Council Members Gatt, Margolis, Mutch, Nagy, PaulAPPROVAL OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. National Citizen Survey Results 2006 Dr. Miller REPORTS: 1. SPECIAL/COMMITTEE 2. CITY MANAGER 3. DEPARTMENTAL 4. ATTORNEY AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group. CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS AND APPROVALS (See items A-G) All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of the normal Agenda. MATTERS FOR COUNCIL ACTION Part I 1. Approval of Resolution adopting the Beck Road (Eight Mile Road to Grand River Avenue) Scoping Study Report. 2. Appeal for denial of land division from Michael Soave, parcels 50-22-29-376-003 and 50-22-29-376-010.
3. Approval to award a construction contract for the Greenwood Oaks Sanitary Sewer Extension and Lift Station Abandonment
Project to In-Line Construction, the lowest qualified bidder, in the amount of $246,794. 4. Approval to award the Chiller replacement for the Civic Center to Temperature Services, Inc., the low qualified bidder, in
the amount of $210,000. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group. BREAK MATTERS FOR COUNCIL ACTION Part II CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: Consent Agenda items which have been removed for discussion and/or action. MAYOR AND COUNCIL ISSUES AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group. ADJOURNMENT CONSENT AGENDA: Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerks Office. A. Approve Minutes of:
B. Enter Executive Session immediately following the regular meeting of January 8, 2007 in the Council Annex for the purpose of
discussing pending litigation and privileged correspondence from legal counsel. C. Award of Professional Services Agreement with Walden-Marling, Inc. for appraisal services for Fountain Walk for Tax Years
2004, 2005, and 2006 in the amount of $37,500. D. Approval to apply for an Emerald Ash Borer Tree Planting Grant, for a maximum grant award of $20,000 (Citys grant share is
$32,000 to be funded from the tree fund). E. Consideration of the request of Singh Development for Uptown Place, SP 03-40B, for a one-year Preliminary Site Plan
extension. The subject property is located in Section 14, south of Twelve Mile Road between Novi and Meadowbrook Roads in the R-C, Regional Center
District, utilizing the PD-2 development option. F. Acceptance of Oliver Hatcher Building site water main and sanitary sewer as public utilities, and approval of the Oliver
Hatcher Building site storm drainage facility maintenance agreement, emergency access easement agreement, storm water drainage easement, and
sidewalk easement. The site is Parcel ID No. 50-22-14-200-044. G. Approval of Claims and Accounts Warrant No. 736 COMMUNICATIONS: SCHEDULED MEETINGS - All Regular Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. January 9 Zoning Board of Appeals Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 10 Youth Council Council Chambers 3:00 p.m. 10 Planning Commission Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 11 Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 13 City Council, Goals Police Training Center 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 15 City Offices Closed 17 Library Board Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. 22 City Council Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. 24 Youth Council Council Chambers 3:00 p.m. 24 Planning Commission Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 27 Homeowners Association Leaders Breakfast State of the City Address 9:00 a.m. February 5 City Council Interviews Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. 6 Zoning Board of Appeals Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 8 Parks, Recreation & Forestry Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 12 City Council Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. 14 - Youth Council Council Chambers 3:00 p.m. 14 Planning Commission Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 19 City Offices Closed 21 Library Board Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. 28 Youth Council Council Chambers 3:00 p.m. 28 Planning Commission Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the City Clerk (248) 347-0456 at least two working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations. We kindly request that you turn off all cellular phones and pagers while in the Council Chambers. Thank you.