View Action Summary for this meeting 
View Minutes for this meeting




Regular Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175 W. Ten Mile Road

(248) 347-0459


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call:

Public Hearing Format and Rules of Conduct

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes from March 8, 2011

Public Remarks

1. Case No. 10-061 41107 Jo Drive
( Click for this packet item 1.7MB)

Schonsheck Construction, Inc. is requesting a variance to allow outdoor storage of unlicensed cars in the parking lot of the property located at 41107 Jo Dr. The property is zoned I-1 and is located on the south side of Jo Dr., north of Grand River Ave.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 1903.4 requires vehicle parking for automobile service establishments be limited to customers and employees and not for vehicle storage longer than twenty-four hours and indicates that no vehicles without current license plates be stored outside.

2. Case No. 11-006 30275 Hudson Drive
( Click for this packet item 1.1MB)

The petitioner is requesting a variance to the required number of off-street parking spaces. Petitioner is proposing 110 parking spaces in lieu of the 128 parking spaces required by the Zoning Ordinance. Twenty-six of the proposed parking spaces will be in the form of land banked parking. The property is zoned I-1 and is located on the southwest corner of Cartier Drive and Hudson Drive.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 2505.14.d(2) Off-Street Parking Requirements states: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces for business offices shall be one (1) parking space for each two hundred twenty-two (222) square feet of gross leasable area.

Section 2505.14.e(2) Off-Street Parking Requirements states: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces for warehouses shall be one (1) parking space for each seven hundred (700) square feet of usable area.

3. Case No. 11-007 24255 Novi Road
( Click for this packet item 323KB)

The petitioner is requesting a variance to install a 30 SF multi tenant business center sign to include four (4) business names at the Pine Ridge Center which is located at 24255 Novi Rd. The property is zoned B-3 and is located north of Ten Mile Rd on the Westside of Novi Rd.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-5 (1)d. does not permit a business center sign to include tenant names in a B-3 zoning district. The proposed sign includes four (4) tenant names.

4. Case No. 11-008 26444 Taft Road
( Click for this packet item 3.0MB)

The petitioner is requesting four variances for the proposed use of an existing non-conforming structure for a professional office located at 26444 Taft Rd. Applicant is proposing use of an existing residential structure in an I-1 district for an office, without structural alterations until a new structure can be approved and built. Applicant is requesting one front yard setback variance (13ft), one parking surfacing variance (to allow gravel) and one variance from the required standards for landscaping (right of way/landscape buffer/screening) and a variance to mow within the watercourse/wetland buffer. Property is zoned I-1 and is located south of Grand River and east of Taft Rd.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Article 24. Schedule of Regulations Section 2400 states:


CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 2506.8 Off Street Stacking Space, Layout Standards, Construction and Maintenance states:

"The entire parking area, including parking spaces and maneuvering lanes, required under this section shall be provided with asphalt or concrete surfacing in accordance with the parking standards contained in the City’s Design and Construction Standards."

  • Applicant is requesting an all gravel surface.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 2509 Landscape Standards: Obscuring Earth Berms and Walls, Rights-of-Way Berms and Walls, Rights-of-Way Buffers, and Interior and Exterior Landscape Plantings states: "Landscape regulation is intended to establish minimum standards for all property in the City. Property owners and occupants are encouraged to exceed these standards, to minimize paved areas and other run-off areas, and to maximize the areas devoted to attractively designed and well-maintained landscapes."

  • Applicant has not proposed any new landscaping.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 2400(t)3 Wetland/Watercourse Setback: Within an established wetland or watercourse setback, unless and only to the extent determined to be in the public interest by the body undertaking plan review, there shall be no deposition of any material, removal of any soils, minerals and/or vegetation, dredging, filling or land balancing, or construction of any temporary or permanent structures.

5. Case No. 11-009 25000 Joseph Drive
( Click for this packet item 186KB)

The petitioner is requesting a variance to install an additional wall sign on the north elevation of the building located at 25000 Joseph Dr for Oakland Oral Surgery. The property is zoned NCC and is located south of Grand River Ave and east of Meadowbrook Rd.

CITY OF NOVI, CODE OF ORDINANCES, Section 28-5 (3) Number of off-premises advertising signs permitted states "No building or parcel of land shall be allowed more than one (1) sign…"

6. Case No. 11-010 25100 Novi Road
( Click for this packet item 798KB)

The petitioner is requesting variances to address non-conformities that will result from acquisition of the additional highway easement for the new railroad bridge on Novi Rd including front yard setbacks (92.2ft), waiver of corner clearance, waiver of right of way/parking lot buffer/screening, reduction of street trees, relocation of a pole sign and installation of a temporary sign for 18-24 months. The property is zoned I-2 and is located east of Novi Rd and south of Grand River.


Section 2400h

Required minimum building front yard setback 100’
Proposed minimum building front yard setback 7.80’
Variance requested 92.20’

Section 2513

Required minimum corner clear area 25’
Proposed minimum corner clear area 0’(north side of relocated drive includes retaining wall in clear zone)
Variance requested 25’

Section 2509.3.b

Required ROW landscaping between parking lot and Novi Rd 25’
Proposed ROW landscaping between parking lot and Novi Rd 7.8’
Variance requested 17.2’

Section 2509.3.b

Required minimum street trees: 1 per 40’ canopy (7/req) and 1 per 25’ sub-canopy (11 req)
Proposed minimum street trees: 3 canopy and 3 sub-canopy trees
Variance requested: waiver of 4 required canopy and 8 required sub- canopy trees

Section 2001.3

Required: Screening out outdoor storage yard
Proposed: removal of existing screen wall
Variance requested: waiver of screen wall or landscaped berm requirement

Section 28-5 (1)c. regarding signs permitted according to district states: "In any industrial district (I-1, I-2) on-premises advertising signs as follows: 1. Business sign: Ground sign, wall sign or canopy sign. (pole sign proposed)

Section 2400h

Required minimum parking front yard setback 40’
Proposed minimum parking front yard setback 7.8’
Variance requested 32.2’

Section 2509b

Required landscape berm to screen parking
Proposed waiver of berm requested
Variance requested

Section 28-6 Temporary signs may be erected in accordance with the use, are, height and placement regulations of this section: (requested sign is not allowed)



NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the Community Development Department (248) 347-0415 at least seven working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.


