View Agenda for this meeting
REGULAR MEETING - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Proceedings had and Testimony taken in the matters of the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, at City of Novi, 45175 West Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan, on Tuesday, May 10, 2011. BOARD MEMBERS ALSO PRESENT: REPORTED BY: 1 Novi, Michigan 2 Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3 7:00 p.m. 4 - - - 5 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Good 6 evening, everybody. I'm going to call 7 the May 10, 2011, Zoning Board of 8 Appeals meeting to order. 9 If everybody can please stand 10 for the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 Ms. Skelcy, if you could lead us, 12 please. 13 (The Pledge of 14 Allegiance was 15 recited.) 16 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Thank you. 17 Ms. Pawlowski, can you call the roll. 18 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 19 Cassis? 20 MEMBER CASSIS: Yes. 21 MS. PAWLOWSKI: 22 Member Gedeon? 23 MEMBER GEDEON: Here. 24 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Chairman 25 Ghannam?
4 1 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Here. 2 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member Ibe? 3 Absent, excused. 4 Member Krieger? 5 MEMBER KRIEGER: Here. 6 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 7 Sanghvi? 8 MEMBER SANGHVI: Here. 9 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 10 Skelcy? 11 MEMBER SKELCY: Here. 12 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: I'm just 13 going to go over the rules. If anybody 14 needs a copy of the rules, they are 15 outside and in the back of the room. 16 Please turn off all pagers 17 and cell phones during our meetings. 18 Applicants, when they are 19 called, will be asked to come forward, 20 state their names and addresses and be 21 sworn in by our secretary. They will 22 be allowed five minutes to address the 23 board or extended at the discretion of 24 the chair. Anybody who wishes to 25 address the board regarding issues will
5 1 be asked to state that at that time. 2 In terms of the next thing on 3 the agenda, we've got the approval of 4 the agenda. Are there any corrections 5 or modifications to the agenda at this 6 point? 7 MS. PAWLOWSKI: No additional 8 items for the agenda. 9 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Then I 10 will entertain a motion to approve the 11 agenda. 12 MEMBER SANGHVI: So move. 13 MEMBER SKELCY: Second. 14 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Being 15 moved and seconded, all in favor, say 16 aye. 17 THE BOARD: Aye. 18 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: All 19 opposed? Seeing none, the agenda is 20 approved. And we will move to the 21 approval of the minutes for April 12, 22 2011. Any modifications or corrections 23 to that? 24 MS. PAWLOWSKI: No. 25 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Nothing
6 1 from the city? Seeing none, I will 2 entertain a motion to approve the 3 minutes of the meeting for April 12, 4 2011. 5 MEMBER SANGHVI: So move. 6 MEMBER SKELCY: Second. 7 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: It's been 8 moved and seconded. All in favor, say 9 aye. 10 THE BOARD: Aye. 11 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: All 12 opposed? Seeing none, the minutes of 13 April 12, 2011 meeting are hereby 14 approved. 15 At this point, I will give 16 anybody in the audience the opportunity 17 to make any public remarks on cases 18 that are not going to be called here 19 today. Is there anybody in the 20 audience who would like to make a 21 public remark at this point in time? 22 Seeing none, I will close the 23 public remark section and move on to 24 Case No. 11 -- it's Item No. 1, Case 25 11-005, for 43100 Nine Mile Road. The
7 1 applicant is seeking an extension of 2 the hearings of ZBA01-078, for an 3 illuminated ground sign that is 4 non-specific to the tenant. The 5 property is zoned I-1 and is located on 6 the north side of Nine Mile and east of 7 Novi Road. 8 Sir, can you please state 9 your name. 10 MR. ARKIN: Irwin Arkin, 11 43100 Nine Mile. 12 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: You are 13 not an attorney, sir? 14 MR. ARKIN: I'm sorry? 15 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: You are 16 not an attorney, I presume? 17 MR. ARKIN: No, I'm not. 18 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Please 19 raise your right hand and be sworn in 20 by our secretary. 21 MEMBER SKELCY: Do you swear 22 or affirm to tell the truth? 23 MR. ARKIN: I do. 24 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: State your 25 address and then proceed.
8 1 MR. ARKIN: Good evening. 2 I'm Irwin Arkin here for Ken Bieniek of 3 the Durr Ecoclean Company. We have a 4 common interest as far as we are both 5 tenants in the Arkin Building located 6 at 43100 Nine Mile Road. And the 7 signage that they are requesting, I'm 8 showing on the screen. 9 The building was built in 10 1973 having an Arkin signage on the 11 building, now over 38 years old, and a 12 modest 12-foot square sign. 13 Durr is occupying nearly 90 14 percent of the Arkin Building and is 15 looking for a much-needed business 16 identification sign, informed with 17 Novi's direction of 30 square feet 18 on the existing sign monument. 19 The existing sign monument 20 was used by Ingersol Rand for a number 21 of years beginning in 1977. Homedics, 22 for a number of years, beginning in 23 2001, also used the existing monument 24 for their signage. 25 Irwin J. Arkin, LLC, is
9 1 requesting the approval being 2 non-specific to any tenant, approving 3 the use of the existing sign monument 4 for Durr Ecoclean, Inc., and any future 5 tenant. The City of Novi should be 6 proud to have and welcome the Durr 7 Company by granting the much-needed 8 sign as requested. Thank you. 9 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Thank you, 10 sir. Is there anybody in the audience 11 who wishes to address the board 12 regarding this particular case, please 13 raise your hand and be recognized. 14 Seeing none, I will close the public 15 remarks section and ask our secretary 16 to read any public correspondence. 17 MEMBER SKELCY: Fifteen 18 notices were mailed. There were four 19 approvals and no objections. One was 20 returned mail. 21 We have an approval from the 22 Shiro Restaurants and an approval from 23 Irwin Arkin and an approval from Arkin, 24 LLC. Two responses from Arkin, LLC. 25 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Thank you.
10 1 Any comments from the city? 2 MR. BOULARD: Just to 3 clarify, I think Mr. Arkin has already 4 made clear there was previous variances 5 for the signs; however, those variances 6 were specific as to the company and the 7 text that went on the sign. And, thus, 8 he's here tonight for changing the face 9 of the sign. 10 The request is actually to 11 allow future tenants to change the sign 12 to show their name and so on, without 13 having to come back. And so, 14 hopefully, alleviate the need to come 15 back every time that it changes. That 16 said, I'm glad the building is 17 occupied, and welcome. 18 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: And the 19 request is basically for a permanent 20 variance, I presume, without regard to 21 tenants? 22 MR. BOULARD: Yeah. The 23 previous variance was for -- the 24 previous variance was for the sign, 25 but -- they were permanent variances
11 1 but they were specific tenants. 2 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: I 3 understand. Okay. I will open it up 4 to the board for discussion. 5 Member Sanghvi. 6 MEMBER SANGHVI: Thank you, 7 Mr. Chair. I think the request just to 8 keep changing the name of the tenants 9 as the tenants change, and in this 10 particular economy, the tenants come 11 and go, and I have no problem 12 recommending this to the board to 13 accept the way it is. Thank you. 14 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Okay. Any 15 other comments by the board or 16 questions? Member Cassis. 17 MEMBER CASSIS: Thank you, 18 Mr. Chairman. I think it is to the 19 credit of Mr. Arkin that he's able to 20 keep the building occupied and keep it 21 in good shape. 22 You have been a citizen of 23 this city for a long time. I can 24 remember Homedics -- Durr. I have seen 25 your name before; you are a good
12 1 company, too. So, we are glad that we 2 are able to give this okay, if the rest 3 of the board okays it. It's okay by 4 me, and I think that we need to just 5 keep this building occupied. You 6 always maintained it, very clean. It's 7 a huge building. The sign is not that 8 huge, so it's okay by me. 9 Thank you very much, 10 Mr. Chairman. 11 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Thank you. 12 Any other comments? I will just make a 13 quick comment, also. I agree, the sign 14 is not a problem. You know, changing 15 tenancy doesn't make a big difference 16 to me either. So, I have no problems 17 supporting your request either, sir. 18 Anything else? If not, I 19 will entertain a motion by the board. 20 Member Krieger. 21 MEMBER KRIEGER: In Case No. 22 11-005 for 43100 Nine Mile Road, I move 23 to approve the request for the 24 extension of the variance to continue 25 the ground sign that exists there
13 1 already. That it's not specific to the 2 tenants, so if the tenant changes, that 3 the sign may stay and the new tenant 4 may use the same sign. And that this 5 request is based upon circumstances or 6 features that are exceptional and 7 unique to the property. Being that as 8 the previous member mentioned, it's a 9 reasonable request, considering the 10 proportions for the sign and the 11 building. And does not result from 12 conditions that exist generally in the 13 city. 14 Failure to grant relief will 15 unreasonably prevent or limit the use 16 of the property and will result in 17 substantially more that mere 18 inconvenience or ability to attain a 19 higher economic or financial return. 20 Example is, when I was 21 driving down Heslip, the majority of 22 buildings have signs up for sale or 23 occupancy. 24 And the grant of relief will 25 not result in a use of a structure that
14 1 is incompatible with or unreasonably 2 interferes with adjacent or surrounding 3 properties; it will actually enhance 4 the area. And will do substantial 5 justice to the applicant and to the 6 city. And it's not inconsistent with 7 the spirit of the ordinance. 8 MEMBER SANGHVI: Second. 9 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Seeing a 10 motion and a second, any further 11 discussion by the board? Seeing none, 12 Ms. Pawlowski, can you please call the 13 roll. 14 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 15 Cassis? 16 MEMBER CASSIS: Yes. 17 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 18 Gedeon? 19 MEMBER GEDEON: Yes. 20 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Chairman 21 Ghannam? 22 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Yes. 23 MS. PAWLOWSKI: 24 Member Krieger? 25 MEMBER KRIEGER: Yes.
15 1 MS. PAWLOWSKI: 2 Member Sanghvi? 3 MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. 4 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 5 Skelcy? 6 MEMBER SKELCY: Yes. 7 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Motion 8 passes, six to zero. 9 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: 10 Congratulations, sir. 11 MR. ARKIN: Thank you very 12 much. 13 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Next on 14 the agenda is Case -- Item No. 2, 15 Case No. 11-011, for 1375 East Lake 16 Drive. The applicant is requesting a 17 12-foot yard setback variance to allow 18 a second floor deck addition to the 19 existing residence. The property is 20 zoned R4, and is located east of Walled 21 Lake between Thirteen and Fourteen Mile 22 Roads. 23 If the applicant can address 24 us from the podium. 25 MS. MAHER: Hi there. We
16 1 have photos, too. We don't have a 2 fancy slide. 3 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: First 4 identify yourselves. 5 MS. MAHER: Okay. 6 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Whoever is 7 going to speak, and I'm just going to 8 have you raise your right hand and 9 state your name and address. 10 MS. MAHER: Hi there. Angela 11 Maher, 1375 East Lake Drive. 12 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Sir, are 13 you going to speak? 14 MS. MAHER: Yes. 15 MR. PARY: Yes. 16 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: If you are 17 going to speak, just state your name 18 and address. 19 MR. PARY: Rick Pary, 1375 20 East Lake Drive, Novi, Michigan. 21 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: If you can 22 both raise your right hands and be 23 sworn. 24 MEMBER SKELCY: Do you swear 25 or affirm to tell the truth?
17 1 MS. MAHER: Yes. 2 MR. PARY: Yes. 3 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Please 4 proceed. 5 MR. PARY: Pardon us. We 6 have never been in front of a zoning 7 board. 8 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: No 9 problem. 10 MS. MAHER: Hi there. I'm 11 Angie Maher. 12 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: You are 13 going to need to speak at the podium. 14 MS. MAHER: My voice is 15 always so loud. 16 MEMBER SANGHVI: It's being 17 televised. 18 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Yeah. 19 MS. MAHER: I'm sorry? 20 MEMBER SANGHVI: It's being 21 televised, and that's the only place it 22 can go. 23 MS. MAHER: Oh, oh, okay. 24 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: You can 25 show us the photographs and so forth,
18 1 but if you want to talk, just stand 2 there by the microphone. 3 MS. MAHER: Okay. Maybe you 4 can show them. 5 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Yeah, 6 maybe you can come forward as she's 7 explaining. 8 MS. MAHER: Okay. I have 9 lived in the City of Walled Lake for 40 10 years; Rick has lived in Walled Lake 11 for 20 years, and we are so happy they 12 are across the border. And we recently 13 in January purchased a lovely property 14 on East Lake Drive, and we are so 15 excited to be part of Novi. 16 As you can see, in the 17 pictures that you have, we bought a 18 piece of property, and we would love to 19 renovate it to fit into the City of 20 Novi. 21 We are asking for a setback. 22 Our property is one of -- sits back 30 23 feet right now. And the photos along 24 East Lake Drive, I took a small 25 sampling of about 60 houses all in a
19 1 row from our neighborhood. And there 2 are, so far, only about three 3 properties that actually sit back 30 4 feet. 5 Rick, if you can hold up the 6 board with all of the houses. Most of 7 the houses on East Lake Drive sit back 8 less than 18 feet, with most of them 9 sitting back some 10 feet, 12 feet 10 and 18 feet to the road. 11 IF you would hold up the very 12 last one, Rick. Just turn it around. 13 Just recently, there is two brand new 14 constructions. One house is just five 15 doors down from us, and that property 16 sits back 12 feet from -- I'm sorry, 17 18 feet from the road. And there is a 18 brand new one about 20 feet. Keep it 19 turned around, honey. 20 There is another one 20 doors 21 down from us that is still under 22 construction, and that one sits back 23 about 20 feet. So, both of them are 24 brand new construction, adding beauty 25 to the City of Novi and to our street.
20 1 And so many of our homeowners are doing 2 what we are doing and updating our 3 homes and making that road look so 4 incredibly beautiful, which is what we 5 are looking to do. 6 With our setback -- if you 7 can go to the front page, honey. 8 MEMBER KRIEGER: Honey, do 9 this. 10 MS. MAHER: You should see 11 his honey-do list. 12 With our setback, both of our 13 neighbors -- we are set back 30 foot 14 right now, and both of our neighbors 15 are set back between 16 and 18 foot. 16 So, with our setback, we are still 17 going to be further back than what they 18 are. And our deck does not block their 19 view at all, because we are still going 20 to be back further than what they are. 21 Honey, if maybe you can 22 explain that more in the photo. 23 MR. PARY: I put some orange 24 buckets roughly where the posts for the 25 deck would be, so that you could
21 1 possibly see from the -- we are not 2 obstructing any neighbors' view from 3 the side of the house. This is 4 wetlands next to us here. And that's 5 where the posts would be. And that's 6 the neighbor's house way out here. 7 MEMBER CASSIS: I can't see. 8 MR. PARY: I'm sorry. If I 9 would have known you had the 10 projector -- 11 MEMBER CASSIS: That's okay. 12 MR. PARY: The neighbor on 13 the other side, this is her house here, 14 and it doesn't obstruct any view also 15 there either. 16 MEMBER SKELCY: What's the 17 address? 18 MR. PARY: What's our 19 next-door neighbor's address? I'm not 20 sure, to be honest with you. 21 MEMBER SKELCY: Okay. 22 MS. MAHER: Next door. 23 Sorry. 24 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: That's 25 okay.
22 1 MR. PARY: Like I said, it 2 doesn't interfere with any sight lines 3 with any neighbors. 4 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Is there 5 anything else, ma'am? 6 MS. MAHER: No. The moral of 7 the story is that even with -- because 8 our house is set back 30 foot, with the 9 variance for the 12-foot deck, we will 10 still be set back at 18 foot, which is 11 still more than the majority of the 12 houses along that road, as you have 13 seen in the following. And that was 14 just a sampling out of 16 houses. Some 15 of them are as close to 10 foot to the 16 road. 17 And because of the fact that 18 we are making beauty to that street, 19 and we see a lot is going on with the 20 lakeshore park and the beauty, it's 21 just one more nice home that's being 22 updated. And we have seen so many of 23 our neighbors are following suit, and 24 it's so much joy to have that 25 camaraderie go through the City of
23 1 Novi, where people are really diving in 2 and taking good care of their homes. 3 And we are just adding one more home to 4 that list, as you can see with the 5 photos. And it's really exciting for 6 us and hopefully with you as well, with 7 your approval. 8 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Okay. 9 Anything else? 10 MS. MAHER: No. 11 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Is there 12 anybody in the public who wishes make a 13 comment on this particular case, please 14 raise your hand and be recognized. 15 Seeing none, I will close the public 16 remark section and ask our secretary to 17 read any correspondence. 18 MEMBER SKELCY: Thirty-six 19 notices were mailed. There was one 20 approval from Carl and Lisa Engling. 21 And they said, "We had the opportunity 22 to look at the changes Angie intends to 23 make to the existing property. The 24 plans are beautiful and will bring much 25 needed curb appeal to the existing
24 1 home. We definitely approve of the 2 variance Angie needs to make the 3 upgrade." 4 The objection is from Bouren, 5 B-o-u-r-e-n, located at 1391 East Lake 6 Drive. Comments: "Too large of a 7 variance. Too close to road." 8 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Okay. Any 9 comments from the city regarding this 10 case? 11 MR. BOULARD: If I could just 12 clarify. There is a significant amount 13 of work going on to the house that's 14 above and beyond the balcony. And the 15 balcony, unless I'm mistaken, is the 16 only portion that extends in the front 17 setback. Everything else is behind the 18 front setback, is that correct? 19 MR. PARY: That's correct. 20 MS. MAHER: Correct. 21 MR. PARY: And all the 22 permits have been filed. 23 MR. BOULARD: Thank you. 24 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Okay. I 25 will open it up to the board for
25 1 questions. Member Skelcy. 2 MEMBER SKELCY: I live across 3 the lake from you. I went for a run on 4 Sunday, and I saw there were new people 5 in the house. I think it used to be a 6 party house. So, I was like, "Oh, new 7 people bought it." And I think that 8 this -- I saw you working out in the 9 yard, so that's great that you are 10 improving it. 11 I go on runs every, you know, 12 couple days, and this house really 13 needs something on the front to make it 14 look better, so I would be very in 15 favor of this particular variance. 16 Because I think that will bring 17 something out of the house and make it 18 look a lot nicer and really improve not 19 just the curb appeal but the street 20 appeal there. So, I would be in favor 21 of this particular variance. 22 MS. MAHER: Thank you. Wait 23 until you see -- I'm a gardener. Wait 24 until you see what I have for the 25 gardening.
26 1 MEMBER SKELCY: I can hardly 2 wait. 3 MS. MAHER: I can hardly 4 plan. 5 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any other 6 questions? Member Gedeon. 7 MEMBER GEDEON: One question 8 for the city. Since this is not only a 9 deck but functionally equivalent to a 10 carport, does that change the 11 considerations at all? 12 MR. BOULARD: Either way -- 13 either way, the structure would not be 14 allowed in the setback without the 15 variance. So, my understanding is, if 16 you grant a variance for this 17 structure, whatever its functions are, 18 don't really matter, as long as it's 19 got your approval. 20 MEMBER GEDEON: Thank you. 21 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Actually, 22 I have a question for the city. I 23 presume whatever structure is put 24 there, such as they proposed, will have 25 to be approved by the city in terms of
27 1 structural integrity and so forth? 2 MR. BOULARD: Absolutely. 3 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: I too, 4 ma'am, have seen the area. And we 5 actually have had, over the years, 6 several requests for people in the West 7 Lake and East Lake and so forth. And 8 it is understandable with -- the 9 unusual nature about these lots, they 10 are narrow; they are short. And 11 whenever you do something, invariably, 12 you will need a variance. And this is 13 the type of thing, you know, not only 14 does it improve your property, I don't 15 think it affects your neighbors. 16 I have no problem with it 17 either under the circumstances. Member 18 Cassis. 19 MEMBER CASSIS: Thank you, 20 Mr. Chairman. Just a query. You have 21 talked to the neighbors? 22 MS. MAHER: Yes. 23 MR. PARY: Oh, yes. 24 MEMBER CASSIS: Everybody is 25 okay?
28 1 MR. PARY: I'm not sure if 2 that is right next door or where that 3 address is, but we have talked to 4 everybody, and verbally they have -- 5 MEMBER CASSIS: What was the 6 comment? 7 MEMBER SKELCY: "Too large of 8 a variance. Too close to road." 9 MEMBER CASSIS: And that is 10 curious to me. What did you hope to 11 accomplish with the deck? I mean, you 12 are facing the road. If you were 13 facing the lake or something, that 14 would be something that is attractive. 15 Is it facing the lake? 16 MR. PARY: Yes. 17 MR. CASSIS: That's all I 18 have. Just looking good. And if we 19 can keep upgrading those homes down 20 there, then we get more taxes to the 21 city. 22 MS. MAHER: We also feel like 23 it's a Tom Sawyer approach, too. You 24 know, Tom Sawyer painted the wall one 25 day, and next thing you know, he got
29 1 more people to paint the wall. And 2 that's what happens anytime you take a 3 house in the middle, and now everyone 4 has to or everyone wants to join in. 5 MEMBER CASSIS: He's my 6 cousin. 7 MS. MAHER: Of course, he is. 8 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any other 9 questions or comments by the board? 10 MEMBER SANGHVI: No, 11 Mr. Chair, I have no other comments 12 except they are not going to interfere 13 with anybody's privacy or anything from 14 the front, so I have no problem. 15 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: If there 16 are no other comments, I will entertain 17 a motion on this case. Member 18 Skelcy. 19 MEMBER SKELCY: I move that 20 in the case of 11-011, address of 1375 21 East Lake Road, that we move to grant 22 the 12-foot variance that has been 23 requested in their application. There 24 are unique circumstances to the 25 property such as the shallowness,
30 1 narrowness, shape, water, topography or 2 similar physical conditions. And the 3 need for the variance is not due to 4 applicant's personal or economic 5 difficulty. As earlier mentioned, one 6 of the unique circumstances is that the 7 lots on the lake are irregularly shaped 8 and small. 9 The need is not self-created. 10 There is strict compliance with 11 regulations governing the area, 12 setback, frontage, height, bulk, 13 density or other dimensional 14 requirements, and will not unreasonably 15 prevent the property -- if this were 16 not granted, it would unreasonably 17 prevent the property owner from using 18 the property for a permitted purpose or 19 would render the conformity of those 20 regulations unnecessarily burdensome. 21 The requested variance is the 22 minimum variance necessary to do 23 substantial justice to the applicant as 24 well as to other property owners in the 25 district. The requested variance will
31 1 not cause an adverse impact on 2 surrounding property, property values 3 or the use and enjoyment of the 4 property in the neighborhood or the 5 zoning district. In fact, it was a 6 neighbor who wholeheartedly agreed with 7 the changes that are going to be made 8 to the house. 9 MEMBER KRIEGER: Second. 10 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any 11 further discussion? Seeing none, 12 Ms. Pawlowski, can you please call the 13 roll. 14 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 15 Cassis? 16 MEMBER CASSIS: Yes. 17 MS. PAWLOWSKI: 18 Member Gedeon? 19 MEMBER GEDEON: Yes. 20 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Chairman 21 Ghannam? 22 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Yes. 23 MS. PAWLOWSKI: 24 Member Krieger? 25 MEMBER KRIEGER: Yes.
32 1 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 2 Sanghvi? 3 MEMBER SANGHVI: Yes. 4 MS. PAWLOWSKI: Member 5 Skelcy? 6 MEMBER SKELCY: Yes. 7 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: 8 Congratulations. 9 MS. MAHER: Thank you very 10 much. 11 MR. PARY: Thank you very 12 much. 13 MS. MAHER: And we love your 14 web site. Stop back by in 60 days. 15 MS. PAWLOWSKI: I'm sorry. 16 We missed who seconded the motion. 17 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Member 18 Krieger. 19 Do we have another case, or 20 did they call? 21 MS. MARCHIONI: Angie and I 22 have been talking back and forth, and 23 we had an issue, because the property 24 owner didn't sign the application. And 25 then we asked them to either have her
33 1 come in to sign the application or 2 submit a letter, and neither happened. 3 So, I would be under the assumption 4 that they thought if they didn't get 5 either in, they wouldn't be on the 6 agenda. 7 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: I will 8 call the case -- was the intent to 9 proceed with it but wait for that type 10 of approval? 11 MS. MARCHIONI: Charles and I 12 discussed, and we were going to make 13 that part of the motion or condition 14 that they needed to have the property 15 owner approval. 16 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Do you 17 want to make any further comment? 18 MR. BOULARD: No. I guess 19 that was the suggestion, that if -- 20 assuming they had shown up and we 21 didn't have the signature, we make that 22 as a condition. I don't think that 23 necessarily would hold up hearing. 24 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Let me 25 call it. It's Case No. 11-012 for
34 1 21061 Haggerty Road, Dick's Sporting 2 Goods. The applicant is requesting a 3 permanent variance from section 1203.2 4 of the City of Novi to allow use of the 5 property located at 21061 Haggerty 6 Road, Dick's Sporting Goods, for 7 placement of portable storage 8 containers outside the west elevation 9 of the building. The building is zoned 10 OSC and is located on the west side 11 Haggerty and north of Eight Mile Road. 12 We can see that there is no 13 one in the audience, so there is no 14 applicant here. I guess from their 15 discussions, I will either entertain a 16 motion to adjourn -- they want one 17 period, one month? 18 MEMBER SANGHVI: Adjourn to 19 the next meeting? 20 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Yeah. 21 MS. MARCHIONI: To the June 22 meeting. 23 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: What is 24 the date, June what? 25 MS. MARCHIONI: The 14th, I
35 1 believe. 2 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: So, I will 3 entertain a motion to adjourn this 4 matter to the June 14th meeting, under 5 the condition that the applicant bring 6 permission from the owner. Correct? 7 MS. MARCHIONI: You don't 8 want them on the agenda until they have 9 the permission? 10 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: We'll 11 adjourn it, but I guess it's part of 12 their being able to proceed, we need 13 permission from the applicant -- I'm 14 sorry, permission from the land owner 15 to approve this request. 16 MS. MARCHIONI: Okay. 17 MEMBER SANGHVI: So move. 18 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: So move. 19 Any second? 20 MEMBER KRIEGER: Second. 21 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any 22 further discussion? All in favor, say 23 aye. 24 THE BOARD: Aye. 25 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any
36 1 opposed? Seeing none, that case is 2 adjourned to the June 14, 2011 meeting. 3 Next on the agenda -- there 4 is no other cases, so any other matters 5 to discuss for this record? 6 Mr. Boulard. 7 MR. BOULARD: In the file at 8 each of your places, there is a 9 couple -- actually, reviews of articles 10 and books that I thought might be 11 interesting. And if you are -- any of 12 them peak your interest, I don't have 13 copies, but you will know where to find 14 them. Thank you. 15 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Anything 16 else? Seeing none, I will entertain a 17 motion to adjourn. 18 MEMBER SANGHVI: Motion to 19 adjourn the meeting, Mr. Chair. 20 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any 21 seconds? 22 MEMBER KRIEGER: Second. 23 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Thank you. 24 All in favor, say aye. 25 THE BOARD: Aye.
37 1 CHAIRMAN GHANNAM: Any 2 opposed? Seeing none, the meeting is 3 closed or adjourned. Thank you. 4 (The Meeting was 5 adjourned at 6 7:28 p.m.) 7 - - -