View Agenda for this meeting
Regular Meeting
July 27, 2011 |
Council Chambers | Novi Civic Center |45175
W. Ten Mile CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at or about 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Present: Member Baratta, Member Greco, Member Gutman, Member Lynch, Member Prince Absent: Member Anthony (excused), Chair Pehrson (excused) Also Present: Barbara McBeth, Deputy Director of Community Development; Kristin Kolb, City Attorney; Kristen Kapelanski, Planner; David Beschke, Landscape Architect; Brian Coburn, Engineering Manager; Nathan Bouvy, Engineer APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve July 27, 2011 Planning Commission agenda, as amended. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. MEDILODGE OF NOVI, SP10-05B Public Hearing of the request of The Medilodge Group for revised Preliminary Site Plan, revised Woodland Permit and revised Wetland Permit and Stormwater Management Plan approval. The subject property totals approximately 20.05 acres and is located in Section 17, north of Eleven Mile Road between Beck Road and Wixom Road, parcel 50-22-17-400-002. The applicant is proposing a 120 bed 78,560 square foot convalescent (nursing) home building. In the matter of The Medilodge Group, SP 10-05B, motion to approve the revised Preliminary Site Plan, subject to the following: a) Execution and recording of the approved PRO Agreement; b) The conditions and items listed in the staff and consultant review letters being addressed on the Final Site Plan; and c) Applicant incorporating revised ITC pathway shown in Exhibit D of the PRO Agreement into the Final Site Plan submittal. This motion is made because the plan adheres to the approved concept plan and deviations included therein and is otherwise in compliance with Article 6, Article 24 and Article 25 and all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. In the matter of The Medilodge Group, SP 10-05B, motion to approve the revised Wetland Permit, subject to: a) Execution and recording of the approved PRO Agreement; b) The conditions and items listed in the staff and consultant review letters being addressed on the Final Site Plan. This motion is made because the plan is in compliance with Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances and all other applicable provisions of the Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. In the matter of The Medilodge Group, SP 10-05B, motion to approve the revised Woodland Permit, subject to: a) Execution and recording of the approved PRO Agreement; and b) The conditions and items listed in the staff and consultant review letters being addressed on the Final Site Plan. This motion is made because the plan is in compliance with Chapter 37 of the Code of Ordinances and all other applicable provisions of the Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. In the matter of the Medilodge Group, SP 10-05B, motion to approve the Storm Water Management Plan, subject to the following: a) Execution and recording of the approved PRO Agreement; and b) The conditions and items listed in the staff and consultant review letters being addressed on the Final Site Plan. This motion is made because the plan is otherwise in compliance with Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances and all other applicable provisions of the Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. 2. DETROIT CATHOLIC CENTRAL FIELD EXPANSION SP 11-26 Public Hearing on the request of Catholic Central High School for approval of the Preliminary Site Plan and Phasing Plan, Special Land Use Permit and Stormwater Management Plan. The subject property is located on the south side of Twelve Mile Road, west of Wixom Road, in Section 18 of the City. The property totals 39.8 acres and the applicant is proposing to construct an area for shot-put and discus practice and competition and four grass athletic practice fields for practice only. In the matter of the request of Catholic Central High School for Detroit Catholic Central Field Expansion SP 11-26, motion to approve the Preliminary Site Plan and Phasing Plan, subject to the following: a) Applicant providing the required sidewalk along Twelve Mile Road or receiving a Design and Construction standards waiver from the City Council to provide it with the construction of any structures on the property and/or the development of any adjacent properties; b) Applicant providing the required right-of-way greenbelt planting along Twelve Mile Road. Alternately, a Planning Commission waiver of this requirement in conjunction with the required Design and Construction Standards waiver for the sidewalk along Twelve Mile Road with the condition that the applicant provides the right-of-way greenbelt planting at the time the sidewalk is installed; c) Applicant providing the required berm along Twelve Mile Road. Alternately, a Planning Commission waiver of this requirement in conjunction with the required Design and Construction Standards waiver for the sidewalk along Twelve Mile Road with the condition that the applicant provides the berm at the time the sidewalk is installed; d) Planning Commission waiver for the berm required adjacent to the I-1 property; e) Planning Commission waiver for the berm required adjacent to the B-2 property; f) Planning Commission waiver for the required berm along the adjacent R-1 property to the west provided the applicant supplements the existing vegetation with evergreen trees spaced 12’ to 15’ apart; g) Planning Commission waiver of the required street trees along Twelve Mile Road in conjunction with the required Design and Construction Standards waiver for the sidewalk along Twelve Mile Road with the condition that the applicant provides the street trees at the time the sidewalk is installed; h) Applicant including the emergency access and emergency gate in the first phase; and i) Compliance with all the conditions and requirements listed in the staff and consultant review letters. This motion is made because the plan is otherwise in compliance with Article 4, Article 24 and Article 25 and all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. In the matter of the request of Catholic Central High School for Detroit Catholic Central Field Expansion SP 11-26, motion to approve the Special Land Use permit, subject to the following: a) Planning Commission finding under Section 2516.2.c for the Special Land Use permit: That, relative to other feasible uses of the site: The proposed use will not cause any detrimental impact on existing thoroughfares (due to the fact that no additional traffic is anticipated as a result of the development); The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses of land in terms of location, size, character, and impact on adjacent property or the surrounding neighborhood (due to the fact that the proposed use is an extension of a previously approved adjacent use); The proposed use is consistent with the goals, objectives and recommendations of the City’s Master Plan for Land Use; The proposed use will promote the use of land in a socially and economically desirable manner; and the proposed use is in harmony with the purposes and conforms to the applicable site design regulations of the zoning district in which it is located (as noted in the staff and consultant’s review letters); b) Waiver of the required Noise Impact Statement (as the use is not expected to generate any substantial additional noise); c) Applicant providing the required sidewalk along Twelve Mile Road or receiving a Design and Construction standards waiver from the City Council to provide it with the construction of any structures on the property and/or the development of any adjacent properties; and d) Compliance with all conditions and requirements listed in the staff and consultant review letters. This motion is made because the plan is otherwise in compliance with Article 4, Article 24 and Article 25 and all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. In the matter of the request of Catholic Central High School for Detroit Catholic Central Field Expansion, SP 11-26, motion to approve the Storm Water Management Plan, subject to compliance with all the conditions and requirements listed in the staff and consultant review letters. This motion is made because the plan is otherwise in compliance with Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances and all other applicable provisions of the Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION
Motion to approve the July 13, 2011 Planning Commission minutes. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM. *Actual Language of motions subject to review.