View Action Summary for this meeting
View Minutes for this meeting PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION MEMBERS: Avdoulos, Kocan, Markham, Nagy, Papp, Paul, Ruyle, Shroyer, Sprague The Planning Commission wishes to advise the general public that all remarks shall be limited to three minutes per person during both the Public Hearing and Audience Participation portions of the meeting. Petitioner’s presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. All mobile phones, pagers, or other sound activating devices must be disabled prior to the meeting. No person, other than a Commission member, shall address an issue for public hearing following the closing of that public hearing by the Chairperson (except during Audience Participation). The above participation policy is outlined in Sections 3.10 (b), 3.4 and 3.8 of the Planning Commission By Laws and Rules of Procedure. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION CORRESPONDENCE COMMUNICATIONS/COMMITTEE REPORTS PRESENTATIONS CONSENT AGENDA- REMOVALS AND APPROVALS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT 99-18.180 Public Hearing to amend an Ordinance to add a definition of "Adult Day Care Center" to Section 201 Definitions: A - C of Ordinance No. 97-18, as amended, the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance, to add a definition of "Day Care Center" to Section 201 Definitions: D - F of said Ordinance, to add a definition of "Family Day Care Home" to Section 201 Definitions: D - F of said Ordinance, to add a definition of "Group Day Care Home" to Section 201 Definitions: G - K of said Ordinance, to amend Subsections 402.4, 902.2, 1102.4, 1202.5, 1401.3, 1601.11 and to add Subsections 301.8, 401.8 and 2302.6, to said Ordinance, to modify the standards for child day care and adult day care establishments within the City of Novi. 2. ART VAN, SITE PLAN NUMBER 03-12 Public Hearing on the request of Art Van Furniture for a recommendation to City Council for a Preliminary Site Plan approval with a PD-2 (Planned Development) Option. The subject property is located in Section 15 in the West Oaks Shopping Plaza on west side of Novi Road south of Twelve Mile Road in the RC (Regional Center) District. The subject property is 9.96 acres. The developer is proposing no construction but to re-establish its parking requirements under the revised city parking ordinance to allow the property to be split. 3. HUDSON COMMERCE CENTER, SITE PLAN NUMBER 03-04 Public Hearing on the request of Channel Partners III, LLC for approval of a Preliminary Site Plan and Woodland Permit. The subject property is located in Section 4 on Hudson Drive in the Beck North Corporate Park in the I-1(Light Industrial) District. The subject property is 2.27 acres. The developer is proposing a 22,000 square foot multi-tenant building. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. OMNI AUTO CENTER, SITE PLAN NUMBER 02-56 Consideration of the request of J. D. Dinan Company for approval of a Preliminary Site Plan. The subject property is located in Section 23, on the east side of Novi Road, north of Ten Mile Road in the I-1 (Light Industrial) District. The developer is proposing a 6,000 square foot addition to the existing Collex Collision business. The subject property is 4.217 acres. 2. APPROVAL OF MARCH 26, 2003 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3. APPROVAL OF APRIL 16, 2003 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COMMISSION ACTION MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT LANGUAGE, "SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION USE" SPECIAL REPORTS 1. STATUS REPORT REGARDING OAKPOINTE CHURCH PHASING PLAN BY MR. GENE CARROLL, AIA, PRINCIPAL, NEUMAN SMITH & ASSOCIATES AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT SCHEDULED AND ANTICIPATED MEETINGS WED 5/14/03 PLANNING COMMISSION 7:30 PM MON 5/15/03 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE 8:30 AM WED 5/20/03 IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE 6:00 PM THR 5/21/03 MASTER PLAN & ZONING COMMITTEE 7:30 PM MON 5/19/03 CITY COUNCIL 7:30 PM WED 5/28/03 PLANNING COMMISSION 7:30 PM MON 6/02/03 CITY COUNCIL 7:30 PM