View Agenda for this meeting
View Action Summary for this meeting

Amended Copy
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2003, 7:30 P.M.
NOVI, MI 48375 (248) 347-0475



The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.


Present: Avdoulos, Kocan, Markham, Nagy, Papp, Paul, Ruyle, Shroyer, Sprague

Staff Present: David Evancoe, Director of Planning; Darcy Schmitt, Planner

Also Present: Tom Schultz, City Attorney


The Commission observed a moment of silence in honor of our U.S. troops, then Mr. Ruyle led the meeting in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Ruyle requested that Matters for Consideration be placed first on the Agenda.

Moved by Member Ruyle, seconded by Member Avdoulos:

Motion to approve the Agenda as amended.


David Evancoe, Director of Planning, requested that the Commission add to Matters for Discussion the scheduling of a Joint Session between the Planning Commission and City Council.

Chair Nagy also noted that Mr. Evancoe will be providing a brief commentary during the Hanging Fire/Action Summary portion of the meeting.

Moved by Member Ruyle, seconded by Member Paul:

Motion to amend the motion to approve the Agenda as amended.

Motion carried 9-0.


No one from the audience wished to speak.



Attorney Tom Shultz explained that this location was previously discussed as an intersection that should be reviewed by the Commission. He suggested that the Commission consider performing this study in conjunction with the Master Plan Update, which Chair Nagy indicated is being done at the Master Plan and Zoning Committee level.

Moved by Member Kocan, seconded by Member Markham:

Motion to accept the Supplemental Resolution relative to Planning and Zoning Study on land at Twelve Mile and Napier Road effective today.


Member Paul confirmed that this motion is compatible with the Master Plan update.

Motion carried 9-0.


Chair Nagy commended the Rules Committee for their efforts. Member Shroyer, Chair of the Rules Committee, addressed the Commission regarding the document.

Changes to the text include:

2.1(i): All terms of office shall be for one year or until the time of election of new officers.

2.4(b): Be a member of at least one committee (or other…..[rest of text remains the same].

2.4(c)8): (Planning Commission Committees) PC Capital Improvements Program (three members) 1

2.4(c)3): (City Committees) City Capital Improvements Program (two members, one alternate, and two City Council members)1

2.4(e): Any Committee member may designate an alternate Planning Commissioner as their replacement at any Committee meeting.

2.4(f): In the event of a Planning Commission vacancy that results in a Committee vacancy, the appointment process shall follow 2.4(b) and 2.4(c).

3.3(a) The presence of a majority of the Planning Commission shall constitute a quorum of the Planning Commission.

3.4(g): Once a Public Hearing has been scheduled, noticed and published on an Agenda, the Public Hearing shall be heard at the designated Planning Commission meeting. For any request for cancellation of a Public Hearing, the Planning Commission has the option to continue the Public Hearing to a specific date.

3.6(c): Roll call votes shall be required for all Public Hearing items and Matters for Consideration. A roll call vote shall be taken if requested by any Planning Commission member for any other matter(s).

3.8(b)2: Any person speaking on behalf…(rest remains the same).

3.8(c): The Chairperson shall instruct all those who wish to speak during Audience Participation to sum up their remarks when the Chairperson or Planning Commission members feel that they have strayed from the pertinent facts, or have become repetitive or disrespectful.

3.10(a) All meetings of the Planning Commission shall be conducted to the extent reasonably possible in accordance with generally accepted parliamentary procedure, as governed by the most recent version of "Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised."

3.10(b): All pager and cell phone ringers shall be turned off while meetings are in session.

3.11(c): The Planning Commission shall take breaks as determined by the Chairperson (ninety (90) minute meeting segments recommended).

3.12(a) The Site Plan meets all of the required Site Plan submission conditions of Section 2516 of the City of Novi Zoning Ordinance.

3.14(b) The Planning Commission shall review and/or revise, as necessary, its goals and objectives after the budget is approved.

4.1: The Planning Commission minutes shall be prepared by the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Commission.2

5.3(a): For National conventions, a maximum of three (3) Planning Commissioners shall be eligible to attend One (1) Planning Commissioner from each group of appointees, based on expiration date, shall have first right of attendance. Based on this criteria, all Planning Commissioners will have the opportunity to attend at least one National conference during their three-year term.

1 Mr. Schultz explained that although the Planning Commission is charged with adopting the Capital Improvements Program, the Capital Improvements Program Committee listed under City Committees is more of a "working committee" that joins the various arms of the City government together to create a document common to the whole City. Mr. Schultz stated that the Planning Commission is welcome to form their own private committee for the purpose of reviewing the Capital Improvements Program, but their presence is invaluable on the City Committee.

2 The Planning Commission returned to this original language at the suggestion of City’s legal counsel.

Pertinent comments made during the review process:

Mr. Schultz stated that because of changes made to the Woodlands Ordinance at the April 7, 2003 City Council meeting, there may not necessarily be a position reserved for a Planning Commission member on the Woodlands Board of Review.

Mr. Evancoe stated that the Main Street City Committee is currently inactive.

Member Paul asked Mr. Evancoe to clarify what the process is for routing issues between City Council, Planning Commission and the Implementation Committee, and report the process back to the Planning Commission at a future meeting. Her understanding is that the Planning Commission can vote on an item and send it to the Implementation Committee for a change, and then it goes to City Council. The City Council can give something to the Planning Commission to look at and then send it to the Implementation Committee. Member Paul would like a simple sentence that states, "Yes, we have to follow that item" or if we can send it from the Planning Commission body to the Implementation Committee directly. Member Paul thought that it seems to have come specifically from a recent Woodlands Ordinance Change. Chair Nagy stated that the process has been around for a long time. Both Member Paul and Member Kocan stated that they meant the City Council’s comments. Member Paul said the Planning Commission changes came from the Planning Commission meeting almost a year ago today when they had an Implementation Committee item. Member Paul sees the Woodlands change in the Ordinance that has just been submitted to Council as something that really sparked an interest of policy and procedure. Chair Nagy requested that this conversation continue later in the meeting so that the Planning Commission could stay on the Rules at this time.

Moved by Member Markham, supported by Member Paul

Motion to adopt the revised By-Laws and Rules of Procedure for the Planning Commission as amended at the table tonight, April 9, 2003.

Motion carried 9-0.

Member Ruyle asked for and received permission to leave the meeting for health reasons. The Planning Commission took a brief recess and reconvened at 9:22 p.m.


The Planning Commission provided their corrections to the December 18, 2002 minutes.

Moved by Member Paul, supported by Member Markham:

Motion to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2002 Planning Commission meeting as amended this evening.

Motion carried 8-0.


The Planning Commission provided their corrections to the January 15, 2003 minutes.

Moved by Member Paul, supported by Member Markham:

Motion to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2003 Planning Commission meeting as amended this evening.

Motion carried 8-0.


The Planning Commission provided their corrections to the January 29, 2003 minutes.

Moved by Member Kocan, supported by Member Markham:

Motion to approve the minutes of the January 29, 2003 Planning Commission meeting as amended this evening.

Motion carried 8-0.


There was no correspondence.


Administrative Liaison: Chair Nagy stated that this Committee meets approximately every other month, usually after the Planning Commission meetings. Recently they met with Messrs. Helwig, Pearson and Evancoe to discuss Policy and Procedures. They have also recently met with Mr. Fisher to conclude discussions relating to the Planning Commission’s concerns about to Catholic Central. Other members are Members Markham and Kocan.

Master Plan and Zoning Committee: Member Markham distributed a handout regarding this Committee’s project of completing the Master Plan update by June of 2004. They hope to meet semi-monthly. Their goal is to complete a review of one study and map area and introduce the next study and map at each meeting so as to create a rolling agenda. The Committee will be using recent studies and questionnaires toward their goal of updating the Master Plan. The Committee will forward many petitioners directly to the Planning Commission in an effort to keep the Master Plan update on track. Their next meeting is April 23rd. The Committee also includes Members Nagy, Ruyle, and Shroyer; liaison is Darcy Schmitt.

Mr. Schultz distributed a letter that explains the new procedure for updating a Master Plan ("Coordinated Planning Act"), in effect as of January 8, 2003. Some of the changes include: 1. considering whether to review the Master Plan every five years (it doesn’t have to be reviewed but it must be considered); 2. Notifying surrounding communities, the county, utilities, governmental entities, etc., of the City’s intent to review the Master Plan; 3. providing up to 95 days for Master Plan review by those entities listed above (each entity is allowed a specific time frame); holding a Public Hearing on the new Master Plan; Adoption by either 2/3 majority Planning Commission vote (Michigan Planner) or by City Council if they adopted a resolution asserting the right to approve or reject the Plan.

Member Kocan confirmed with Mr. Schultz that future amendments to the Zoning Districts may not be concurrently revised on the Master Plan since an actual Master Plan update would require all the steps listed above. Instead, the change may be reflected on the five-year update schedule.

Implementation Committee: Member Avdoulos stated that this Committee is comprised of Chair Nagy, Member Kocan, Member Paul and himself. The liaison is Barb McBeth and Attorney Schultz also attends. In the past year this Committee reviewed and/or revised the PD2 Option, OST screening requirement between dissimilar uses, Open Space Ordinance, Sign Ordinance, Interim Road Policy, Landscape Ordinance (is on its way to City Council), and the Daycare Ordinance.

Future Agenda items include subdivision signage, beautification of major thoroughfares, reduction of lighting heights in I-1 where it abuts residential, rear yard loading/unloading, providing missing Ordinance definitions, considering church spires, applying new federal laws to approving new churches, reviewing maximum parking restrictions (impervious land improvements), architectural limitations based on proximity, coin-operated car washes.

Mr. Schultz suggested that the Implementation Committee sends a list of their future Agenda items to City Council so as to confirm that the Committee is proceeding in a manner acceptable to the City, and that all known pending issues are encompassed by this list.

Planning Studies and Budget Committee: Members Kocan, Paul, Sprague and Ruyle comprise this Committee. A copy of the Budget that was submitted to City Council was distributed; Member Kocan noted that a colon should be added on line 3, and that the verbiage of item C should read, "To ensure the Public input into the Master Plan process." Chair Nagy suggested that next year the Committee determines whether certain budget items are Planning Commission or Department. Member Kocan also requested that the Department return to the Planning Commission with a copy of the City Council approved budget for the Commission’s review.

Environmental Committee: Members Markham, Paul and Sprague will be working with Darcy Schmitt to update the Woodlands and Wetlands maps. They will also be receiving and reviewing communication regarding the City’s Soil Erosion Plan.

Communication Liaison: This Committee includes Members Papp, Shroyer and Avdoulos. They have not met.

Rules Committee: This Committee is made up of Members Shroyer, Kocan and Ruyle and the liaison is Darcy Schmitt. They presented their new By-laws at this meeting.

Woodlands Review Board: Member Kocan is the Planning Commission’s representative on this board, although Member Papp is an alternate and attends most meetings as well. There is a change proposed that would make this a 3-person committee comprised of all residents. Chair Nagy encouraged Members Kocan and Papp to write a letter to City Council to voice their concerns regarding this change. Member Kocan pointed out that learning about Woodlands is technically intense and she is concerned that consistency in governing this issue will be lost if the panel is strictly residents. Member Papp supports a five-person panel that would include three residents, one Planning Commissioner and one City person (currently Steve Printz and Terry Morrone are on the Board).

Mr. Schultz explained that perhaps the City Council’s aim in changing the Woodlands Review Board is so that the same people (Department and/or Commission) who make or enforce the rules are not the same people who comprise the Board. He would assume that both Steve Printz and Terry Morrone will be involved as non-voting Support Staff to this Review Board.

Member Papp also read the change to the Woodlands Ordinance aloud that was passed at City Council earlier in the week. In summary, the new language allows a petitioner up to ten years to replant trees (in excess of a 2000 count) in equal installments. The new Ordinance also provides for measures to be taken that ensure the completion of tree replenishing. The governing authority will be either the Planning Commission or the Woodlands Review Board.

Main Street Committee: Members Avdoulos and Papp are on this Committee with staff liaison Clay Pearson. Although they haven’t recently met, Member Papp raised a question about the incomplete sidewalks and tree placement and whether the City is potentially exposing itself to a pedestrian accident. Mr. Schultz indicated that the City will look into the matter.

Capital Improvements Committee: Members Sprague and Shroyer are on this Committee alongside City Council’s Lou Csordas and David Landry. Staff Support is David Evancoe and Kathy Smith-Roy. Member Sprague reported that the Planning Commission’s representation on this Committee must evolve into a role that assertively campaigns for the City’s Capital Improvement needs as determined by the Planning Commission.


There were no presentations scheduled for tonight’s Agenda.


There was no Consent Agenda.


There were no Public Hearings scheduled for tonight’s Agenda.




Mr. Evancoe discussed the following distributed materials:

· The Hanging Fire Summary is produced by the City Clerk’s Office and identifies incomplete tasks.

· The Planning Commission’s Action Summary will now be maintained on a regular basis.

· The Projects List is developed and maintained by Juanita Freeman and is a valuable resource for both the Planning Commission and Planning Department customers. Member Avdoulos confirmed that the "B" numbers are in fact billing numbers.

· The Projects Map is a great visual tool maintained by Bill Berdelman.

· Mr. Evancoe will locate the form that provides new projects and their site-plan numbers. He will distribute it at an upcoming meeting.

2. Joint Session between the Planning Commission and City Council

The City Council has requested a joint session between the Planning Commission and City Council on either Monday, May 12, 2003 or Wednesday, June 4, 2003. Neither date works for at least two of the Planning Commission members. Some Members suggested a Saturday session. Chair Nagy suggested that it occur after June, since there are three commissions expiring on June 30 (Members Nagy, Kocan and Paul). She also suggested that City Council forward their proposed Agenda to the Commission so that they can adequately prepare for the meeting. The Commission will return to this item at their next meeting after the Planning Commissioners have had the chance to review their calendars.


There were no special reports.


Mr. Wayne Hogan addressed the Planning Commission regarding these handicapped issues he has noted throughout the City:

The handicapped signs have been removed from Market Street/Novi Road area. These parking spaces were the most handicapped-accessible friendly in the area.

Other Main Street handicapped parking spaces are sandwiched in by tree planters or grated areas that prohibit maneuvering by wheelchairs and strollers.

Handicapped areas in the rear of the buildings are not very user friendly as they require the patron to navigate a 25-degree ramp followed by a 20-degree ramp.

There are also handicapped accessibility issues by The Brewery but Mr. Hogan did not elaborate.

The shopping mall’s snow plows oftentimes barricaded common wheelchair routes when they piled up the snow this past snow season.

Chair Nagy thanked Mr. Hogan for his report and asked him to contact the Building Department to determine whether any of these issues can be addressed by the City.


Moved by Member Paul:

Motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried 8-0. Meeting adjourned at 11:37 p.m.




MON 4/21/03 CITY COUNCIL 7:30 PM





Donna Jernigan, Planning Assistant

Transcribed by Jane Schimpf on April 14, 2003

Approved on April 30, 2003