(248) 347-0475
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Weddington.
PRESENT: Members Bononi, Canup, Capello, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley
(late), Watza, Chairperson Weddington
ABSENT: Vrettas (excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Planning Consultant Brandon Rogers,
Engineering Consultant David Bluhm, Traffic Consultant Rod Arroyo, Assistant
City Attorney Dennis Watson, Landscape Architect Linda Lemke, Water
Resources Specialist Susan Tepatti, Director of Planning & Community
Development Jim Wahl, and Staff Planner Steven Cohen
Chairperson Weddington asked if there were any additions
or corrections to the Agenda?
Member Bononi asked to add the High Point Development
mitigated wetlands as Item 2 under Matters for Discussion.
Chairperson Weddington asked if there were any other
additions, seeing none she entertained a motion to approve the Agenda.
Moved by Capello, seconded by Canup, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
To approve the Agenda as amended.
Yes: Bononi, Canup, Capello, Churella, Csordas, Watza,
No: None
Chairperson Weddington introduced Theresa Swiecicki the
new Clerk Typist for the Planning and Community Development Department. She
welcomed Ms. Swiecicki to Novi.
Chairperson Weddington stated there were two items for
approval. Minutes of the August 06, 1997 Regular Planning Commission Meeting
and minutes of the August 20, 1997 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. She
asked if there were any corrections to either set of minutes?
Member Bononi referred to the minutes of August 06, 1997,
page 5, paragraph 6, last sentence, strike the word "in". Page 20, last
paragraph, should read, "She thought it was not a question of good or bad
design, but design in the wrong context, in the proposed area."
Chairperson Weddington asked if there were any other
corrections to the meeting minutes of August 06 or August 20, 1997?
Moved by Csordas, seconded by Watza, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
To approve the meeting minutes of August 06, 1997 as corrected and August
20, 1997 as presented.
Yes: Bononi, Canup, Capello, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley,
Watza, Weddington
No: None
Property located north of Ten Mile Road, west of Taft
Road for possible Preliminary Site Plan Approval.
Eugene Richardson introduced himself as the petitioner of
the property. He pointed out a couple of errors on the plan that should be
corrected. Under Site Data, he stated the site area should be corrected to
reflect 3.680 acres of land. In addition, the density for the development
should be increased to 2.174 units per acre.
Mr. Richardson stated the development will consist of
eight (8) site condominium single family units accessed off of Ten Mile Road
with a 60' R.O.W. access drive going to a cul-de-sac area. All of the lots
will front along the cul-de-sac which will be called Homestead Court. The
zoning is R-4, the density minimum requirement is 10,000 square feet per
lot, the frontage minimum requirement is 80' per lot and all of the lots
meet the minimum frontage requirement. The lots exceed the minimum area
requirement, in some cases very substantially. The minimum lot size is
10,016 square feet which applies to unit 5, the largest lot in the
development will be unit 7 at 19,021 square feet. The roads to be installed
will be done to the criteria of the City. All City utilities will be
accessible and available to the site as indicated on the plan.
Mr. Richardson addressed issues that were raised by Mr.
Rogers and the Fire Marshal. He consented to all of the issues raised by the
Fire Marshal and stated that the issues would be addressed on the Final Site
Plan. He addressed Mr. Rogers letter dated August 12, 1997, he found all of
the conditions to be acceptable except for the lot line which divides units
1 and 2. He stated there was a different orientation of the lot line. The
lot line is not perpendicular to the radius of the street, he explained that
he had difficulty with the site planning and meeting the requirements for
the side setbacks as well as the front yard requirements. He stated with the
configuration, it allows all of the minimum requirements to be met and he
was hopeful that it would be acceptable at the time of Final. In regard to
the existing improvements on the site which consists of an 11,500 square
foot warehouse building along the frontage and Ten Mile Road, and three
single family residential dwellings also located on the site, be demolished
prior to the commencement of construction.
Mr. Richardson stated he received a letter from Mr.
Pargoff which raises an issue with respect to the location of an existing
18" Maple tree along Ten Mile Road. The potential problem with the Maple
tree is that the acceleration lane required by the entry drive may inpact
the life of the tree. He stated there were options that could be discussed
regarding the tree. The landscape plan provides all of the minimum
requirements for City landscaping criteria. The landscape design within the
island will be revised at the recommendation of Chris Pargoff and will be
shown on the Final Site Plan.
Rod Arroyo, Traffic Consultant stated he would be
reviewing Brandon Rogers’ letter of August 12, 1997. The property is zoned
R-4, an eight unit site condominium of single family detached units is
proposed. The applicant has indicated that the parcel under consideration is
B-1 which is 3.68 acres. Parcel B-2 is included in the legal description and
is not intended to be a part of the application, therefore it will have to
be deleted as part of the Final Site Plan for clarification. Mr. Rogers
found that all of the Preliminary Site Plan application has been provided.
The lot sizes conform with the minimum requirements. The density is higher
than stated in Mr. Rogers’ letter. In regard to the lot lines not being
radial to the front street line, there are a couple of options. If the
parcel can be moved to adjust it, the applicant has indicated that it would
cause a problem with meeting the minimum lot width requirement. If this is
the case, it may be necessary for the applicant to seek a variance. In
regard to Homestead Court, it will require street naming approval, it is
within the length maximum. There are sidewalks proposed on both sides as
required and there is also a 5' sidewalk proposed within the R.O.W. which
fronts Ten Mile Road, he stated it was possible that it may be changed to an
8' asphalt pathway. There is an accepted parcel to the east and west. It is
recommended that the structures on the accepted parcel be demolished so that
there is not a non-conforming situation created, this should be made a
condition of the approval.
Landscape planning buffers along the R.O.W. is a part of
the proposal. This particular instance only has limited frontage, therefore,
many of the comments for property fronting on Ten Mile Road are not going to
be as applicable. Corner clearance requirements will need to be met. The
site falls under the Woodlands Protection Ordinances and the trees along Ten
Mile Road are regulated and the parcels are labeled accepted in future
development, a 20' greenbelt easement would be required. However, it appears
that both parcels to the east and west are being accepted so it is likely
that it would not be a requirement. He stated this issue would need to be
further discussed. In summary, Mr. Rogers recommended Preliminary Site Plan
approval subject to the removal of the non-conforming warehouse, approval of
the cul-de-sac street name, addressing of the landscaping concerns and
adjusting the side lot line between sites 1 and 2, or receiving a variance
for the revisions of the Subdivision Ordinance that require that the lot
lines be radial.
Mr. Arroyo referred to his August 27, 1997 letter
regarding the Preliminary Site Plan. Access comes from one roadway and it
meets the cul-de-sac length requirements, however, there is a waiver
required for driveway spacing. The Design and Construction Standards calls
for a 200' separation from the proposed roadway to the secondary entrance
into the church across the street and only 165' is shown, therefore, this is
a situation that will require a waiver as part of the approval. Ten Mile
Road currently has a center turn lane and an acceleration/deceleration lane
is proposed. Based on the volumes Mr. Arroyo felt that the 25' acceleration
lane was probably not warranted and could be deleted from the proposal. He
thought the applicant should submit it to the County for approval. Regarding
trip generation, an 8 unit development can be expected to generate about 100
trips per day, 9 trips during the morning peak hour and 11 during the p.m.
peak hour. Mr. Arroyo indicated that the entering and exiting radius for the
project should be increased to 35' to meet the Design and Construction
Standards because the radius will extend beyond the boundary of the propery
into the accepted parcel to the west. Mr. Arroyo recommended approval
subject to the items identified in his letter being resolved on the Final
Site Plan.
Victoria Weber of JCK stated the site would be serviced
from a tie-in to an existing water main that is located on the south side of
Ten Mile Road. Sanitary sewer will be extended and tied into existing
sanitary which is already located on the parcel. The storm sewer system will
outlet to a water quality detention basin, there will be permanent water
quality controls within the detention basin. Storm water will discharge to
the existing Simmons Orchard storm sewer. Ms. Weber stated the applicant is
proposing a 5' wide concrete sidewalk along Ten Mile Road, the applicant has
indicated that they will be dedicating the R.O.W. to the City of Novi. She
suggested that an 8' wide ashphalt bikepath be placed along Ten Mile Road in
conjunction with Ordinances that are currently under review where the City
will require placement of 8' bikepaths along all mile and major roads.
Ms. Weber asked the applicant if the detention basin was
part of parcel B1?
Mr. Richardson answered, yes.
Ms. Weber recommended approval.
Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a
letter from Michael W. Evans, Fire Marshal for the City of Novi Fire
Department, dated August 18, 1997, which states that the above plan is not
recommended for approval due to the following deficiencies: 1) all roads are
to be paved prior to construction above the foundation. Item #2 of the Fire
Department Notes is not acceptable; 2) Provide an additional hydrant on
Homestead Court to reduce the hydrant spacing to below 500'; 3) Street name
on suitable pole shall be established and installed prior to construction
above the foundation.
Chairperson Weddington stated she has received a letter
from Eugene D. Richardson which states that he will comply with all of the
Fire Department requirements and satisfy the deficiencies before Final Site
Chairperson Weddington opened up the Public Hearing to
members of the Public.
Bill Dixon, 24400 Bonnie Brook, President of Simmons
Orchard Homeowners Association stated the plan was reviewed by all of the
members of the board of the Association. On behalf of all of the residents
located close to where the buildings are to be built, he would like to give
the residents an opportunity to ask questions regarding the plan, Mr.
Richardson stated he was not opposed to it. Mr. Dixon asked if the sidewalk
was to be of asphalt material?
Mr. Richardson answered it would be all concrete.
Chris Pargoff, City Forester stated if approval is
obtained from the County regarding the taper and the construction of the
taper tying in with the existing curb, he did not feel that there would be
any danger to the 18" tree, therefore, a Woodlands Permit might not be
necessary. He stated a Woodland Permit would be necessary if the taper
exists as it is on the current plan.
As a neighbor, Mr. Pargoff stated the property has a
storm sewer that runs through it and drains the commons area of Roma Ridge.
He stated it was approximately a 10-12" vitreous storm sewer that was
installed to keep the area somewhat dry. It is a wetland area located in
Roma Ridge, Mr. Pargoff asked the applicant if the sewer is broken, that it
be repaired to tie it into his existing storm sewer system.
Chairperson Weddington asked if anyone else would like to
address the issue? Seeing none she closed the Public Hearing and turned the
Matter over to the Commission for Discussion.
Member Csordas believed Ms. Weber to recommend an 8'
ashphalt pathway, he also understood the new Ordinance to require an 8'
path, however, he thought it might look kind of funny because it would abut
two cement sidewalks.
Ms Weber stated at this time it was only a suggestion,
the Ordinances have not yet been approved.
Member Csordas asked if the buildings were going to be
demolished before construction starts?
Mr. Richardson answered, yes.
Member Csordas asked if the applicant if he cared to
share what he was planning to develop in that area after it is cleared?
Mr. Richardson answered, the parcel to the east has a
pending purchase agreement for the development of a daycare center. At this
point, they are not prepared to come in with Preliminary Site Plans and Mr.
Richardson wanted to get started on his development.
Member Csordas asked the applicant if he intended to meet
with the president of Simmons Orchard Homeowners Association?
Mr. Richardson understood the question to be if he would
be willing to meet with certain property owners who are located closer to
the development, he stated he would be happy to do that and explain what
development might occur on parcel B2.
Member Csordas asked if the buildings were to be one or
two story?
Mr. Richardson answered he probably would not be building
the units, therefore, he did not know what type of unit would be built.
Member Hoadley suggested that the residents who wished to
question the applicant, fill out a card, give it to the chair and it could
be read for the record.
Chairperson Weddington stated the questions could be
asked, however, a Public Hearing was just conducted giving everyone the
opportunity to ask questions and none were received. She understood that the
applicant indicated a willingness to meet with any of the homeowners
following the meeting.
Member Hoadley stated he was hesitant to approve the
figuration that would require a variance because he did not see where the
lot lines were creating a hardship. He stated the footprints on the large
lots could be pushed back further from the cul-de-sac, which would allow the
lot line change. He asked why this could not be done?
Mr. Richardson deferred to Mr. Norberg.
Mr. Norberg stated he looked throught the Subdivision
Control Ordinance and he could not find where non-radial lots were
prohibited. He stated it is quite often used throughout the Cty, the only
requirement is that the final plat indicate that it is non-radial.
Mr. Arroyo read the language. "Side lot lines shall be at
right angles or radial to the street lines or as nearly as possible
Mr. Norberg stated in order to make the lots more
rectangular shaped, the lots are not as nice.
In regard to the acceleration lane, Member Hoadley stated
there were standards that needed to be met when at all possible. He asked
who’s property the 18" tree was located on?
Mr. Richardson answered it was located just barely in the
statutory R.O.W.
Member Hoadley stated it would seem that the road should
be moved slightly to the east to meet the standards, or cut the tree down.
In regard to the acceleration taper, Mr. Arroyo clarified
if the 25' lane were removed and the taper was shifted back, it would not be
in contrary to the Ordinances or to the County Ordinances. Mr. Arroyo
thought that conformance with the standards could be kept along with
potentially saving the tree, just by adjusting the location of the driveway.
Moved by Hoadley, seconded by Csordas, FAILS (3-5): To
approve Site Plan SP97-34 subject to conformance with all of the consultants
Member Churella stated if the ground near the tree is
disturbed, the tree will die. He thought the tree should be cut down and
another one be planted in its’ place. He thought it was inevitable that the
tree would die if the roots were going to be disturbed.
Mr. Pargoff stated if the applicant ties into the
existing curb. He stated the tree has already been disturbed last year and
it is doing fine this year.
Member Churella amended the motion to remove the 18" tree
and replace it with another one.
Chairperson Weddington asked if there was a second to the
amendment. Seeing none the amendment died for lack of support.
Member Capello asked if the Commission were going to
allow the tree to be taken down, does it have to go to the Woodlands Review
Board versus just being a part of the motion?
Chairperson Weddington believed it was a protected tree,
therefore, a permit would need to be taken out.
Mr. Pargoff stated it would need a Woodlands Permit and a
Woodlands Application. He stated at the time of County approval with the
taper tying into the existing curb, he would not move in that direction
because he felt it was a doable situation in avoiding damage to the tree. He
stated if the County did not approve the taper, the applicant would have to
come back for a Woodlands approval and he recommended that it happen at the
time of Final Site Plan approval.
Mr. Arroyo clarified that it would not tie into the
existing curb. The curb is still going to be moved back but the taper length
will be shortened in order to move it away from the tree.
Member Capello stated he was not against the comments of
Member Churella, he just did not think it could be done by way of amending
the motion.
Member Capello asked the petitioner if he planned on
dedicating Homestead Court to the City or would it be a private road?
Mr. Richardson answered it would be dedicated to the City
as a public roadway.
Member Capello asked if parcels B1 and B2 have been split
or were they under one sidwell number?
Mr. Richardson answered it is currently under one number,
it will be split after the site condominium is approved.
Member Capello asked if the petitioner planned on
dedicating the R.O.W. to the south of parcel B2 to the City?
Mr. Richardson answered at this point, there were no
plans to do so. He stated when parcel B2 is developed, the bike path will be
constructed across the front of B2. The only work that is being done at this
point is the removal of the building on parcel B2 because it does not
conform to setbacks. He stated the building would be removed prior to
construction of the Homestead Site Condominiums, the parcel will remain
Member Capello understood that the bike paths would only
be required along the major arterials. He asked Mr. Arroyo if there was a
requirement for a waiver to the 25' radius as opposed to the 35' radius?
Mr. Arroyo recommended that there be 35' radius provided
on the Final Site Plan.
Member Capello asked if the applicant put a 35' radius on
the west side of Homestead Court, would they have to get some type of an
Mr. Arroyo answered, the applicant already has a letter
granting permission.
Member Capello asked Mr. Arroyo if a waiver was needed
for the 200' separation from the driveways from St. James Church?
Mr. Arroyo answered that is a waiver that the Planning
Commission would grant, he added that it is a part of his letter.
Member Hoadley stated he would have to amend his motion
because he included the 8' bike bath as a recommendation of JCK.
Member Capello asked if the motion maker would accept an
amendment to grant the applicant a waiver for the 200' of separation
required from driveway to driveway?
Member Hoadley stated it was already a part of the
In regard to the bike path, Mr. Arroyo commented that it
might be appropriate to see what happens with the Council when they adopt
the bike path amendments. He stated he knew the issue would come up, of how
to handle existing situations where there is mostly concrete in place, he
stated there may be a policy or requirement that will address it. He stated
it could affect the parcel one way or the other and suggested maybe it was
something that could be held until Final.
Member Canup asked why the piece was split up when it
appeared that the way the property was laid out and the road was put in that
property B2 would be natural to split up and add to the condominium?
Mr. Richardson stated from a lot standpoint, the
possibility of different layouts was looked at which ended up in frontage
lots on Ten Mile Road.
Member Canup stated he would have difficulty supporting
the motion based on the fact that the piece in the front is the focalpoint
of the project but it is not known what is going to happen with it. He
thought if the project were approved as it is, there may be a point where it
is regretted.
Member Bononi shared the concerns of Member Canup in
regard to the undefined usage of the frontages on Ten Mile Road. She also
shared the concerns of Member Hoadley regarding approving lots in a new
development which require waivers from the ZBA. She stated it is the
applicant’s right to ask a question but it is a disappointment to her, that
professional planners would propose to recommend such a thing. Member Bononi
asked the applicant, when he referrs to the lot split that contains the
industrial building, was the lot split complete and approved by the City of
Mr. Richardson answered in regard to the two parcels that
were divided, he received a letter from the Assessor stating that upon
closing of the property and upon payment of the delinquent taxes, the parcel
division would be made.
Member Bononi asked about the status of parcel B2 from
the standpoint of lot split approval?
Mr. Richardson answered parcels B1 and B2 are still one
unit. He reiterated that there was an offer to purchase, pending from a
daycare center. He stated he has met with and discussed some preliminary
plans for the daycare center and integrated it along with the site
condominium units. He stated they were still working on generating the
Preliminary Site Plan for the daycare center and it would be submitted to
the Planning Commission upon approval of the site condominium development.
Member Bononi asked who owns parcel B1 and B2?
Mr. Richardson answered he does.
Member Bononi asked who owns the parcel with the
industrial building on it?
Mr. Richardson answered the industrial building is on
parcel B2 which he owns.
Member Bononi referred to the building envelopes that
comprise approximately 2,000 square feet and asked the applicant to describe
the square footage of dwelling that is planned to be built.
Mr. Richardson stated his intent was to sell lots to
builders. He stated several builders want the options of providing houses
from 3,000 to 3,500 square feet and the building envelopes of 2,000 square
feet were necessary to accommodate that scheme.
Member Bononi asked if there was anything to say that a
house of that size would necessarily be bulit on that building envelope? She
explained her concern in asking that question was how any sort of dwelling
would be compatible with the housing that will surround the development.
Mr. Richardson thought the development would be somewhere
toward the higher range of housing prices in Simmons Orchard and the
subdivision to the south of Ten Mile Road. He thought that the prices could
be anticipated at $250,000 to $300,000.
Member Bononi asked if there was any industrial use
currently going on in the industrial building?
Mr. Richardson answered there was no activity going on in
the building, it is completely vacant.
Member Bononi asked if any of the residue of the property
on B2 used to accommodate the industrial use?
Mr. Richardson answered there was an environmental
assesment made on the property and the phase I environmental assessment was
completely positive in terms of any hazardous materials, contamination, etc.
He stated there was some concern for materials within the industrial
building, he stated the materials were sampled and tested and came back
negative for asbestos content. Mr. Richardson reported that he recently
removed a 1,000 gallon fuel storage tank from the site and had an
environmental engineering team on staff, taking samples from the tank. There
was no spillage, no leaks and no cause for concern.
In regard to the gas and oil trap separator, Member
Bononi asked what the maintenance plan was and who would maintain it?
Mr. Norberg did not believe that a maintenance schedule
has been established at this point. He thought the City had guidelines that
would have to be followed.
Member Bononi asked if there would be a homeowners
Mr. Norberg answered, yes.
Member Bononi expressed concern over condition of
approval that will be on property that is owned by persons other than the
applicant and whether or not it is a valid condition of approval?
Mr. Norberg stated the applicant owns that property.
Member Bononi stated she asked the question because she
thought she heard someone from the audience say that someone else owned it.
Member Bononi asked where the vitreous clay pipe that Mr.
Pargoff referred to, was located?
Mr. Norberg answered, he had no idea. He stated he spoke
to Mr. Pargoff on four different projects and every time it is hit, a
connection must be made to it to be sure somebody will not be flooded out.
Member Bononi stated this was a concern of whether or not
it could be made a condition of approval.
Mr. Norberg stated it was something that occurs quite
often when going through some of the old farms, generally speaking it is
taken care of immediately.
Member Bononi stated she would not be in support of the
application because she believed that there were reasonable and prudent
alternatives that the applicant has in creating lots that meet the zoning
requirements. She was not interested in supporting developments that would
propose variances from the ZBA when there is room to make alternative
Member Hoadley clarified that his motion included that
the applicant must change the lot lines to comply with Mr. Rogers concerns.
Member Hoadley expressed concern with the accel/decel
lane because traffic will be tripled due to the forecast of a daycare
facility. Member Hoadley stated he would be voting against his motion
because he thought the tree should be cut down.
Member Capello asked Mr. Arroyo if the daycare is put in,
would a re-assesment of traffic be done to make a determination whether the
accel/decel lane would have to be expanded at that time?
Mr. Arroyo answered one of the problems at that point,
would be that it would be considered to be an off-site improvement. He
thought it would be difficult to require the developer to make changes to
Homestead Court, being that it could be a public road by then.
Member Capello was assuming that the daycare would tie
into Homestead Court and the accel/decel lanes would be within the public
R.O.W. and asked if the Planning Commission would have the ability to extend
those lanes as a part of that special land use?
Mr. Arroyo stated it was his understanding that because
it would not actually be adjacent to the site and there would not be a
driveway that directly serves the site, that the improvements could not be
specifically required.
Paul Weisberger deferred to Mr. Arroyo and stated he
could look in to the matter.
Member Watza expressed concern with the fact that the
Commission was being asked to formally respond to the petitioners request to
develop parcel B1 that implies that the Commission is also responding to the
applicants proposal to develop parcel B2. He wanted to make sure that the
everyone understood this was not what was being done because if B1 is
approved, it seems thatt here should be some discussion whether or not a
daycare center is wanted on parcel B2.
Chairperson Weddington stated that issue is not on the
table yet.
Member Canup stated parcel B2 is very bothersome. He
asked how large of a piece of property is the daycare going to require?
Mr. Arroyo answered, 2.2 acres.
Member Canup thought with the fact that an 8,000 square
foot facility was being considered, it would create a fair amount of traffic
and he had trouble approving the plan without the daycare being incorporated
into it as part of the overall development.
Member Capello asked the applicant how long finalization
of the purchase agreement with the daycare center would take? He asked if it
was possible to tie the two together?
Mr. Richardson stated the purchase agreement has already
been signed with several contingencies. One of the contingencies was that he
proceed with his site condominium development and obtain Preliminary Site
Plan approval before they initiated their Preliminary Site Plan design work.
One concern of the daycare was that they did not want to be a part of a site
condominium. He stated if the Commission denies the request of the daycare
center, then Mr. Richardson’s options would be to revise his plans and come
back in with Phase II of the site condominium development.
Chairperson Weddington was not in support of the motion
because the lots do not meet the requirements for spacing and are not
radial. She expressed concern with the creative uses of lot splits and site
condos. She thought the discussion pointed out a number of problems that
Yes: Capello, Churella, Watza
No: Bononi, Canup, Csordas, Hoadley, Weddington
Moved by Hoadley, seconded by Capello, CARRIED (7-1): To
postpone Preliminary Site Plan, SP97-34 to a future date which will give the
applicant a chance to address the concerns of the Planning Commission.
Member Capello thought a motion should be made to
reconsider the vote, after reconsideration of the vote, he suggested making
a motion to postpone.
Chairperson Weddington stated the alternative is for the
applicant to come back with another plan. She thought this was what needed
to be done.
Mr. Arroyo stated it has not been turned down, the motion
to approve the plan Failed.
Member Canup stated he would like to see a time limit
Member Hoadley amended the motion to postpone for up to
90 days.
Yes: Canup, Capello, Csordas, Hoadley, Watza, Weddington,
No: Churella
Mr. Norberg asked what detail the Commission was looking
for in regard to parcel B2?
Member Canup stated he would like to see some proof
positive as to what is going to happen, he asked if it was going to be a
part of the site plan?
Mr. Norberg stated he could prepare a Preliminary Site
Member Canup suggested he could also prepare a conceptual
site plan.
Mr. Norberg stated he was not looking for Preliminary
Site Plan approval on the daycare, he asked if the Commission was asking as
a condition of the site plan, to prepare a site plan for parcel B2?
Member Canup felt that the board would like to see
something positive that is going to be a part of the site plan.
Chairperson Weddington stated there would have to be
enough detail for the Commission to look at both of them and see how the
whole site would work overall.
Member Hoadley stated there is a philosophical difference
to the direction that was received from the Planning Commission to the
Master Plan and Zoning Committee, with regard to the OST Master Planning
along Twelve Mile Road. He stated he would like to see the Committee look
the area from the property line between the Corridor and Haggerty Road. He
asked the Commission to send some direction on the matter. If the
Commission’s pleasure is not to review it, that is fine, however, he hoped
they would send the direction to include that portion of the property, south
of Twelve Mile Road between Haggerty Road and the M-5 Corridor.
Member Bononi disagreed with the matter being decided now
because the Planning Commission would not have the opportunity to hear the
opinions of the other Master Plan and Zoning Committee members, nor would
they have the minutes to be able to review. She believed that Member Hoadley
had every right to bring up the matter, however, she did not believe the
timing to be equitable. Particularly with regard to everyone on the
Committee would not have a chance to speak, nor did she come to the meeting
prepared to speak on the subject, otherwise she would be glad to do it.
Member Bononi was not in support.
Moved by Capello, seconded by Csordas, CARRIED (7-1): To
ask the Master Plan and Zoning Committee to return to the Planning
Commission with a report on the status of the area to be studied for the OST
along the Twelve Mile Road/M-5 Corridor areas.
Member Hoadley stated a decision was already made to
study the corridor from M-5 to Beck Road and this is currently under study.
He stated he was concerned about the area between Haggerty Road and M-5
along Twelve Mile Road.
Member Csordas asked Member Hoadey if that property was
currently owned by the bank?
Member Hoadley did not know who it was owned by. He
stated this was the kind of information that would be sought out.
Member Csordas recalled discussing this piece of property
in the past and at that time it was owned by a bank.
Chairperson Weddington stated one of the reasons that the
Committees exist is to resolve some of the issues before they get to the
table. She did not think the Commission had enough knowledge about what was
going on to intelligently decide the matter at this time.
Member Bononi took issue with Member Hoadley on the fact
that there was a constituted quorum and the motion was decided. She was
apologetic that he was not in support of the motion but believed that the
motion stood.
Yes: Capello, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Watza,
Weddington, Canup
No: Bononi
Presented by Greg Capote, Economic Development
Identification of existing industry clusters - There is
the emerging global technology markets, bio-technology, information
technology, manufacturing and material technologies that have been booming
in the U.S. He stated the Michigan Economic Development Association has
estimated $356 billion of wealth will take place in the next three years.
Oakland County is positioned to be a part of the growth and Mr. Capote
stated he was doing everything that he could to be sure that Novi is a part
of the growth.
Business retention and expansion survey - Mr. Capote
reported thtat he appeared before the City Council in September of 1995
requesting permission to go ahead with a retention survey to be sponsored by
the Utility Consortium, Michigan Jobs Commission and the Michigan Economic
Development Association. He stated the Council approved it and put a request
onto the EDC to become involved in the survey. He stated it has had
difficulty getting off of the ground due to turnover of the EDC membership.
Mr. Capote stated he has started to conduct the survey himself, cataloging
all of the businesses and making them aware that there is an EDC should they
wish to pursue financing, or if they have questions. Once the survey process
is complete, he hopes to hand the responsibility off to the EDC.
Business migrations and entrepreneurship assessment - Mr.
Capote stated he was keeping track of the business migrations and business
start ups in Oakland County and in Southeastern Michigan, along with how
many are occuring in Novi.
Economic Development Corporation mission statement - Mr.
Capote stated the EDC is struggling to develop its own mission statement,
however they are very close. He stated the EDC is looking to become more
involved in the community and with the Economic Development Committee of the
Chamber. Mr. Capote expected to finish by the end of the year and he would
then provide a written report to the Council with a copy forwarded to the
OST Office Service Technology District potential - Mr.
Capote stated the OST Ordinance was adopted in December of 1996 and there
has been a tremendous amount of interest by companies in these growth
fields. He stated the brokerage community has been aware of this Ordinance
for some time and some developers that are looking to move forward.
Comparison of Novi’s competitiveness relative to
neighboring communites - Mr. Capote thought the OST helps keep Novi at a
competitive edge with communities such as Farmington Hills, Plymouth
Township and Livonia He also thought the OST would help Novi become more
competitive in attracting high tech type developments.
Community economic profile for business attraction;
Planning & Community Development Brochure - Mr. Capote stated he was
compiling information and tying it in with assistance from Oakland County
and the Michigan Jobs Commission to create a brochure. Mr. Capote stated he
was looking to develop a four-fold brochure that he could use as a marketing
tool to describe Novi to those outside of the market area.
Compact disk and website development for business
attraction - Mr. Capote stated the City of Novi has a website. He stated he
worked with Detroit Edison in 1996 and they took some aerial photos of Novi
along with some composite maps that are currently on the internet. This was
done free of charge. Mr. Capote stated he would like to take this one step
further because the entire City was not covered.
Trade show booth - Mr. Capote stated there are monies to
put together a trade show booth this year. He explained that the EDC’s booth
has been in disarray for a while and a new one will soon be built. He hoped
by the end of December, the Department and the EDC would be attending area
trade shows along with the Michigan Jobs Commission and Oakland County
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority potential - Mr. Capote
stated he did not see a tremendous amount of potential in Novi given that it
is more for urbanized areas such as Livonia, Romulus and Detroit. It takes
some of the burden off of the developer for cleaning up contamination of
sites with environmental problems. He stated at times, there may be
opportunities where it would be applicable in Novi. It is something that the
City could establish and appoint the EDC as its board members.
Main Street West relocation of existing business - Mr.
Capote stated this was something that he works on, project by project,
depending on the site plan. He reported that he is still currently working
with the Oakland Baptist Church, the moving of the church was one of the
first steps in looking towards Main Street West, secondly, is Fendt Transit
Mix. He stated he has been working with Fendt to relocate this use.
Liaison functions with developers through approval
process - He stated he works with a lot of area developers in Southeastern
Michigan, St. Louis, Los Angeles and San Francisco who are looking to do
business in various parts of the country. Typically, the developer would
contact Oakland County, the Michigan Jobs Commission and then the call would
come to him. Mr. Capote stated that Novi’s requirements are quite extensive.
He stated he has a commitment from Doug Rothwell, Executive Director of the
Michigan Jobs Commission, that once a brochure and CD are produced and as
the homepage for economic development is developed, the Michigan Jobs
Commission is looking to come to Novi to tour the area, learn about it, meet
the Council and Commissioners so that they can promote the Community when
the opportunity arises.
Chairperson Weddington thanked Mr. Capote for his
presentation. She stated when the joint work session with City Council was
held, the tax base of the City was one of the priorities that was agreed
upon to try to develop different and better commercial and business uses for
the City. She thought the work that Mr. Capote was doing was vitally
important to the City reaching its’ objective.
Member Csordas asked Mr. Capote if he could tell some of
the names of the companies that are interested in the OST?
Mr. Capote answered it was confidential information. He
further commented that there were many times when he does not know the user.
He stated often the company will hire a site selection consultant who only
knows the criteria for a site, the consultant will then contact him.
Member Csordas asked what the cost of developing a CD
would be?
Mr. Capote stated Novi currently has the capability to
burn CD’s in house. With the GIS and the plotter, he felt the equipment was
available and believed the CD to be a nominal cost. He stated that some of
the audio/visual work is being done with Lou Martin, Public Information
Director to determine the cost.
Member Watza asked if there was anything that the
Commission could do based on Mr. Capote’s experience to petition the
Mr. Capote thought the biggest thing that the Commission
has done recently to help in changing the type of development in the
Community was the creation of the OST Ordinance and the way the Ordinance is
written. Secondly, he stated he was reviewing the Site Plan Manual and had
some recommendations for some changes. He asked for the opportunity to
present these changes to the Commission when he has completed his review. He
thought the OST, working with the Implementation Committee and Master Plan
and Zoning Committee were the biggest things that the Commission could work
Member Bononi stated she wanted to bring this matter to
the Commission because it is of concern to her as a member of the
Environmental Committee and as a participant on the Woodlands Review Board.
It was brought to her attention that the wetland mitigation area that was
required by the Planning Commission for the High Point Development, which
was originally intended to be on the westerly side of Haggerty. She stated
it has since been moved to another site, this came to her attention as a
result of a woodlands protection hearing that she was invited to. She stated
the mitigated wetland site is now located on Garfield Road. She expressed
concerns that the mitigated wetland is shown on a lot that she was not sure
if it was a lot split, she did not know if it was a permitted use in the
zone, she did not know that the site was reviewed. She was concerned that
the Planning Commission did not know about it. She understood that it was
not a permitted use, and suggested that the Planning Commission look at the
situation or it could be referred to the Environmental Committee. She
further added that the reason the application is before the Woodlands Review
Board was because construction was started on the site without a Woodlands
Permit. Member Bononi stated her point in bring up the matter was that there
was some policy and procedure in addressing the matters so they do not fall
through the cracks and so they are not treated in a casual manner.
Chairperson Weddington recollected that the matter came
back before the Commission because the condition was not met and the
developer was asked to explain why the wetlands were not being mitigated.
Member Bononi stated it did come back before the
Commission in February 1997 and as of that time the location was still on
the westerly side of Haggerty Road, now it is being proposed on Garfield
Member Churella asked how large the wetland was?
Member Bononi answered it was almost one acre.
Member Hoadley was in support of Member Bononi’s
Moved by Hoadley, seconded by Bononi, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To ask the developers of High Point Shopping Center to come
back to the Planning Commission with an explanation of what has happened to
the wetland and why it is being moved off site.
Member Capello suggested before asking the developer to
come back, the Administration and staff to tell the
Commission what happened. He stated the developer may have every right to do
what he has done or he may have received Administrative approval.
Chairperson Weddington asked Mr. Wahl if he could shed
some light on the subject.
Mr. Wahl answered, not at this time, he stated he would
have to check into it and report back.
Member Canup thought there was more to it, he thought
somebody had to approve the relocation.
Moved by Churella, seconded by Hoadley, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To amend the motion to ask the Planning Department to
investigate and report back to the Commission.
Yes: Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Watza, Weddington,
Bononi, Canup, Capello
No: None
Chairperson Weddington thanked Mr. Pham for filling in as
the Clerk over the past few weeks, she announced that there would be a new
staff member Steve Rumple at the next meeting.
Moved by Capello, seconded by Hoadley, CARRIED
UNANIMOUSLY: To adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission at
9:35 p.m.
Yes: Bononi, Canup, Capello, Churella, Csordas, Hoadley, Vrettas, Watza,
No: None
Khanh Pham - Community Development Specialist
Transcribed by: Diane H. Vimr
September 19, 1997
Date Approved: October 1, 1997