View Agenda for this meeting PARKS, RECREATION AND FORESTRY
COMMISSION The meeting was called to order at 8:12 PM with Commissioner Enright presiding. ROLL CALL: Commissioner Burke (Present), Enright (Present) Schwarzlose (Present), Staab (Present), Staudt (Present), Wingfield (Present). ALSO PRESENT: Randy Auler, Director Jack Lewis, Deputy Director Wendy DuVall-Angelocci, Youth Sports Coordinator APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion was made and carried to add Naming Rights Policy under action items. (Staudt, Burke C-UN) COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Resource Development Committee Commissioner Staudt stated, that after the joint meeting with City Council this evening, there needs to be a time limit on deliberations on the Park Naming Policy. The committee will attempt to get something to City Council by the beginning of March. The committee meeting time will be established in executive session. 2. Park Development Committee Commissioner Wingfield stated there was nothing new to report due to the preparation for the joint meeting with City Council. Issues and concerns not previously discussed will be brought up at the January Commission Meeting. 3. Strategic Planning Committee Commissioner Staudt stated that he would like to go on record, the excellent job that the Deputy Director, Jack Lewis, did in his report of December 2nd regarding the ADA funding. For $110,000 we can complete our ADA requirements and complete another of our objectives. Commissioner Staab wanted to thank past Commissioner Kopeika for helping to get the commission where it is today with planning, overviews and objectives for the Foundation. Commissioner Enright stated that she would like to add past Commissioners Paul, Engebretson and Place who were very instrumental in getting a lot of work done. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: None ACTION ITEMS: 1. Approval of the November 18, 2004 regular meeting minutes. Commissioner Staab asked what discussion was lost when the tape was changed on page 5 of the minutes. Commissioner Enright stated that she believed that the motion was made to make a recommendation to City Council for $90,000 for trees and stumps from the emerald ash borer damage. Deputy Director stated that he would follow up on that item. Commissioner Staab asked that the motion be added to the minutes. Commissioner Staudt stated that he believed that he was the original motion maker. He believed his motion was to accept the report submitted by the City Forester and that the report be passed on to City Council for action. Director Auler suggested that the item be tabled until the next meeting. He will check if videotape was made of the meeting. If not, it will have to be written from what is recalled by the Commission members. Commissioner Staudt asked if a letter had been drafted or how was the request presented. Director Auler replied that the Motion Sheet is prepared and will be submitted tomorrow and then he is hopeful that it will be on the December 20th City Council agenda. 2. Naming Rights Policy A motion was made to request to City Council that legal fees, in an amount to be determined by them, to review the naming rights issues related to the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Commission making a naming rights policy. (Staudt, Staab C 5-1) DISCUSSION ITEMS: None COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Burke: He felt it was an excellent meeting and was surprised by the outcome but maybe some money was left on the table and more issues could have been brought up. He feels the Commission will move in the direction they want to go. Commissioner Wingfield: He felt the City Council was receptive of what the Commission had to say. He stated that at the High School that 40 to 60 kids were cut or did not make basketball teams. He then asked if there was a possibility of having an intramural or recreational league for the boys in the High School. He talked to Curt Ellis, the athletic director at the High School, and they are not going to run anything but Commissioner Wingfield feels that they might be willing to come up with some facilities if we would run them. Wendy replied that Commissioner Enright has brought that up also and after the 2005 season for the younger children has been taken care of, then doing something for 7th through 9th graders will be considered. Commissioner Schwarzlose: He felt that the joint meeting with City Council was good, not only for the City Council to see where the Commission wants to go, but also for the Commission to get feed back from them and get their priorities and direction. Commissioner Staudt: He wanted to commend Derek Smith for holding a softball meeting of the adult men. He feels that it will have a strong impact and encourage future meetings like that with our participants. Commissioner Staab: He felt that this is one of the most productive joint meetings he has ever attended. He felt the Commission got a lot of "green lights" from City Council. The next thing on the agenda should be to work through the capital improvement projects and prioritizing. He was especially pleased with the commitments for the emerald ash borer issues. He then wished everyone a happy holiday season. Commissioner Enright: She stated that she was also pleased with the joint meeting. She feels that the capital improvement projects are the big issue coming up and she feels the Commission should work together and get priorities and work with City Council to start completing some things. Hopefully the issues with the emerald ash borer will be completed. She also wished everyone a happy holiday season.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. _____________________________________ Signed, Marie Enright, Chairperson
Signed, David Staudt, Vice Chairperson