CITY OF Monday, June 18, 2012 | 7 P.M.
Council Chambers |
(248) 347-0460
CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Mayor Gatt, Mayor Pro Tem Staudt, Council Members Casey, Fischer, Margolis, Mutch, Wrobel APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTATIONS 1. Proclamation in recognition of Recreation and
Parks for the month of July 2012 – Jason Mangum, Parks, Recreation and
Cultural Services Director 2. Recognition of Kathy Smith-Roy, Finance Director for 21 years of service INTERVIEWS FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Amy Bak – Beautification Commission REPORTS: 1. MANAGER/STAFF 2. ATTORNEY AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group. This is not a question-answer session, however, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS AND APPROVALS (See items A-R) All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of the normal Agenda. MATTERS FOR COUNCIL ACTION 1. Consideration of request from Indo Fusion
Restaurant for a new Class C quota license to be located at 44175 Twelve
Mile Road, Suite F143, Novi, Michigan 48377. 2. Approval of the request of Beck Ten Land, LLC for
ZCM12-02 with Zoning Map Amendment 18.701 to rezone property in Section 20,
on the northwest corner of Beck Road and Ten Mile Road from R-1, One-Family
Residential to R-3, One-Family Residential with a Planned Rezoning Overlay.
The property totals 24.24 acres and the applicant is proposing a 38 unit
single-family residential development. 3. Approval to renew the City’s Property and
Liability Insurance coverage to the Stevenson Company, HCC Public Risk Claim
Service/U.S. Specialty Insurance Company, in the annual amount of $287,492. 4. Appointments to Boards and Commissions 5. Enter Executive Session in the Council Annex for
the purpose of discussing pending litigation, labor negotiations and
privileged correspondence from legal counsel. BREAK 6. Approval of Labor contract with full-time MAPE
(Michigan Association of Public Employees Union) for agreement July 1, 2011
- June 30, 2013. 7. Budget Amendment FY 2011-12 year end 4th Quarter
AUDIENCE COMMENT – In order to hear all citizen comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group. This is not a question-answer session, however, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council. COMMITTEE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL ISSUES CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: Consent Agenda items which have been removed for discussion and/or action. COMMUNICATIONS: CONSENT AGENDA: Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office. A. Approve Minutes of: B. Approval of a resolution to create a single
definitive Master Street Name list for the City of Novi. C. Approval of California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. (a
Delaware Corporation) to transfer all stock interest in 2011 Class C
licensed corporation, located at 27866 Novi, Space E-122, Novi, MI 48377,
Oakland County, from a publicly traded corporation to new stockholder, CPK
Merger Sub Inc. (a Delaware Corporation); and transfer all stock wherein CPK
Merger Sub Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) transfer all stock to new
stockholder, CPK Holdings Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) through merger (Step
2). D. Approval to award Janitorial Services contract to
Kristel Cleaning, Inc., the lowest qualified bidder, in the amount of
$55,680.00 (annually). E. Approval of adoption of Ordinance 12-160.01, an
ordinance to amend the City of Novi Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22,
“Offenses,” Article VI, “Offenses against public safety,” Division 1,
“Generally,” Section 22-112, “Fireworks,” in order to incorporate changes to
state law regarding fireworks and to confirm that ignition and discharge of
fireworks is not permitted except on certain days. Second Reading F. Approval of adoption of Ordinance 12-113.03, an
Ordinance to amend the City of Novi Code of Ordinances, Chapter 25, “Parks
and Recreation,” Article IV, “Parks and Recreation Protection,” Division 1,
“Generally,” Section 25-63, “Firearms and Fireworks,” in order to
incorporate changes to state law regarding both firearms and fireworks and
to confirm that ignition and discharge of fireworks is not permitted in
parks. Second Reading G. Approval to enter into annual maintenance and
service agreement (7/1/12 – 6/30/13) with Advanced Wireless Telecom (AWT)
for the Next Generation E-911 system in the Novi Public Safety Emergency
Communications Center for $18,366.37. H. Approval to rescind the 2012 Spring Landscape
Planting contract from Creative Brick Paving & Landscape Construction, which
was approved by the City Council on April 23, 2012, and award the contract
to Salient Landscaping, the second lowest bidder, in the amount of $20,445. I. Approval of Resolution authorizing issuance of
2012 Special Assessment Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding bonds (12
Mile Road Improvements-Fountain Walk-SAD 155). J. Approval to purchase Courts and Law Enforcement
Management Information System (CLEMIS) and Fire Records Management Systems
(FMRS) fees and services from Oakland County for the 2012-13 fiscal year in
the amount of $55,525. K. Approval to award an amendment to the engineering
services contract for construction engineering services related to the Nine
Mile Road Rehabilitation - Beck to Taft project to Orchard, Hiltz &
McCliment, Inc. in the amount of $48,750. L. Approval to award an amendment to the professional
design services contract for additional design phase services related to
Pavilion Shore Park Development project to Hamilton Anderson in the amount
of $9,670. M. Approval of payment of annual dues for continued
membership in the Alliance of Rouge Communities in the amount of $15,628. N. Acceptance of a warranty deed from Toll MI II
Limited Partnership for the dedication of a 60 foot right-of-way along the
east side of Napier Road as part of the Island Lake of Novi Subdivision –
Phase 6 and approval to execute a Quit Claim Deed conveying the dedicated 60
foot right-of-way to the Road Commission for Oakland County (the agency
having jurisdiction for Napier Road). O. Approval of Resolution Supporting the Commerce
Township Project Plan for Energy Cost Reduction and Sewer Overflow Risk
Reduction in the Commerce Township Wastewater Treatment System. P. Approval of a resolutions authorizing termination
of portions of an existing water main easement and sanitary sewer easement
(recorded at Liber 10037, Page 250 Oakland County Records) at the request of
Novi Town Center Investors, LLC, as part of the redevelopment of Novi Town
Center and construction of the Wal-Mart site (parcel 22-14-351-063). Q. Approval of a revised traffic control device
maintenance agreement with the Road Commission for Oakland County for the
existing traffic signal on Eight Mile Road and Orchard Hill Place. R. Approval of Claims and Accounts – Warrant No. 870 ADJOURNMENT SCHEDULED MEETINGS - All Regular Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. The following schedule consists of meetings that are routinely held in the Council Chambers. For a complete listing of scheduled meetings, please visit the Event Calendar at June July NOTICE: People with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact the City Clerk (248) 347-0456 at least two working days in advance of the meeting. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations. We kindly request that you turn off all cell phones while in the Council Chambers. Thank you.