View Agenda for this meeting
MONDAY, JULY 9, 2012 AT 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Gatt called the meeting to order
at 7:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Gatt, Mayor Pro
Tem Staudt, Council Members Casey, Fischer, Margolis, Mutch, Wrobel
ALSO PRESENT: Clay Pearson, City
Tom Schultz, City Attorney
CM-12-07-109 Moved by Casey, seconded
To approve the Agenda as presented.
Roll call vote on CM-12-07-109 Yeas:
Staudt, Casey, Fischer, Margolis, Mutch, Wrobel, Gatt
Nays: None
Khalid Cossor, representing Main
Street Partnership, thanked the City Council, Mayor, City Manager Pearson,
and City Attorney Schultz for all of their work they did on the Main Street
Project. The partnership has been involved with this Project since 2006,
when they had bought the building. It has been a tough time for all of us
for the last five or six years. During that period of time, the City was
always willing to listen to them or cooperate with them. They have done
everything they could in the tough times to make a go of this project. He
wanted to assure everyone that they will continue to do what they have done
in the past to support this project. He thanked the City Attorney again for
the excellent job he did. He said the City Attorney was a good person to
work with. He would have liked the project to have done better than it has.
He said the last five years has been a learning experience for them. He said
they are a profitable organization in spite of the tough times. They have
adjusted during that period of time. There will be things that will come up
and we will continue to ask the City to provide the same cooperation and
perhaps a little more for the next phases of this project. He thought the
next couple of years will be tough. They will work with whoever buys the
property next to them because it is in their best interest. He concluded
that he appreciated the efforts to bring this to a conclusion. They had no
conflict with the proposals that the City Attorney has put together and they
will sign it.
1. Consideration of the request of TCF
Bank, Victor R. Cassis Living Trust u/a/d November 12, 2011, and Main Street
Partnership, LLC, for Final Site Plan approval for Main Street, SP12-16.
The subject site is 20.66 acres of land located in Section 23, east of Novi
Road, and south of Grand River Avenue, in the TC-1, Town Center-1 Zoning
District. The applicant is proposing to terminate the two condominiums
recorded over the property, and create three separate metes-and-bounds
parcels, with provision for parking, access, stormwater, and public/private
utility easements.
City Manager Pearson wanted to thank
City Attorney Schultz, Deputy Community Development Director McBeth, and
Community Development Director Boulard for all the work they have done over
the five or six months, and Council for identifying that this was a priority
by coming here tonight for a special meeting. This final site plan
represents the dissolution of the condominium that was a single development
by a developer. It has changed over time with the different property owners.
The City Administration concurred with the property owners that the best way
to move forward was to unwind the original condominium and let each of the
properties develop on their own with commonalities. The parking will be
carried over in a different form from the original condominium. It was one
of the biggest issues. He thought they had reached an accommodation on it
with the property owners. There is shared parking but they are not going to
have to create individual parking for their developments. It is important to
give us an opportunity for future developments. There is some minor language
changes that may be necessary to finalize this. They still need agreement
from Luna Properties about some of the parking. They have had formal
discussions but haven’t had been able to get a final review. The latitude in
language has been built into the motion before Council.
Larry Czekaj, TCF Bank, thanked
everyone for calling the Special Meeting. It is out of the ordinary. He
believed he submitted the plan in July, 2011. He had been working with the
City Attorney since August when it was decided the best approach was to
bring all the owners in because they were interested in the same thing. He
commented that it has been great working with the City Staff. It brought
three of the owner’s together with a common goal. In his experience, it
wasn’t the most complex transaction he has ever seen but it took some time
unraveling the documents in this project. TCF is the lender for building
number one. The owners have worked well as good borrowers in difficult
times. Going forward, once everything is cleared up, the project should do
Victor Cassis had hoped the vote would
be positive. After the many years of difficulty, he hopes to look forward to
a good future. He thanked the Mayor and Council for accepting this project.
He mentioned how City Manager Pearson, City Attorney and Community
Development have worked well with him on this project and will miss them. He
has prospects for this project. It will go well if we cooperate together. He
appreciated everyone’s efforts.
Member Mutch thanked everyone involved
in this project. He felt it sounded like everyone has come to an agreement
on the major issues. It has been easy for Council to wait for everyone to
get all the issues cleared up. He saw that it was a lot of unraveling to
return this area back to what it was. We do have some things built into the
agreements, but we are making a fresh start for the property owners. He had
no problem with the agreements or actions that were taken but had some
questions for City Attorney Schultz as to the City’s obligations. He asked
about the maintenance agreement for the Main Street improvements that had
been put in place through an SAD process and asked for clarification as to
how it will change the responsibilities for the various parties. City
Attorney Schultz replied that the City’s responsibilities really won’t
change from what is happening now. In terms of the agreement, they change
under the existing agreement from the1990’s where the City had a minimal
obligation. The change in the legal obligation has changed but the City has
actually been doing it for the last few years. It will be business as usual.
The most important part of the exchange agreement amendment has to do with
finally taking that arrangement between the parties, which has been informal
in the past, and having everyone agree as to what their maintenance will be.
The agreement in its current form was with Evergreen. There was one property
owner responsible for all the maintenance, when in truth; there are five
owners who are responsible. We are taking the four of them and putting in
writing what those responsibilities will be. It will assist the property
owners and the City if it turns out that they are not performing their
maintenance obligations. Member Mutch confirmed that we have enforcement
mechanisms built into the agreements. He asked about the changes to the
parking lot lease by the Fire Station. The lease will be extended for an
additional ten years and that there is an understanding that various parties
will all have access to utilize that property for parking. City Attorney
said that the lease right now is with the Condominium Association. We are
getting rid of the Association, so it has to be assigned to somebody.
Instead of assigning it to all three as separate individual property owners,
now, it essentially recognizes that it is primarily used by the Main Street
Partnership Group. That is who it is being assigned to but the assignment
requires that it will be open and available for public parking. Member Mutch
asked if the City will get any compensation for the use of that property.
City Attorney Schultz said that we don’t get it now and not going forward.
Member Mutch asked if it created a taxable situation for the City because it
is treated as a public parking lot with this access. City Attorney Schultz
said he didn’t know whether or not Glenn Lemmon, City Assessor, has it being
assessed for taxes. The lease would require them (Main Street Partnership)
to pay in the event taxes were assessed and for maintenance. The City has no
responsibility at all. Member Mutch noted that we own the property and are
not charging for the use of it, but they (Main Street Partnership) are
responsible for the maintenance and improvements. The potentially land
locked parcel through the vacation of Paul Bunyan Drive within the Site Plan
approval will maintain access for that property through a public easement.
City Attorney said that it was really Council’s motion and the vacation
resolution in the second item that guarantees access if they need it. Member
Mutch was concerned about the extension of the parking lot lease agreement
which takes it to 2051. It makes it challenging for
future Councils. He hoped that all the people will be successful with their
developments and the City may want to convert that property to something
other than a parking lot. Past Council made the commitment to 2041, so
another ten years is not a deciding issue. All the concerns he had were
answered or addressed. He said that there had been discussion about Luna as
to their participation in the various agreements. He asked if they had
everyone in agreement in terms with what we are asking to approve tonight.
City Attorney said they do not have a formal response from Luna. We have had
the informal conversation with them. They were at the meetings in November
and December and are aware of what is going on. They may have comments on
the way we have framed some of the agreements. We are asking them to consent
to a larger easement document because, historically, there are easements and
rights going back and forth across Main Street between the common area and
the Vic’s (Luna Property) area. They needed to be kept abreast of what is
going on. They probably should consent to what is being done. Their main
issue is that it doesn’t affect what is going on at their site. The motion
that is before Council addresses that towards the end. It is contingent on
Luna giving us the approval. Hopefully, they will approve it or the changes
will be minor changes so we don’t have to revisit this. Member Mutch noted
that much of it is can be addressed with the parties that were there. City
Attorney Schultz said that it was the parking more than anything else. If
they are satisfied with the language, then we should be okay.
CM-12-07-110 Moved by Mutch, seconded
Approval of the request of TCF Bank,
Victor R. Cassis Living Trust u/a/d November 12, 2011, and Main
Street Partnership, LLC, SP12-16 Main Street, for the Final Site Plan,
subject to the following (if any of the following do not occur, Final Site
Plan Approval shall not be complete and effective, and the City staff shall
not issue Stamping Sets for the Project):
1. Signature and recording of:
a. Termination of Condominium Project
and Master Deed – Main Market Condominium
b. Termination of Condominium Project
and Master Deed - Novi Main Street Condominium
2. Application by all property owners
for a land division, and the granting of the land division by the City
Assessor, to establish the three parcels identified on the Site Plan
(including appropriate conveyance of the 16-foot wide strip along the
northern boundary of Parcel 2, as noted on the site plan)
3. Signature by all parties and
recording of:
a. Main Street Area Reciprocal
Parking, Access, and Public/Private utilities Agreement
b. Consents of Luna and TCF [as lender
for Parcell)
4. Signature by all parties of First
Amendment to Exchange Agreement (Main Street Area)
5. Signature by all parties of Second
Assignment of Lease Agreement (City-owned parking lot)
6. Compliance with all conditions and
requirements listed in the staff and consultant review letters, with any
required changes to the final site plan to be included in the final stamping
7. The above-referenced documents are
to be signed in substantially the form as attached, with the attachments to
be determined by the City staff and any changes to be approved by the City
Manager and City Attorney.
This motion is made because the plan
is otherwise in compliance with Article 16, Article 24, and Article 25,
together with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, with
respect to the Property within the plan, and because the plan is consistent
with rights to shared parking on the Property by adjacent properties,
including specifically Parcel No. 22-23-176-011, which shall be considered
to have sufficient parking for its existing and historically approved uses
for the improvements on Parcel No. 22-23-176-011.
Mayor Gatt said that this has been a
long journey and started probably twenty years ago. There is light at the
end of the tunnel and today is a great day for the citizens, business
owners, and residents in Novi. Main Street is going to do well. He asked the
three owners present to make Main Street look presentable for the City of
Novi and make Main Street the jewel that was once a dream. He knows they
can. He and the people in Novi will be watching.
Roll call vote on CM-12-07-110 Yeas:
Casey, Fischer, Margolis, Mutch, Wrobel, Gatt, Staudt
Nays: None
Approval of adoption of a resolution to
vacate the remaining public right of way of Paul Bunyan Drive, also known as
Orchard Avenue or Sixth Gate, east of Novi Road and south of Grand River
Avenue, reserving an easement for public utilities and for public ingress
and egress, and conditioned upon the completion of the termination of the
Main Market Condominium.
City Manager Pearson wanted to add
that this was a request for a vacation of a street that is a stub road off
of Novi Road. We have already vacated some of the right of way just to the
east. It makes sense to honor the adjoining property owners request for this
vacation. There will be rights of access that will be maintained. When the
properties develop, the site plan will be flexible about the route it takes.
There will be some east-west access which ties it together and get this
property on the tax rolls and potential use.
Member Mutch asked City Attorney
Schultz if all that property will accrue to Mr. Cassis’s adjoining property.
City Attorney Schultz said that was their belief and that is how we intend
to do it. It is contingent on a transfer between TCF and Mr. Cassis.
CM-12-07-111 Moved by Mutch, seconded
Approval of the attached resolution to
vacate the remaining public right of way of Paul Bunyan Drive, reserving an
easement for public utilities and a public vehicular ingress and egress
easement across the entirety of the vacated right-of-way as with the portion
vacated to the east, and subject to the following:
1. The Main Street Final Site Plan SP
12-16 be approved by the City Council, and all the conditions of the
approval be met;
2. The public ingress and egress
easement reserved in the resolution shall maintain alignment with the
existing commercial driveway on the west side of Novi Road, unless and until
any future site plan amendments are approved by the City;
3. The public ingress and egress
easement reserved in the resolution shall be maintained in good repair and
kept unrestricted, including the recorded access easement over the easterly
portion of the former Paul Bunyan right-of-way previously vacated;
4. Ownership of the existing 0.17-acre
"devil's strip" on the south side of the Paul Bunyan right-of-way shall be
transferred to the owner of Unit 2/Proposed Parcel 2 consistent with note
included on Main street Final Site Plan SP 12-16, with City staff to take
such action as is necessary to confirm vesting of title in the owner of such
property; and
5. An access easement shall be granted
to the owner(s) of Parcel 50-22-23-102-027 to avoid creating a landlocked
parcel, unless the owner agrees to combine that parcel with an adjacent
6. A separate Public Utilities and
Ingress and Egress Easement in Connection with Street Vacation, in
substantially the same form as attached hereto, shall be executed by the
benefitting property owner(s) if required by the City.
Mayor Gatt added high accolades to
City Manager Pearson and City Attorney Schultz. He had been working with
these gentlemen since November on this project. Everyone at the table should
be proud of their City Attorney and a City Manager when it comes to this
matter. It has been very difficult. These gentlemen have waded through it
all and got us to where we are today. He thanked them on behalf of the City
Council and the whole City.
Roll call vote on CM-12-07-111 Yeas:
Fischer, Margolis, Mutch, Wrobel, Gatt, Staudt, Casey
Nays: None
ADJOURNMENT – There being no further
business to come before Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 P.M.
Robert J. Gatt, Mayor
Maryanne Cornelius, City Clerk
________________________________ Date approved:
July 23, 2012
Transcribed by Jane Keller