View Agenda for this meeting


JUNE 11, 2001 AT 7:30 P.M.


Mayor Clark called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.


ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark, Mayor ProTem Lorenzo, Council Members Bononi, Cassis Csordas-absent/excused, DeRoche-absent/excused, and Kramer


City Clerk Cornelius reported that David Ruyle contacted City offices to inform Council of his emergency surgery and his interest in being appointed. Also, Lisa Bennett schedule has changed and requested to be interviewed at the 8:30 vacancy.

CM-01-06-149 Moved by Lorenzo, seconded by Cassis; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:

To approve the agenda as amended.

Vote on CM-01-06-149 Yeas: Bononi Clark, Cassis, Lorenzo, Kramer

Nays: none

Absent: Csordas


Debbie Bundoff, 12/Novi, expressed concerns about safety path on Novi Road that the ground has settled and there is no asphalt. Stated there were deep holes near the boardwalk and concerned about the construction of the boardwalk and soil is not compacted. Asked Council to do something about it.

Member Kramer clarified that the location is the north part of boardwalk after exiting it, and includes transition areas at both ends. Mayor Clark stated he would follow up on this with the City Manager tomorrow.


7:30 David Ruyle – Planning Commission - asked to be excused due to emergency surgery. He indicated to the Mayor Clark his interest in consideration for the Planning Commission.

7:45 Melissa Place – Parks & Recreation Commission

Ms. Place asked for consideration of Council for the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Commission.

Council member Kramer appreciated her interest as she works for the City during the day and volunteers her time in the evening. Asked how her first term has been. Ms. Place stated that the Commission is in the process of revising the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Also mentioned they are now cable cast and that was a change. Personal challenges and for the commission – while working without a Director and Deputy director, the Commission shares

the concern regarding changes and what will be expected of them. Challenges include the capital improvement projects, direction from Council including public safety to be kept as a priority and visualize what it will take to accomplish. Personal goals - Ms. Place responded she would like to be versed in the entire budget process for the Commission.

Member Cassis thanked Melissa for her dedication and efforts to the City. Asked how she felt the City was doing at this point and what she hoped to see happen in the future? Ms. Place responded there wasn’t anything that caused a great concern and if it existed the Commission as a whole would come to Council with it. Keep the parks in good repair and maintain them for enhanced use. Noted at times when the Commission has experienced any constraints, it is usually a matter where State mandates have restricted them with regard to Parks and recreation programs. Felt the department of Parks and Recreation and Forestry does a tremendous job working with the Commission.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked Ms. Place opinions of the joint meeting with Council and Parks and Recreation Commission. What about safety of equipment and completion of parks? Ms. Place felt Council gave a clear direction of where the Commission should be heading. They went back to the drawing board to work on Capital improvement Projects. Solutions to restrooms at Lakeshore and Rotary Park were completed. They reviewed the direction of Council and are working with the budget they have been given. Ms. Place also stated they will be researching the grant applications for other projects and proposed to return to Council on July 2, 2001 with master plan revisions.

Member Bononi asked how she would rate the parks on a scale of 1-10. Answer – 8 and felt it should be a 10 as a service to citizens. We host tournaments for soccer, baseball, etc. that is a goal of the Commission to target the parks and discern what each of the needs are. Noted when she takes her children to other communities’ soccer fields, there is no comparison to the city’s. Felt the City was moving in the right direction.

Mayor Clark appreciated Ms. Place service to the City. Asked if she chose one item to be completed in the next year, what would it be? Ms. Place responded Lakeshore Park because the lot still needs paving, soil erosion correction, and beach maintenance.

8:00 Ramesh Verma – Planning Commission

Mr. Verma felt he should be part of the planning commission as he served over 37 years in the construction industry. He was very active in brining soccer to the community as there were no facilities at that time. Noted that the civic center was not here when he first came to the City. Felt he would be fair and walk the talk and say it straight. Felt he has plenty of time to give back to his community.

Member Bononi asked about urban sprawl and its meaning to him and whether the land use decision makers are contributing or preventing it? Mr. Verma could not answer as he was only familiar with construction. Member Bononi explained that it could be building of infrastructure without looking at the big picture and asked how we are doing? Mr. Verma felt that there are times when the Master Plan must be deviated from.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about examples where good and not so good planning exists? Mr. Verma stated paying $43million to a developer was poor planning on the part of those who

caused that decision. Felt those people should be taken to task. The good part is the civic center and parks and recreation , school system being constructed all were examples of good planning. Felt there were those who didn’t carry out Council’s decisions. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked when there would be times to change the master plan? Gave an example of University of Michigan new master plan. Development makes the changes come and should not hold it rigidly and to look at a decision at a particular day and time. Felt it necessary to look at why the changes would be made. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about changes to stormwater management committee. Mr. Verma felt things were on the right track. Asked if he watched the Planning Commission meetings? Mr. Verma reported that he has watched and gave accolades to Chairman Karen Piccinini. Stated this is his fourth time applying for Planning Commission.

Member Cassis appreciated Mr. Verma’s persistence in applying. Asked Mr. Verma about the decision by Council regarding the Erickson retirement community? Mr. Verma liked the idea and actually thought about moving there. Thought it would be a good community. Member Cassis asked if he thought it was too much. Mr. Verma liked the idea of caring for the senior citizens and it was good to earmark land for the seniors. He works part time for Ayres, Lewis. Asked him about Dr. Sanghvi. Mr. Verma replied he worked with him to bring diversity to Novi for the international festival and diversity to the Council and other boards and commissions.

Member Kramer thanked Mr. Verma for volunteering his time and asked for clarification of the company he works for. Construction management for Ayres, Lewis. Asked about his skills to bring to planning Commission? Mr. Verma noted his idea of diversity would bring humbleness, humility and combined experiences to the team. Member Kramer asked what behaviors and skills would help make decisions? Mr. Verma stated he is a good negotiator and listener. He would go to the site as well for inspection. As a member of the commission, how would he make a decision with the commission? Mr. Verma replied he would go the democratic way. He would state his views but go with the group decision. Member Kramer asked about other commissions or boards he listed. Mr. Verma stated he is only interested in being on the planning Commission as of today. Member Kramer asked about his activities? Mr. Verma noted that from 1993 until now, he was involved with other political parties for fundraising.

Mayor Clark appreciated his persistence in applying for the fourth time. Mr. Verma stated that as a citizen of Novi, he wished Mayor Clark a very healthy and happy life.

8:15 Philip Koneda – Planning Commission

Mr. Koneda stated he was seeking re-appointment after serving 3 years.

Member Kramer thanked Mr. Koneda for accepting an appointment to Planning after serving on Parks and Recreation and asked him to assess his first term. Mr. Koneda originally thought we were overdeveloped and needed OST. Thought it was a plus to see all of the different issues come before the Commission and for the most part, they acted correctly and tried to do the best for the City of Novi. Member Kramer asked about the next 3 years? Mr. Koneda felt a significant thing that happened was decreasing the residential density of the City. His big concern is for residential development including high-end homes of $400,000 and over. The easy-to-develop parcels are gone. The wetlands and woodlands that are so pristine are ready for development and concerned that developers would buy it and sell it at a premium. This will be a challenge in the future. Controlling development and keep the infrastructure in line with

development. Member Kramer asked about the quality of development and role of the Planning Commission? Mr. Koneda noted that with high standards we will continue to maintain quality. Felt it was their job to do the right things rather than do things right.

Member Cassis appreciated Mr. Koneda’s assistance while he was on the Planning Commission. Asked what compelled him to apply again to the Commission? Mr. Koneda found it to be enjoyable including debates, reads all materials and comes prepared to address all the issues. This is an extension of his life. Enjoyed working for the City.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked the one project he most contributed to and a really good decision and also what would he have done differently? Mr. Koneda stated the Magna decision had the most impact. By getting wetland mitigation we have a high quality development. Felt the Erickson development was the most difficult and the one that he agonized over. Felt it was the right thing to do for the City overall by setting high standards. They did the best possible they could do to protect the natural resources and didn’t think they could have had a better deal for the City. The major impact of that project would be for those going to and from work. The development will render a good tax benefit and a need is fulfilled. Industrial developments that bordered residential developments were the most difficult. They sought to have the least impact on residents any may not have always turned out that way. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about the next master plan update and how he would look at the next plan? Mr. Koneda explained the Grand River Corridor overlay district would be the most important. While the master plan is updated every five years, it isn’t mandatory. He was vehemently opposed to the M-5 connector originally, but now it has given the city an opportunity to look at rezoning that property to OST. Now it has better land use plan and decreased residential burden between residential and OST. Should not change the master plan unless there is compelling evidence of the need to change. The plan at this stage of development only requires a few minor tweaks.

Member Bononi noted there was a steady stream of rezoning requests and asked what it means? Mr. Koneda felt we were running out of easy to develop plans. It also tells us that there wasn’t a site with easy access to freeway that could handle this type of development. Then, it becomes necessary to ask if we want this. Member Bononi asked about inadequacies of zoning classifications and requirements? Mr. Koneda noted there were some to come to Council with decreased lot sizes in exchange for protection of wetlands and woodlands. Problems will arise when we are looking for larger sites when a developer brings a plan that needs it. Member Bononi asked about urban sprawl and asked if we are contributing to it? Mr. Koneda felt that was uncontrolled development and we have the tools in place to regulate and balance the needs.

Mayor Clark asked what he would change with regard to the operation of the Planning Commission? Mr. Koneda stated that with difficult times, part of the problem is that we expect them to hit the ground and be effective from the first meeting. He felt it took more time to get to the heart of issues and required more training early in the process for Commissioners. New planning commissioners need to have more training before meeting. Gave as an example that there was a new relation between the commission and the planning department. There were things that need to be resolved between staff and the commission.




8:30 Lisa Bennett

Lisa Bennett stated she was excited to apply and bring her ideas to the Commission. Member Kramer asked what her strengths were to offer to Parks and Recreation. Ms. Bennett stated her strengths are communications and ideas she wishes to bring to the Commission. Felt her frame of mind was better suited to the Parks and Recreation including a community garden spearheaded through the Commission. Would like to see a birding platform and working with Audubon society to bring it to the City.

Member Kramer asked how long she had been on Beautification? 6 months.

Member Cassis stated he appreciated her enthusiasm and sprit was very dynamic. She still brings ideas to the beautification Commission each month and also attends Farmington Hills meetings for beautification to share and she would like to be on both Parks and Recreation and Beautification. Member Cassis asked what made her want to serve on both? Ms. Bennett wanted to make a difference by leaving a small legacy. Wanted the City not to squander any resources. Ideas come from Beautification and would implement them through Parks and Recreation.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked how she would get the ideas to fellow commissioners. Ms. Bennett would correspond by email and phone. She wants to have everyone prepared with all ideas early on in the process. Asked about goals achieved thus far for beautification? Ms. Bennett replied that by the end of season they will have birding platforms and next spring for the community garden. Also noted she writes occasionally for Novi News.

Member Bononi stated it was always nice to see someone who wants to step up to the plate to do more. Asked if she watched the Parks and Recreation meetings on cable? Response was no. Member Bononi asked about the rating of the parks and where should we be? Ms. Bennett stated we are on line but have not yet reached the potential. Hiking trails in North Park includes 600 acres that are unrealized in many cases and in a transition phase. Ella Mae Power Park is not being used as a natural element at this time.

Mayor Clark asked what her priority would be as a Parks and Recreation Commissioner? She would help people to realize it isn’t just about ball diamonds, but about the environment including migration of butterflies.

8:45 Andrew Mutch – Planning Commission

Mr. Mutch stated he is seeking reappointment to the Planning Commission as it was very enjoyable learning process as one can no longer be an activist as he had hoped to be and looked forward to reappointment.

Member Bononi asked about a comment frequently heard that an applicant has the right to develop land? Mr. Mutch responded they have a legal right to develop but in accordance with guidelines and rules of the City and State and that they be applied equally to protect the interests of the community and that applicants are treated fairly. Sometimes decisions are difficult to personally support but because it meets the ordinance he has voted in favor and was not afraid to deny if they don’t meet the ordinance. Member Bononi asked about the steady stream of rezonings and felt this was a red flag? Mr. Mutch felt the rezonings were sometimes done for lower density use that would be brought into compliance but there were

uses that did not have a location that was provided for such as senior housing project and also uses that we have not developed the tools to accommodate and that was an area where a better job could be done. Also noted that Council could stop those decisions.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked if he was re-appointed, would he be content with that as there were instances that frustrated him with regard to decisions by Council. Mr. Mutch stated his actions have indicated that he had an opportunity to run for Council, he chose not to as he enjoyed the Planning process and could make the best contribution. Tried to be cognizant of issues that were not planning issues but related to the communities. Realized that Planning Commissioners could not always continue debate once decisions have been made. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about a rezoning for 11 Mile and Beck road and asked if it had been looked at close enough? Mr. Mutch thought a strong case could be made either way. Density and scale of development could be an intrusion with a possible more dense development. Felt timing was not appropriate. Will eventually reach a point in time where the City is faced with smaller parcels to develop. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked in terms of future development, what did he see for the future of Grand River and the rest of the City? Mr. Mutch stated it would have quite an impact on surrounding area and commercial growth needs more control. While the city could support this with infrastructure, the impact on roads and city services must be watched to avoid over development. Would like to see efforts to tie in the corridor as it is a major artery. Also the west side of the city contains many high quality wetlands and woodlands and felt it necessary to have the proper tools so that developers meet the standards but not the needs of the community. Cited Bellagio where a park and wetlands could have been maintained.

Member Cassis asked about specific types of development being a moot point as we pass over Beck Road and focus on the west end of the city. Expressly asked about the need of small commercial developments on corners? Mr. Mutch noted that the residents have been promised a specific type of development. Would need to contemplate resident input prior to this type of development? Member Cassis asked if most residents desires were addressed? Mr. Mutch would change 3 areas or revisit 3 areas of the master plan. Generally, a good job has been done but the master plan provides a good guide for the Commission as they would always strive to do better.

Member Kramer appreciated his thoughtful perspectives in the Planning Commission minutes. Asked how did he assess his first term? Mr. Mutch replied it went well, despite being in the minority, felt a contribution was made. He always looks at projects and how to improve them. He was involved with master plan drafting committee and didn’t vote for it based on additional commercial areas. He felt proud of the gateway proposal creating a concept of mixed-use area. Pleased that wetlands ordinance was a good model and clarifications would help make it better. Member Kramer asked what his basis was for decision-making? Mr. Mutch replied it must be in compliance with zoning ordinance, comments from consultants, residents and other commissioners are all weighed. Applicants need to feel they will be treated fairly. Member Kramer asked about a decision that might not be favorable to his ideas. Mr. Mutch responded that while keeping mind the need to move forward, sought to make changes in the process to have other commissioners understand his reasons. When he sees individual projects, the ordinances should encourage high quality development and that should be continued and was reflected in the community. Would like to increase some ways for a little more informality. Also noted minimum zoning standards were very high in our community.


Mayor Clark asked if he could change one thing about the commission, what would it be? Mr. Mutch responded it would be communication with the residents, staff, the commission, etc. He felt we could use technology a little better with regard to website. Feedback from residents is just as important to allow us to know what they want as well as what they don’t want.

9:00 Jason Scott – Parks & Recreation Commission

Mayor Clark asked why he sought office. Mr. Scott noted his major is Parks and Recreation at MSU and was looking for a city setting to gain experience. Has been a resident for 22 years and felt he had a good idea of the needs and wants of the community. Member Bononi asked how he would coordinate activities with his studies and commitment to the Commission? Mr. Scott stated he would not schedule classes on Thursdays to enable him to attend meetings.

Member Bononi asked him to rate the parks and are we where we ought to be? Mr. Scott stated that the parks he has been to include Lakeshore Park. With regard to that the park, it hasn’t changed much and was pretty well maintained and on a scale of 1-10 is a 7 as it could use improvements on the beach area for safety. Member Bononi asked what approach he would use to make his presence known and make his opinion heard? Mr. Scott replied that he is not shy and his studies and activities at school assist him in bringing ideas forward.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about his goals for the Commission? Mr. Scott stated he would like to assist in planning a project that would show value for the parks that would get the word out about the parks. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about any deficiencies? Mr. Scott replied a community pool is what is missing. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about safety and restroom facilities and did he agree with these? Mr. .Scott agreed safety is number one. Member Cassis agreed that he should get his feet wet with obtaining youthful perspectives and asked what his ideas were? Mr. Scott thought he had a sense of what younger kids would like.

Member Cassis asked what his strengths were in school? Mr. Scott stated competency in computers and his knowledge of youth as being a ski coach, involvement with Boy Scouts of America and has a feeling for the activities that keep kids out of trouble.

Member Kramer congratulated Mr. Scott on his achievement as an Eagle Scout. Asked if there was something he derived from that award? Mr. Scott stated he would stick to it to get things accomplished. Member Kramer asked what type of involvement he had with a team or committee work? Mr. Scott replied that most classes he has at school require group projects where he has worked well and he can agree to disagree and move on. Member Kramer asked what goals he had for the Commission including sports? Mr. Scott felt the sports keep residents active and healthy and out of trouble. Wasn’t aware of the forestry aspect. Member Kramer noted his volunteerism with youth and asked about the community’s development with youth? Mr. Scott relayed that with regard to development of youth, he can place himself at their level for communication. Mayor Clark wished Mr. Scott well and appreciated his seeking appointment.

9:15 Karen Piccinini – Planning Commission

Karen Piccinini noted she was vice chair and now chair and served on 6 committees. Member Kramer asked about her first term and noted her leadership and asked her to assess the first

term. Ms. Piccinini stated approximately 360 site plans have come before the commission and felt it was challenging and she has learned quite a lot. Challenges of moving forward? Ms. Piccinini thought the moving of Expo would change the entire Grand River area as it moves away and she supports the Gateway. Challenges with Council, Administration – include new City Manager and Director of Community Development. She cited communication issues. Stated they continue to be an issue and it continues to be a challenge. She brings things forward to resolve issues to bring it to the betterment of the City as that was the entire purpose. She thought the goal of the City was to get the best out of a site plan including natural features and should look for opportunities including waivers for variances to make a better plan.

Member Cassis asked how she managed all activities? Work hard and be the best at everything you do was her philosophy. Member Cassis asked about small shopping centers on corners? She lives at Beck and 9 Mile Road and she has not found this to be much of an issue as she would like to see it remain residential. Member Cassis asked about the current master plan? Ms. Piccinini noted that her concerns have been worked out and she has supported an initial project in the past that she would not today and noted it didn’t go through. Felt the Erickson project filled a need.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about the Master Plan future for Grand River and did she see increase in density for housing? Ms. Piccinini stated no and that with zoning came net areas for RA and R-1. They came up with almost the same density. Senior areas and Gateway areas might see a change. With regard to Grand River , she feels that the Expo must be tied into the downtown and she doesn’t want commercial all the way to Beck Road with more traffic as it would go against everything they are trying to do. It will be challenging with light industrial in between. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about fast tracking projects and with jurisdictional projects coming to Council prior to the contract being approved? Ms. Piccinini felt everyone should get the same fair treatment and no project should get fast tracked. With regard to the RUD, it was at the Planning Commission in February and a legal opinion stated it could go forward and to be seen by Council first. They did and now its being reviewed by the Planning Commission.

Member Bononi was concerned about tracking destruction and filling of all wetlands with regard to the Commission. Ms. Piccinini stated there was a database of all wetlands that was significant from JCK. Keeping the wetlands is another issue and that’s for people on staff to maintain. How would the Commission handle decisions to fill or destroy wetlands? Ms. Piccinini stated that what is deemed essential and following ordinances would be most prominent. Her thought is to have it be most important for essential wetlands. Member Bononi asked about urban sprawl? Ms. Piccinini stated we are in an area of high demand. Felt urban sprawl was not happening here and the ordinances would contain and cap things.

Mayor Clark asked about what would she change if she had the ability to do so. Ms. Piccinini stated communication was key and it is being worked on now and everyone needs more time to be trained including staff and that affects them the most.

9:30 Gwen Markham – Planning Commission

Ms. Markham stated she has lived here for 6 years and served during 1996 and 1997 on Planning Commission. Since then her calendar has cleared and she would like to give another

try to the Planning Commission. Member Bononi asked about the steady stream of rezonings and if it indicates a red flag to her? Ms. Markham stated it was an indicator that we are a desirable community but what is disturbing with zoning changes is that the master plan was just completed two years ago and now we are facing changes and that could indicate we might not have meant what we said and there could be a disconnect between the two. When asked about two priorities of Planning Commission, Ms. Markham stated the Grand River situation was number one as it doesn’t have a good feel to it since she lived in the community, it has improved but as a thoroughfare from I-96 to Lansing, people drive through the community, parts of it are nice and others are not. Also need to look at environmental and parks issues as part of the overall plan. Thought once we pave over a piece of property, that’s it. At the pace we are developing, our opportunity might be lost.

Member Bononi asked about urban sprawl are we contributing to it or preventing it? Ms. Markham responded that we develop out of an urban area with minimal attention to open space and environmental issues. It is a natural thing to grow but because of a desire to be in our community, we need to be careful not to pave over everything, we need to be smart about how we plan our open space and green space.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked about fast-tracking projects? Ms. Markkham didn’t feel it was appropriate to do this as she asked what made one project more desirable than another? Felt this was telling others they weren’t as important with a development as another. Also felt we should remember developers want to be here due to great schools, prime location, road access, and we should take the time to make sure they are what we want as well. If developments can’t wait, maybe they are not what we need. If the process is bad, we should change it.

Member Cassis asked where she would locate the next aquatic facility. Ms. Markham replied there is a need for this in the community and 3 out of 9 sites would still be available. Member Cassis asked about Main Street development. Ms. Markham stated she was not an advocate for it but was pleasantly surprised by the development. Didn’t feel there was enough parking as they had to walk a long way to get back to the car and didn’t realize the need for parking space was so great in such a short time. At this point, it’s important to make sure it works and commit to supporting the businesses there. Noted concern about foot traffic finding their way to businesses on the interior of Main Street. Member Cassis asked if she would change the sign ordinance. Ms. Markham didn’t like our sign ordinance because many signs are too small and we are too restrictive with the ordinance but we need to be able to find what we are looking for. Strike a balance. Member Cassis asked about the Main Street issue of why were we allowing Fountainwalk to come in when Main Street is not yet developed? Ms. Markham felt we should be careful not to put so many developments in that Main Street fails. Same thing goes for developing much office space and then not having the businesses to fill it. stated that once a property is rezoned, we cannot stop a developer from building what they want. Member Kramer asked about her decision making process? She was a manufacturing engineer and she approaches things much the same, she reviews it, looks at the site, then studies it until something specific jumps out at her and she will bring her questions with her and in listening to others questions, assists her decision making process. Team player or individual? Ms. Markham stated her knowledge and background make her come prepared to work pretty well on a team. If the team comes to consensus, then that’s it. The voice of the team is what is important.


Member Kramer asked about an unfavorable decision? She would still support the decision even if it’s not in her perspective and felt discussion should take place before. Member Kramer asked about moving at the speed of business or the importance of making decisions at the speed that decisions need to be made. Ms. Markham stated she felt she would come prepared and committed to making these decisions. Also felt there was a balance needed. Member Kramer asked about making a decision particularly dealing with larger businesses and corporations that have the need to move with new facilities on a time line and time frame and he felt it wasn’t fast tracking but moving at the speed of business. Ms. Markham felt it was important as to how it relates to the type of business and there might be something to streamline how we meet their needs. We need to be sure we are not an impediment to these businesses.

Mayor Clark asked about the one thing she would change with regard to the Planning Commission? Ms. Markham stated she would change how big the stack is that comes to her house on Friday night. But also would change the way of internal communication from a committee aspect and wondered if it happens the same way. There used to be committee meetings before the commission meeting and didn’t feel it was an effective way to go about doing business. Would like to see more done electronically with each other and while believing discussion should be in public, more preliminary review should be done. Felt many important discussion still happen at 12:30 at night and anything that could be done to streamline this process would be important.

Mayor Clark also indicated Tim Shroyer also submitted his application to Parks and Recreation and Planning Commission as he was a commissioner in another community much like ours. Also received was an application from Jennifer Kerbrat.



  1. Letter from Timothy M. Shroyer Re: Seeking appointment to Parks & Recreation Commission or Planning Commission.

2. Letter from Lisa Bennett Re: Seeking appointment to Parks & Recreation Commission.

3. Letter from Jennifer Kerbrat Re: Seeking re-appointment to Parks & Recreation Commission

There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:27 p.m.



__________________________________ ______________________________

Richard J. Clark, Mayor Maryanne Cornelius, CMC, City Clerk


Transcribed by: _____________________

Charlene McLean

Date approved: ___________________