REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NOVI MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2000, AT 7:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS-NOVI CIVIC CENTER-45175 W. TEN MILE ROAD 248-347-0460 A G E N D A CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scout Troop #407 ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark, Mayor ProTem Lorenzo, Council Members Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche and Kramer APPROVAL OF AGENDA: SPECIAL REPORTS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: PRESENTATIONS: Textron Automotive Technical Center PUBLIC HEARING: MDOT Eight Mile/Garfield Wetland Mitigation Site Tornado Warning Siren on the South Side of Nine Mile Road REPORTS: CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENTS ATTORNEY AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: CONSENT AGENDA (Approval/Removals) MATTERS FOR COUNCIL ACTION – Part I Request from Charles E. Coram, Jr. for a variance from Design & Construction Standards requiring that a sidewalk be constructed at 151 Penhill. Request from Paul Bosco for comments from City Council regarding conceptual RUD Project. Request for reconsideration of NOVAPLEX Woodlands Permit, SP 99-32, located in Section 12 on the west side of Haggerty Road between 12 and 13 Mile Roads, zoned OST (Office Service Technology) Consideration of Request to vacate Erma Street and authorization for staff and consultant review and preparation of Resolution. 5. Request for approval to amend the RUD Agreement for Island Lake of Novi Phases 2B, 3B, 3C and 6, SP 99-58, and to grant a Design and Construction Standard Variance, and a Subdivision Ordinance variance, located in Section 18, 19, 20 on the north side of Ten Mile Road between Napier and Wixom Roads. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION BREAK AT 9:30 PM MATTERS FOR COUNCIL ACTION PART II CONSENT AGENDA REMOVALS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: (Consent Agenda items, which have been removed for discussion and/or action) MAYOR AND COUNCIL ISSUES: Discussion on scheduling a Council meeting for every Monday night-Mayor Clark Discussion-Budget Meeting Schedule Vista Hills Tree Plantings – Councilmember Csordas ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT AGENDA: (Background information for Consent Agenda items is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office) Approve Minutes of: March 27, 2000, Special Meeting April 3, 2000, Regular Meeting April 8, 2000, 11:00 am - Special Meeting Request for renewal of Massage Business License-Visions Salon, 22002 Novi Road Request for approval of Ordinance Number 2000-37.23, to Amend Subsections 34-99(a) and Sections 34-111, 34-419, 34-429 and 34-435 of the Novi Code of Ordinances, to revise the requirements for Water and Sewer Connection Charges – I Reading Approval of 2000-2001 Agreement between the City of Novi and OLHSA Authorization to accept 1999 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $35,359 with the City’s match of $3,929. Request for approval of Tollgate Woods SP 98-5 and Tollgate Ravines SP 98-54 , Woodlands Replacement Plan, located in Section 11 north of Twelve Mile Road and west of Meadowbrook Road.zoned R-A Authorization for the City Attorney to draft an agreement between the City of Novi and Singh Development for Meadowbrook Commons Sewer Connection. Award quotation for tower painting to Commercial Antenna Systems, Inc. in the amount of $4,700 (Police). Award quotation for noise analysis RFP to McLaren Hart in the amount of $4,750 (Police). Adoption of Resolution regarding construction cost reimbursement to PLC Novi West Development, LLC from SAD 155. Approval of Employment Contract with Maryanne Cornelius, City Clerk Approve Claims and Accounts: Warrant No. 570
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from James Harrington, III, Chairperson of Zoning Board of Appeals, dated April 10, 2000, Re: Request to appoint an Alternate member to ZBA Letter from Novi Public Library Board President to City Council, Re: Request to meet with members prior to May 1st presentation of request for millage increase proposal. Resolution from the City of Ferndale, Re: House Bill 2372 Resolution from the City of Ferndale, Re: support of Michigan Municipal League in helping local officials to circulate petitions that would require a two-thirds majority vote on any legislation curtailing local control Letter from Frank W. Riley, dated March 27, 2000, Re: Opposed to Pioneer Meadows Subdivision SAD for Sewer and Water Letter from James Clancy, dated April 3, 2000, Re: Opposed to Pioneer Meadows Subdivision SAD for Sewer and Water Letter from Lawrence Braun, 25766 Glamorgan Drive, Re: Opposed to Water & Sewer SAD for Pioneer Meadows Letter from James Borland, 25600 Strath Haven Drive, Re: Opposed to Water & Sewer SAD for Pioneer Meadows Letter from Raymond Parsons, 25764 Strath Haven Drive, Re: Opposed to Water & Sewer SAD for Pioneer Meadows Letter from Gordon Lang Septic Systems, Inc, dated March 28, 2000, Re: Pioneer Meadows Subdivision Special Assessment for Sewer Letter from Hotel Baronette, dated April 3, 2000, Re: Grand River Corridor Engineering Letter from Joseph J. Yuraske, Jr., dated April 1, 2000, to the Editor of the Novi News, Re: Nine Mile business or commercial development Letter from James Korte, dated April 2, 2000, Re: Erma Street: Vacation of Commercial Area Letter from Michigan Economic Development Corporation, dated March 6, 2000, Re: Monthly Update Letter dated 3/24/00 from MDEQ to A. Nowicki regarding notification of award to the City of Novi of $74,990 under the Clean Michigan Initiative (CMI) Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grants. A. Nowicki memorandum to C. Klaver regarding R. Gatt 3/30/00 letter. Letter dated 4/5/00 from G. Brown, Dept. of Corrections, Re: Clean-up services for new M-5 roadway beginning April 19, 2000. Approved 2000-2006 CIP Document AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: SCHEDULED MEETINGS - All Regular Council Meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. APRIL 19-Planning Commission 20-Economic Development Corporation 20-Historical Commission 21-GOOD FRIDAY-CITY OFFICES CLOSED 25-Novi Youth Assistance 27-City Council Budget MAY City Council Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Commission Economic Development Corporation 4- Ordinance Review Committee Library Board 8- Planning Open House/City Council Budget 9- Beautification Commission 9- Cable Access Committee 10- Community Clubs 11- Parks & Recreation Commission 15-City Council 17- Planning Commission 18- Ordinance Review 18- Economic Development Committee 18– Historical Commission 23-Novi Youth Assistance 29- Memorial Day-CITY OFFICES CLOSED