Mayor Clark called the meeting to order at 9:10 AM
ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark, Mayor ProTem Lorenzo, Council Members Bononi,
Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche and Kramer.
Mr. Helwig introduced the new Assistant City Manager for Developmental
Services Clay Pierson and his wife Jennifer who would be relocating to Novi
from Illinois.
CM-00-08-254 Moved by Csordas, seconded by Bononi; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
To approve the agenda as presented.
Vote on CM-00-08-254 Yeas: Clark, Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche,
Nays: None
Peter Hoadley, 31084 Arlington Cr., stated he had helped head up a
citizens committee to promote the bond issue and did not think it should be
used for maintenance because they were intended for capital improvements.
His concern was intersections such as 14 Mile and Welch Road, which had been
removed from the road bond and a passing lane from the entranceway of the
Maples to Welch Road allowing additional stacking was needed. Also needed
was a left hand turn arrow on the traffic light for eastbound and westbound
traffic on 14 Mile to go north on Welch Road or south on Novi Road. He asked
that the intersections on the previous bond issue be re-adopted and thought
the number one issue was fund the Beck Road Interchange. In addition, Grand
River should be five lanes to Novi Road and preferably to Haggerty and Beck
Road needed to be funded down to Ten Mile with five lanes and from Beck and
Ten Mile to Novi Rd.
Mr. Hoadley noted five lanes were needed on Novi Road to Ten Mile and the
City would receive a $9 million match for a $900,000 fix. He was concerned
about the 12 Mile corridor and the bottleneck that would be created from
east of 12 Mile to just west of Meadowbrook and stated it had to be done at
the same time. He felt Meadowbrook should be on the agenda and be three
lanes from Ten Mile to 12 Mile.
He suggested Council have two bond issues for maintenance. One funded by
City funds and the other by the voters. If the first 10 or 14 cents on the
dollar were captured and new companies used as a basis of capturing, a
stream of revenue would be created to fund a bond for maintenance. Future
bonds for capital improvements could be funded the same way.
Steve Reed, 27168 Meadowbrook, could support the majority of the road
bond issue. He felt Meadowbrook Road should be left alone. He asked Council
to get developers to police themselves because they drop dirt and sand while
driving and damage the roads.
Dan Tarrant, Nottingham Dr., felt Council had overlooked the unpaved
roads in the north and west sides of Novi and that all roads had to be
treated fairly. There should be a resolution by Council with a time scale
that the unpaved roads would be addressed such as Delmont and Dinser.
Brian Kozian 1523 W. Lake Dr., had spoken to Council about putting
the street paving portion of the Special Assessment on the road bond issue.
Today, he asked that these improvements be placed on the road bond issue
because the heavy rains have eroded and washed them away. He found that
improvements to E. Lake Drive were being done at no cost to the residents
and residents who did not want to tap in to water did not have out of pocket
expense. The Walled Lake area is far behind the rest of the City and it was
time to bring it up to the same standards the rest of the City is measured
Berry Kaltz, 25040 Delmont and Jean Jax, 48806 Thornberry said
paving the dirt roads was a safety issue not a property enhancement issue;
they are substandard and must be paved or blacktopped. Cars are cutting
through Birchwoods Subdivision to avoid the dirt road and children are
getting splashed by puddles going to the bus stop because there are no
sidewalks and the children walk in the street.
Discussion on the Road Bond Issue
Mr. Helwig appreciated the input of residents and assured them there was
an interest in the importance of this issue and finding common ground that
would bring this to a successful conclusion this fall. This summer the
Oakland County Road Commission would resurface all of Ten Mile from Haggerty
to the western City limits. At the last road bond policy work session
regarding 12 Mile, it was clear that the expectation was that the portion
east of Novi Road to just west of Meadowbrook should be done by the private
sector. The Taubman Company was approached to cover the $650,000 local share
of the $6.5 million project and they agreed. This would build on the $18.4
million by a private developer to upgrade 12 Mile from Dixon Road east of
Novi Road and improving Novi Road and parts of the I-96 Interchange. That
corridor would be accomplished privately and developers would pay over $19
million to improve the infrastructure in our community. What Council was now
deliberating for this fall was dramatically different from what the voters
said no to last fall.
He noted everyone would like to get the unpaved roads done. The focus
groups said the $28.5 million had to be toned down to be digestible. There
is a wide spread recognition that progress had to be made and they are
determined to find a way to deal with unpaved roads in Council goal setting
sessions in November. There are other options. There are 1.1 miles of
unpaved roads with water and sanitary sewer and would cost a million thirty
five thousand dollars if a portion or all of the paving would be paid for by
residents. That would not deal with Delmont and Dinser, which do not have
water and sanitary sewer. He encouraged Council to determine what other
communities were doing, scour what other means there might be to
deal with unpaved roads in the whole context of S.A.D. for water and
sewer, which would enable the $17.7 million dollar scale of this issue to be
Mr. Helwig said where there are existing traffic signals and interest in
upgrading he recommended they not capitalize that in a bond sale but
continue to do that in the annual operating allocations. They added costs
for other major intersections and Council could deliberate whether to add
other intersections as well.
Mr. Helwig found that the City was the seventh lowest City property tax
rate in Oakland County. The only way to get more than $470,000 a year for
maintenance would be to have it in a funding source like property tax.
Mayor Clark said Council was committed to eliminating the unpaved roads
in the community but it would take time and he appreciated the residents
patience and their problems. They would vigorously pursue all alternatives
and do whatever it took to come up with funding.
Mr. Helwig said a policy resolution had been provided for Council
consideration if they still wanted to make a decision August 14th
to place an item on the ballot for November 7th . Under the new
State law the first year estimate had to be stated, which would be 3/10ths
of a mil as well as what the average life was over the life of the issue. In
this instance the number where the deliberations were would be .5 mils. The
policy resolution included ballot language and a pledge that if this was a
successful road bond issue the City government would not be back before the
voters for a General Obligation Road Bond Issue for a minimum of five years.
Mr. Neiman felt the policy resolution would be the best way to carry the
pledge to the community. Also, they would be advanced funding from the
proceeds from the road bond in terms of the cash flow and the $5,850,000
would be reimbursed from the State and the County.
Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo congratulated Mr. Helwig for obtaining a commitment
from the Taubman Company to fund the 12 Mile Road gap. She was concerned
about Grand River to Beck Road to the bridge over CSX with a City portion of
$4,250,000 while there is a $5 million commitment from the State and zero
commitment from the County. She asked what the county portion of that would
be? Mr. Nowicki said typically they would pick up 10% of the project cost.
When grants are allocated it was 80% and 20% to the local communities. If
the County applied for the grant they took the 20% and normally split it
between the local community and the road commission for Oakland County. He
had not seen the paper work on the $5 million so there might still be a 10
or 20% local share attached. If the County applied and pursued a grant they
would split the local share with the community 50/50. However, if the
community applied the county did not assume any part of the local share.
Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked if $4,250,000 was a conservative figure and
Mr. Nowicki thought it was pretty close based on the estimates. She asked if
the County were to participate what would their share of funding for this
be? Mr. Nowicki estimated about a half million dollars.
Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo was concerned and disappointed that the County was
not doing their fair share because the taxpayers then had to be responsible.
Included in the intersection improvements she wanted to see some if not all
the previous intersection improvements. This included 14 Mile and Novi with
the projected costs of $205,000; likewise, Beck and Eight Mile.
Council had been told that upgrading to SCATS and left turn phasing would
be $93,000 for the full project costs versus $264,000 in the memo of July 20th
from Mr. Nowicki.
Mr. Nowicki said they looked at the addition of turn lanes this year
instead of just plain signalization.
Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo wanted to include at a minimum, an upgrade to SCATS
and left turn phasing in this road bond cycle, to approach the multi
agencies for their cooperation and also include turn lane improvements and a
new signal at the Ten Mile and Cranbrooke intersection for $245,000. She
felt unpaved roads was also a priority and all sorts of funding should be
looked at including capturing dollars from the new growth and revenue in the
community. She would support this road bond with the stipulation Council
approaches it from a menu type venue so the citizens could chose which
improvements were important to them.
Mayor Clark asked Mr. Nowicki how old the CSX bridge was? Mr. Nowicki
thought it was built in the 1910’s or 20’s. Mayor Clark asked Mr. Neiman for
comments regarding a menu approach. Mr. Neiman thought if Council agreed to
separate the projects they would be looking at three separate ballots which
would be Proposal A, B and C and separate bond issues if each passed. This
was rarely done.
Member Kramer agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo regarding turn lanes and
upgrades. Out of this road bond the citizens would receive the ability to
move through the City better. He asked Mr. Nowicki to comment on 14 Mile and
any other intersection that was not on the write out. He said Beck and Eight
Mile, Ten and Cranbrooke and Ten and Meadowbrook were not included and
supported adding these three. Mr. Hoadley brought up 14 Mile and Welch and
asked if Mr. Nowicki supported it?
Mr. Nowicki said 14 Mile Road was a County road and Welch Road was a
Commerce Township road and any funding for improvement should be split
between the communities. Member Kramer suggested this be done for 14 Mile
and Welch Road. He asked if there were any other problem intersections that
needed to be addressed in this bond issue? Mr. Nowicki said there was Eight
Mile and Haggerty which are Oakland County Road Commission roads and should
be addressed by them. Member Kramer asked if he supported following up on 14
Mile and Welch? Mr. Nowicki thought it should be looked at but problems on
14 Mile Road should be reduced significantly when M-5 was extended from 14
Mile Road north. They anticipate starting construction in July.
Member Kramer asked if there were any other intersection issues on the
perimeters that should be considered. Mr. Nowicki thought Council should
focus on the internal intersections.
Member Kramer proposed that Beck and Eight Mile, Ten Mile and Cranbrooke,
Ten Mile and Meadowbrook and 14 Mile and Welch be added to the program with
the understanding that our best assessment is there are no other problem
intersections that needed addressing.
Mr. Helwig said Ten Mile and Meadowbrook was already on the roster.
Member Kramer asked what the status of the 14 Mile Road and Novi Road
intersection was?
Mr. Nowicki said it was operating but definitely needed to be looked at
as the traffic had increased. However, it should diminish when the M-5 is
completed to the north and the northwestern connector is completed.
Member Kramer asked if this project belonged back on the table? Mr.
Nowicki said the intersection had to be addressed. Member Kramer felt these
projects would affect more Novi residents continuously because no matter
where they live they are going to use all these intersections. He felt these
were of prime importance and he was open for discussion regarding
segregating the issues for bonding and hoped the citizens would support
He agreed road maintenance should come out of maintenance funds and
should be addressed by taking a look at the one mil devoted to maintenance.
We are evolving and anticipating more non-residential growth, which would
provide more income and this should be a part of our on going study on how
the City funds itself and takes care of its needs.
He thought a five year moratorium was not an appropriate time frame. He
was hesitant because Beck Road is very busy and connected with the
intersection at M-14 and would soon have a fully functional intersection at
I-96. He noted this would need to be addressed sooner than five years.
Secondly, they agreed Meadowbrook would not be included but it is
deteriorating and needs attention. There was a lot of development in that
area and the hope was the road would be improved through development. He
thought the bond proposal was excellent and he would support it.
Member Crawford asked if there would be a problem coordinating the
improvement of the suggested four intersections since some of them were
multi jurisdictional? Mr. Nowicki said there would have to be cooperation
from all the jurisdictions before they could be improved. Member Crawford
asked if it would be prudent to put these on the road bond without known
cooperation and funding from another source. Mr. Nowicki replied it would
definitely create a timing problem in starting the program because some of
the agencies might not have the ability to fund any of these improvements.
In the past he had tried to utilize Oakland County’s Tri-Party Program where
there are multi jurisdictions. The Tri-Party program provides 1/3 from
Oakland County, 1/3 from the local community and 1/3 from the Oakland County
Road Commission. In the past they had tried to bring two communities
together and pool the resources along with Oakland County and the Road
Commission to come up with a way to improve the roadways.
Member Crawford thought this option should be considered before including
them on the ballot. It might be a commitment that could be made aside from a
ballot issue. He said there was about 13 miles of unpaved roads in Novi and
a large portion of that was residential and should be looked at first. He
discussed some of the roads such as Garfield, which is paved, Flint St. and
Sixth Gate that would be taken care of because it is in the Town Center
area. His point being that the total mileage was about a ¼ less than
indicated. He asked if there was a figure to do all 13 miles? Mr. Nowicki
said there were different variables in determining the exact dollar amount
to improve each unimproved road. A close estimate would be about a million
dollars a mile. Member Crawford noted another $10 million could be added to
the bond issue if 3 miles were eliminated. He felt this should be considered
and it was possible there were unpaved roads that the residents wanted to
remain unpaved.
Member Csordas thought the road bond proposal was an excellent one
especially with more funds going to neighborhood resurfacing. The only
project he would agree to add would be Ten Mile and Cranbrooke for the
$250,000 intersection upgrade because it was entirely within the City. He
agreed with Mr. Nowicki regarding the timing and that the intersections
needed to be improved and addressed on a per case basis with full
cooperation from all of the jurisdictions. He said this was a bare bone type
of bond issue and did not think a multi bond request would be the thing to
do. All of these are important and one of the bonds might not pass and then
we are locked into a five year wait and it would have a disastrous impact on
the City. This is a very scaled down, prudent, logical and heavily leveraged
road bond.
There are S.A.D.’s for funding mechanisms to pave roads in the City. All
the other residential paved roads in the City have been paid for by the
Member DeRoche complimented administration on the focus groups and the
list for the road bond. He agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo's idea and the
logic of Member Kramer that Council should do what they can in this road
bond especially considering it as a five year project. Ten Mile and
Cranbrooke would be number one on his list and number two would be 14 Mile
and Novi and Decker. He felt a very significant portion of the problem at 14
Mile and Welch was created from other communities coming down to get on the
Haggerty connector. He noted it was reasonable to budget for our
proportionate share for Beck and Eight Mile Road. He was not opposed to
dividing this into a menu and liked the idea of the intent of what the
budget was for. If budgeting X amount for intersection improvements that
would be what the citizens wanted. If X amount was budgeted for neighborhood
and subdivision improvements the priorities might change, money could be
found and lost but the money budgeted would be spent in that area.
Member DeRoche believed the City should acknowledge the benefits gained
by all the taxpayers of having the roads paved. The neighborhood subdivision
improvement portion of the proposed road bond was maintenance not capital
improvement and the residents on unpaved roads were being asked to pay for
the maintenance of residents with paved roads. He felt the residents on
unpaved roads would like similar consideration. He agreed with the Mayor
that the focus should be on the greater good of Novi. He asked if the
process of allocating money to neighborhood street improvements was yet to
be prioritized?
Mr. Helwig said they would like to implement, as authorized in this
budget year, the pavement management system so they would have much better
information as to what schedule those road improvements should be for next
Member DeRoche said hopefully the administration would bring it to
Council and they would give it a political priority and use the funds as
conservatively and wisely as possible. There are people who don’t see the
logic in paving unpaved roads when they had to pay for the paving themselves
but the City does pay ongoing maintenance costs and does have a significant
liability which is in the best interest of all residents. By paving these
roads it becomes less expensive in the long run. He proposed that for this
section of this bond the neighborhood subdivision street improvements might
say five years of neighborhood pavement surfacing and maintenance instead of
expanded neighborhood pavement resurfacing. The Mayor, Council Members and
administration said they would find a way to make this a commitment and a
priority in the future so why take this pot of money off the table? How do
we know that we couldn’t make good use of this money in some of those areas?
He felt every neighborhood
and subdivision street should be left on the table and be a separate
political priority that Council would set this fall and doing it in advance
of the road bond puts it in peril. If residents felt they were being pushed
back 5, 6, 7 or 8 years before being a priority they would lose interest in
that portion of the road bond.
Mayor Clark said they had proposed allocating a million eighty thousand
dollars a year for each of the next five years of expanded neighborhood
pavement resurfacing. He suggested Council might want to have it read
expanded neighborhood pavement and resurfacing which left it open for a
broader interpretation in terms of the use of those funds.
Member Bononi was concerned about the fair share. She was not only
talking about fair share of financial responsibility but in regard to
benefit, improvement of life, tax paid and benefit for it, whether or not
the County or State fair share was received and whether we are getting our
fair share from our neighbors. In regard to the property tax levy
information that was presented if looking at the low tax paid it begged the
question of the quality and quantity of service received for that tax dollar
and she was not satisfied with that. She firmly believed that one person
could make a difference and Council had seen examples of that since Mr.
Helwig came on board.
She agreed with all of the traffic improvement items. However, she felt
Council should be actively pursuing partnerships with our neighbors in all
directions. She considered Nine Mile and Haggerty and Eight Mile and Taft to
be hazardous to anybody’s driving health. The fact that there was no
formalized plan with our neighbors to benefit all of us was a big concern
and a missed opportunity.
Secondly, she believed that Council needed to request a formal status of
chronology of when these intersection improvements would be done. Putting
these improvements as a secondary priority was not acceptable to her and
should not be acceptable to the residents.
Regarding the 12 Mile Road improvements she understood that the costs of
right of way acquisition would be Novi’s and asked what the estimated cost
would be? Mr. Helwig said it was in the total project estimate of $6.5
million and the City’s portion would be picked up by the Taubman Company. He
asked Mr. Nowicki what portion of the $6.5 million was right of way
Mr. Nowicki said about a million dollars but the letter from the Taubman
Company indicated they had placed in some of their purchase agreements of
the outlots provisions that the new owners would dedicate that road right of
way at the time additional property was needed. They have committed to help
secure that road right of way through their outlot area which should reduce
the cost of right of way acquisition.
Mr. Helwig said the City’s portion would be zero because the Taubman
Company would be funding the local communities portion.
Member Bononi asked what portion of the million dollars would be used for
this segment of 12 Mile? Mr. Nowicki said the entire million dollars. Mr.
Helwig said the section of 12 Mile from McDonalds to just west of
Meadowbrook costs $6.5 million for everything. Out of that $6.5 million he
was estimating $1 million would go for the right away acquisition and
easement activity. She asked what percentage of that segment improvement
would be under Taubman’s
control? Mr. Nowicki said from McDonald’s to the end of their property at
the Woodland Medical Clinic, which would be a quarter to a third.
Member Bononi was not satisfied with the way unpaved streets had been
looked at and the financial responsibility to get them into some sort of
usable use. It seemed to her there was no problem increasing the value of
properties in such projects as the Grand River improvements and what
benefits would be incurred to property owners present and future and
undeveloped parcels. The argument could be made that property owners had
paid their taxes and that is true and residential property owners paid their
taxes and that is true. However, we have all paid taxes to our State and
Federal governments and she had yet to see an argument that said the persons
receiving the benefits on a road bond project would not benefit more then a
person who had not received that same incremental percentage of benefit with
regard to improvements in their neighborhood.
To say this was fair to our residents and street improvements would not
be considered in anything but S.A.D.’s was really missing the boat with
regard to fundamental fairness and servicing the needs of our City. She
believed there were things that could be done outside of the bond issue and
that a formalized plan was needed on who wanted improvements and who did
Member Bononi would support the 5 year moratorium on the bond
issue.because she hoped Council would exert leadership in that 5 year period
and get away from the whole bonding issue in general. If Council can not
come up with a millage and capital improvements budget and institute a pay
as you go system to improve our streets then we have missed the boat.
Mayor Clark thought Council had to present to the community a united
front on this proposal. No one would get everything they wanted but Council
had to look at the long range good of the community as a whole. He would not
support a menu of these items. A lot of time and effort had been spent since
November on a goal to bring this community together to function as one and a
menu of these items would cause that goal to be lost. He felt it would turn
north against south and east against west and he could not think of a worst
thing to do. We have common
problems and need common solutions that we pull together and work towards
as a united community. Mayor Clark was in favor of the five year moratorium
and felt it was an act of trust and faith between the City government and
its citizens. He considered it a concrete pledge on how serious Council was
and how serious they took the public trust and the expenditures of their tax
dollars. He felt Beck Road was a multi jurisdictional problem and would have
to be solved with all the various communities, the State and the Federal
government. He would work to achieve a common goal with neighboring
communities whenever possible.
Mayor Clark noted Council would be as diligent as possible and was very
serious about coming up with a means to fund unpaved streets. They would be
paved and would not be put off forever. He would support the road bond
proposal. It made sense, was fair to every portion of the community, it was
balanced, well thought out and achieved a number of goals that needed to be
dealt with now. He said if this was to be on the November ballot they had to
have final language by the meeting of the 14th.
Mr. Helwig said they had to have a final certified issue by August 29th.
He said an extent of consensus this morning and final deliberations on the
14th would be very beneficial.
CM-00-08-255 Moved by Lorenzo, seconded by Bononi; MOTION FAILED:
To place three separate issues on the November ballot as follows:
Intersections safety and capacity improvements
Neighborhood/subdivisions street improvements
Major street improvements
Roll call vote on CM-00-08-255 Yeas: Lorenzo, Bononi, DeRoche
Nays: Clark, Crawford, Csordas, Kramer
CM-00-08-256 Moved by Lorenzo, seconded by DeRoche; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
That the intersection at Ten Mile and Cranbrooke be included for $250,000.
Roll call vote on CM-00-08-256 Yeas: Lorenzo, Bononi, Crawford, Csordas,
Kramer, Clark
Nays: None
CM-00-08-257 Moved by Lorenzo, seconded by Kramer; MOTION CARRIED:
To include the City’s portion of the intersections of 14 Mile and
Novi, 14 Mile and Welch, Eight Mile and Beck and Nine and Haggerty.
Roll call vote on CM-00-08-257 Yeas: Bononi, Kramer, Clark, Lorenzo
Nays: Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche,
CM-00-08-258 Moved by DeRoche, seconded by Bononi; MOTION CARRIED:
To change the neighborhood subdivision street improvements to read
$1,080,000 per year for 5 years of expanded neighborhood
pavement and resurfacing.
Member Crawford asked if neighborhood pavement would mean new pavement
and resurfacing meant maintaining old pavement? Member DeRoche said that was
Mr. Neiman cautioned Council to avoid the phrase maintenance because you
cannot capital finance for maintenance recognizing that resurfacing could be
viewed in a variety of ways. He asked if it was pavement and pavement
resurfacing? Mayor Clark said it was pavement "and" resurfacing.
Member Kramer would not support this because he thought this section had
to be very clearly worded and focused as the whole of the issue was. This
was 1/3 of the total and Council had supported taking the total and if this
one was made muddy it would muddy the total. The intention was to extend the
ability to provide neighborhood street improvements with projects such as
Village Oaks. The issue regarding unpaved roads should be taken off of the
table and studied because collector roads might need a different approach
than residential roads. Keep it clear and address it in a more studied
fashion. He was in support of the goal but would not support the motion.
Roll call vote on CM-00-08-258 Yeas: Crawford, DeRoche, Bononi
Nays: Csordas, Kramer, Clark
CM-00-08-259 Moved by Lorenzo, seconded by Csordas; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
That the proposed road bond proposal with
the prior motions be brought forward at the August 14th
Member Bononi did not agree this bond proposal was fair to the community
regarding residential roads. Also, the leverage funding that was available
might not be available at another time and the most important thing was to
get this before the voters so they could decide.
Roll call vote on CM-00-08-259 Yeas: Csordas, DeRoche, Kramer, Clark,
Lorenzo, Bononi, Crawford
Nays: None
Andrew Mutch stated his primary concern about this road bond proposal
was he thought they had left questions unanswered. The biggest challenge to
Council was the local neighborhood roads that needed to be addressed. The
realities are funding for those improvements are primarily through local
millage and there isn’t enough money to meet the needs that are out there.
This puts off facing the challenge for another five years and then what. The
need would not go away once the road bond was completed or after this money
was spent. This is the most expensive way to pay for these improvements
because the road bond was not only the cost of the construction, engineering
and design but then the interest payments as well. The reality is five years
from now while the tax base will have improved through growth we will have
an incredibility larger road network that would still be underfinanced
because the financial means to do it are not there. This Council really
needed to sit down and find out what the cost was to finance this local road
maintenance and how would it be paid for.
Mr. Mutch thought it was inappropriate to finance local road maintenance
through a bond proposal. It needed to be financed through a millage and
those ongoing funding sources that are consistent and reliable. It would not
fix the situation; at the end when the money was spent it had to be paid for
twice and the need was still there. He wanted to see a bond proposal for the
capital improvements and a millage proposal for the local road needs; it
would have been the most financially responsible measure.
He thought there were two classes of unpaved roads; neighborhood roads in
the lakes area and roads like Nine Mile, Dixon, Napier and 12 ½ Mile.
Several million dollars were spent to pave Meadowbrook Road between 12 and
13 Mile and it was a lot smoother ride but it destroyed a very scenic road
to make it a little easier to drive down. It scared him to hear talk about
seeking all other alternatives; that told him development. They would bring
developers in to help fund these roads because the dollars were not
available locally and he thought that was exactly what they did not want to
do. Don’t destroy these roads to solve a problem that does not exist.
Identify the neighborhood
roads that need to be addressed but the other roads are a whole other
category. It was not a bad thing to have a couple of miles of unpaved roads.
Regarding the Beck Road interchange, several years ago the attorney from
Providence said they needed a rezoning for this interchange because one of
the benefits was the value of the land that would be donated would go up and
it would be used to offset the local share. He had not heard any discussion
about that property donation since or how much the local share would account
for. To go to the voters to pay for local share of the Beck Road Interchange
when they had been told the development community would cover a portion of
it left some questions that needed to be answered.
He asked if they don’t come to the voters for five years for any
improvements what happens to Beck Road, Grand River between Haggerty and
Novi and what happens to Ten Mile Road and all those roads that need to be
addressed. Beck Road is a regional road and we need to talk with our
neighboring communities but the fact is Beck Road is reverting to a gravel
road as we speak. It can’t stand another five years of the amount of traffic
that it is taking now. We see the development going along Beck Road not
only in Novi but in Wixom, Northville Twp., Plymouth and Canton Twp. There
are a lot of businesses along Grand River who need improvements along Grand
River. That is where the businesses are and where the traffic is. We can not
leave others waiting because they do not have a political connection or a
big project that would bring money forward.
Peter Hoadley did not agree with everything done but in whole would
support it and would lend whatever support he could personally to the
proposed road bond. He thought a citizens committee was needed and offered
to serve on it and suggested appointing people from all areas of the City
along with the Mayor and a Council Member. He felt Mr. Helwig and Mr.
Nowicki should also serve on it. He agreed with most of what Mr. Mutch said.
Beck Road is an absolute must and needed to be done now. He felt it was
short sighted to have a five year moratorium.
Richard Faulkner thought Council had worked hard to put this together
and it was a program that he could support and would work with Council to
support it. He felt a capital improvement program should be developed and
there would be five years to develop such a program and to put funds
together to avoid going to the public in five years. There are a lot of
retirees in Novi and they could not constantly reach in their pockets and
expect them to pay for all of these improvements. They would have to put
some money together some way to pay for these neighborhood subdivision and
street improvements.
CM-00-08-260 Moved by Lorenzo, seconded by DeRoche; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
To adjourn the meeting at 11:38 AM.
Vote on CM-00-08-260 Yeas: Clark, Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche,
Kramer, Lorenzo
Nays: None
________________________________ ______________________________
Richard J. Clark, Mayor Mary Ann Cabadas, Executive Secretary
Transcribed: ___________________________
Charlene Mc Lean
Date approved: August 28, 2000