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MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1999 at 7:30 PM



Mayor Clark called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.


ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark, Mayor ProTem Lorenzo, Council Members Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche (absent/excused), and Kramer (absent/excused)


Dick Faulkner, Novi resident, asked Council to review and consider the letter he distributed to them for the Saturday morning meeting.

Member Crawford commented that Council’s policy is not to televise the Board and Commission interviews. He felt they were in violation of their policy, and possibly in violation of changing the location of the meeting without notice. Many of the Councilmembers and interviewees were not notified. He stated the Activities Room setting was friendlier. He asked the City Clerk to check the policy and ascertain if they are in violation and if it is a legally scheduled meeting. If the meeting is not legal, it needed to be rescheduled or the policy changed. Mayor Clark stated, for the record, he recalled being interviewed in the Council Chambers for the Planning Commission and the meeting was not televised on Cable. He said Member Crawford’s opinion will be noted for the record.

1. Interview Schedule

7:20 David Ruyle Planning Commission

Mr. David Ruyle stated he has been a Novi resident for twenty years, served six years on the Parks and Recreation Commission, and several committees throughout the City either by Mayoral appointment or Committee appointment. His heart is the City and has been for a long time, he is very proud of the City of Novi.

Upon being questioned further by Councilmembers, he stated that the Ordinances were guides to be followed in planning and the next criteria was what was good for the City of Novi and the residents. It was not a place for personal agendas; we are here to serve the citizens.

In response to being asked if he is an independent thinker, Mr. Ruyle stated that he was, and was able to make his opinions known and still able to get along with everyone even if there was a difference of opinion.

7:40 Gwen Markham Planning Commission

Ms. Gwen Markham stated she has been a resident in Novi for five years, served on the Planning Commission from 1996 to 1997, the Aquatic Facility Study Committee for the Parks and Recreation Commission. She mentioned that currently she is active in the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts and many other volunteer activities. Ms. Markham stated she owns two businesses, one in Novi, and one in Naperville, Illinois.

In response to Councilmembers questions, she stated the Master Plan is a philosophical long term document and the Zoning Map is a day to day document to be dealt with on a specific level. She reiterated Mr. Ruyle’s statement that the Planning Commissioners job was to interpret the Ordinances and follow them. Many of the decisions being faced by the Planning Commission take a lot of work and courage. In response to a question regarding designer ordinances, she felt care needed to be taken in writing Ordinances for specific development projects. After being questioned about growth management she stated the City could be doing a better job. The City of Novi is where people want to be but we could have stricter standards. For example a 200 hundred home subdivision meets the underlying ordinances and zoning and we let the development move forward. She would like to see improved parks with play areas, or tennis courts, or walking paths as part of the development. It can also extend to environmental protection or open space preservations. Everyone will benefit with this type of a community.

She too was an independent thinker and might not always agree but would be willing to support the consensus even if she were on the opposite side.

Member Csordas asked if she had reapplied after her first term? Ms. Markham responded she had not because she received a phone call stating there was no support for her reappointment from Council.

7:50 Steven Reed Planning Commission

Mr. Steven Reed said he had lived in Novi for seventeen years and was a construction worker. He had not served on the Planning Commission previously.

Mr. Reed responded to the question of what are the strengths and weaknesses of the Planning Commission; that they are pro development and he is pro residential. He does not care for some of the things they have done. An example is the OST Project, he lives there. He felt that further commercial development was not needed until roads were improved in the area. He said one of the top priorities was hearing what the residents would like. Mr. Reed stated he did not feel the previous Council and the Planning Commission listened to the residents, and are secretive in passing items, such as the updated Master Plan, this was the catalyst for his running for Council and interviewing for the Planning Commission. The previous Council frequently commented on the beauty of Troy. Mr. Reed drove to Troy to see it for himself. He admits that the offices are beautiful, but the city has a very sterile look. His vision of Novi is a pleasing mixture of residential, office and OST, without a sterile look.


8:00 Victor Cassis Planning Commission


Mr. Cassis commented he moved to the City of Novi about 10 years ago. He had developed many businesses and properties in the City; however, he is semi-retired and has the time and knowledge to contribute to the Commission.s


Member Csordas wanted to know Mr. Cassis’s opinion concerning the City initiated OST rezoning that recently occurred? Mr. Cassis said he had no problem concerning the situation.




Member Csordas asked what Mr. Cassis’s opinion of the current Master Plan was as it related to the build out of the City until the year 2020? Mr. Cassis commented that people were wise about separating the commercial from residential. He thought the Master Plan had been a good document; however if the City was to be wise it needed to be adaptable. He believed the Master Plan as a basic plan had been good and had meant a quality community.


Member Bononi stated a comment about Novi, either fair or nor fair, that the City is the poster child for urban sprawl. In regard to the decisions the Planning Commission had before them, do you think the criticism was a valid one? Mr. Cassis commented no. Member Bononi asked why not? Mr. Cassis said he believed the Master Plan had been designed to attract what had been put into the plan. The Councilmembers are the policy makers and the Planning Commission interprets the Master Plan and votes.


Member Bononi asked what strengths would he bring to the Planning Commission? Mr. Cassis commented with his experience as a businessman he believed he could bring consensus and persuade by his actions.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo commented he said he had the time to commit. She mentioned he serves as Governor of the Rotary and would like to know if he intended to continue in that capacity. Mr. Cassis commented his tenure would be ending with the Rotary at the end of June 2000 and he would have the time to serve on the Planning Commission.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked Mr. Cassis to state what he thought the strengths and weaknesses of the current commission were? Mr. Cassis said he did not want to answer the question.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked how much public input was adequate in updating the Master Plan and what are some effective ways that the Planning Commission could communicate with the public? Mr. Cassis said he believed every means should be used to get every segment of the community involved.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked if he supported the changes to the Master Plan regarding Ten Mile and Novi Road? Mr. Cassis said he had some difficulty with the situation but it was a wise decision because the area would have a nice development that was not a heavy commercial.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked if he would have any conflict of interest where he would have to abstain from participating in any development decision? Mr. Cassis said he believes all of his properties have been developed except for one, and if the situation came before the board he would excuse himself. If any conflict arose he would be happy to step aside.


Member Crawford asked if Mr. Cassis still owned several properties in Novi? Mr. Cassis said yes. Member Crawford said those are developed and there probably would not be a project brought forward to the Commission. Mr. Cassis said most of them have been developed. Member Crawford asked if he would have a problem in divulging any information. Mr. Cassis said no and it is public record.



Member Crawford commented Council did not pass, propose or adopt the Master Plan; the Planning Commission did. Council implements the Master Plan by either zoning or not zoning. That was the role of Council. Mr. Cassis stated he meant the Council was the policy maker. Member Crawford again stated Council implemented the Master Plan and did not adopt it.


Mayor Clark thanked Mr. Cassis.


Mayor Clark explained why several applicants scheduled for interviews could not be interviewed at this time.


8:10 Gary Rose Planning Commission (Withdrew, new job)


8:20 Ramesh Verma Planning Commission, Construction Bd of Appeals, HCD (Withdrew)

8:30 Brian Fannon Zoning Board of Appeals

Brian Fannon came before Council for reappointment on the Zoning Board of Appeals.


Mr. Fannon commented his family has owned a business in the City of Novi since 1966 and he has lived in Novi since 1973. He and his wife, Janet raised three children in Novi. He served on the Parks and Recreation Commission in the 70’s and then on the Zoning Board of Appeals in the early 90’s. The involvement in family sport participation took his time so he resigned from the appointment.


Mr. Fannon said he had the honor of being reappointed on the Zoning Board of Appeals about six months ago and he would respectfully ask that Council allow him to continue the appointment for another term.


Member Crawford asked if Mr. Fannon was aware of anything that was reoccurring with the Board that might need to be addressed in the way of an ordinance? Mr. Fannon said the sign ordinance continued to come to the Board. Most commercial and industrial users wanted larger signs than the City allowed. Mr. Fannon thought the sign ordinance should not be changed.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked what a hardship was? Mr. Fannon said in his opinion, not economical unless it was so bad that the person could not develop the land or without the variance would lose the land. Mr. Fannon commented either the configuration of the lot or by the strict interpretation of the ordinance that the person could not do anything to the property. The Planning Commission and the Council are to set the rules and the Zoning Board of Appeals is the group to uphold those rules. A hardship is something the City has done with an ordinance that made it mostly impossible for a person to abide by it without affecting the entire piece of property or home.


Member Crawford asked if Mr. Fannon had any opportunities to attend any conferences or classes on the Zoning Board of Appeals? Mr. Fannon said no. Member Crawford mentioned many classes are held locally and hoped that members of the Board would


make themselves available to attend. Mr. Fannon requested that he receive a list of classes. Member Crawford mentioned he would make sure it was made available.


Member Bononi asked if he had voted to deny any variance requests that were referred by way of a development proposal from the Planning Commission? Mr. Fannon said yes but he would need to refer to the minutes to quote which ones are involved.


Member Bononi asked if there was a City initiated rezoning and it placed a property owner in the position of being an existing non-conformity with regard to future property improvement applications. Then this person would have no recourse with regard to having the non-conformity addressed. Mr. Fannon stated every situation would have to be evaluated individually.


Member Csordas thanked Mr. Fannon and said he has done a fine job on the Zoning Board of Appeals.


Mr. Michael Meyer came before Council to give his support for the reappointment of Mr. Fannon. He stated Mr. Fannon comes to the meetings prepared and does go to the sites involved and shows awareness of the case before the Board.

8:40 Gerald Bauer Zoning Board of Appeals


Mayor Clark introduced Mr. Bauer to Council.


Mr. Bauer has been on the Zoning Board of Appeals for approximately 24 years. He has been an officer on the Board for about 20 years and has attended many workshops and conferences, which had been a great help. He believed he had helped the Board make correct decisions.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked how Mr. Bauer defined hardship? Mr. Bauer commented it could be conventional or practical. He gave some examples of each of the situations.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo asked Mr. Bauer if it was ever appropriate or reasonable to ask the applicant to reduce the size of the building or if the applicant could purchase additional properties? Mr. Bauer mentioned a situation where an applicant reduced the size of the original building in the plan.


Member Crawford commented that he was delighted that Mr. Bauer was still involved with the Zoning Board of Appeals and he supported his involvement.


Member Csordas agreed with Member Crawford. Member Csordas commented Mr. Bauer represented Novi very professionally just like Mr. Fannon.


Member Bononi asked Mr. Bauer whether he personally voted to deny a variance that was sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals by the Planning Commission regardless of whether the issue prevailed. Mr. Bauer commented the Board had received from the Planning Commission a number of times and they had recommended the Zoning Board of Appeals approval. If it could be met without going to far out of the realm; yes, he would go along and he would appreciate it when they did come through.


Mayor Clark agreed with the positive comments by other Council members. He said the community was very fortunate to have the level of citizens who are willing to volunteer their time, service and talents back to the community. He again thanked and congratulated Mr. Bauer.


Mr.Meyer commented Mr. Bauer has much wisdom, knowledge and history with the City of Novi and it would be to the benefit to Novi to reappoint Mr. Bauer to the Zoning Board of Appeals.


Mr. Frank Brennen, current Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, came before Council to comment on the great job Mr. Bauer and Mr. Fannon had done on the Board. He also commented both gentlemen are faithful in attendance to the meetings and he would like to see them both reappointed.

8:50 Lee BeGole Board of Review


Mayor Clark introduced Mr. Lee BeGole to Council and stated he had applied for reappointment to the Board of Review.


Mr. BeGole asked if any Council member had any questions regarding his resume? Mayor Clark commented Council appreciated the information and stated the applicant was well known to each Council member.


Member Bononi asked Mr. BeGole what sort of skills would he be bringing to the Board of Review? Mr. BeGole said experience because he had been involved with the Board of Review for many years as a member and as a resident.


Mr. BeGole stated he is an attorney, had worked as a City Clerk, Secretary of the Planning Commission and had worked for many city governments. He again stated he brings knowledge from both sides of the table.


Member Bononi asked how would he rate himself on a scale from 1 to 10 in regard to a conflict resolution? Mr. BeGole answered 10 because he had never had a problem resolving conflicts.


Mayor Clark stated for the record that Mr. BeGole had also served the City of Novi as Chief of Police.


Member Csordas thanked Mr. BeGole for his many years of service and devotion to the community.


Mayor ProTem Lorenzo stated she appreciated the service that Mr. BeGole had given to the City.


Member Crawford also said he appreciated the commitment Mr. BeGole has given to the City. He said Mr. BeGole was his very first Police Chief and would always be his favorite Police Chief of Novi.




Mayor Clark also commented on the commitment that Mr. BeGole had given to Novi over the years.

9:00 Lisa Blasiola

Mayor Clark commented that Ms. Blasiola was applying for Parks and Recreation Commission.


Ms. Blasiola said she is a community-oriented person. She is President of Novi Jaycees, which is the community organization that does things for individuals and organizations. She had worked with Dan Davis and Scott Mercer on expansion of programs. Ms. Blasiola also had a lot of non-profit and public relations background.


Member Bononi asked Ms. Blasiola if she thought the Parks and Recreation Commission mission would be furthered by a parks zoning district classification? Ms. Blasiola wanted more explanation. Member Bononi said there would be designated areas that would be specified on the Master Plan where the City could look forward to parks being physically developed. Ms. Blasiola said parks are very important for families and beautification.


Member Bononi asked what recreational facility was needed the most in Novi that we presently do not have? Ms. Blasiola would like to see more things like the Tim Pope Memorial and more sports facilities.


Member Crawford asked her what new program ideas she had? Ms. Blasiola said she would like to see more park clean-ups, tree plantings, possibly through dedications, and activities as a City offered at the parks in the summer to bring the community together. She has seen the community come together at the Holiday Tree Lighting, the Easter Egg hunt and feels these type of activities are what the residents are looking for as a way to meet "neighbors". Ms. Blasiola also stated more play stations could be added in the parks combination of contributions and some City funding.

She felt the mission of the Parks and Recreation Commission was to meet the people of the communities concerns and make sure the concerns and activity level of the community was met. She felt good press releases to keep the community informed were needed; and a place for people to gather for things such as plays, organizations, and classes, such as tap dancing.


Ms. Blasiola felt her strengths were being young with fresh ideas, enthusiasm, a background in community service, volunteerism, motivating people, and speaking her mind. She also stated that she is a community-based person, and liked to give back to the community what she received from it.


9:44 Angela Bruder Parks and Recreation

Ms. Bruder stated she had lived in Novi for three and a half years. She had a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and previously worked at the University of Michigan Hospital, and recently had provided day care in her home. She has three children, ages 12, 9 and 2. With children these ages, she has a lot of exposure of what kinds of activities children like to do. She also


does volunteer work with her church, and has been involved with the Charter Amendment issue and placing it on to the ballot.

She stated that she felt that the citizens had spoken with regard to what they wanted done in North Park, and she supported using it as a nature park with playscapes. Most importantly the needs of the City and citizens should be looked at thoroughly in order to be met. She said whatever is placed in the park needed to be small and fit into the natural surroundings, possibly a nature center/meeting area for scout meetings, on the Twelve Mile frontage. She does not mean having buildings, parking lots or clear-cutting the parkland.

Ms. Bruder felt her biggest strength was when she endeavored to do something, she rolled up her sleeves and dug into it doing research to understand the issues that the issues are being made upon. She is very interested in learning more about City government, talking and networking with people and enjoys working together with people to bring about good things. Ms. Bruder felt the mission of the Parks and Recreation Commission was providing recreational opportunities to increase the quality of life for the people in Novi as well as make recommendations about the parks and facilities. She has also had the privilege of attending the Theatre productions, her children have been involved in them, and looks forward to continuing to be involved.


9:56 Jennifer Kerbrat Planning Commission, HCD, and Parks and Recreation

Ms. Kerbrat stated she has been a resident since she was four years old. She also mentioned that she has a five year old daughter and made every effort to convince her husband to move back to Novi for the school system. She is interested in some of these activities, basically with no experience, because she wants to be involved. She said what Novi gave to her growing up was phenomenal. She got an incredible education that led her to a history/political science degree and she has spent the last couple years working with several non-profits and the last four years with Chrysler Corporation and Ford Motor Company. She was a Quality Assurance Engineer and did a lot with ISO 9000 Environmental Management Systems, ISO 14000 and she is a certified lead auditor in both those aspects as well as automotive. Ms. Kerbrat is now a stay at home Mom and is very active in Orchard Hills, a member of the PTO and volunteers weekly at her daughters school and with her Daisy group. Her neighbors suggested she do something within the community because she had said she needed much more of a challenge in her life.

Member Csordas said it was very obvious that she was a very capable person. He asked what her opinion was of the current status of the Novi Parks specifically Eight Mile and Napier and Lakeshore.

Ms. Kerbrat thought the equipment at Lakeshore was outdated. She loved the playscape at Eight Mile and Napier but had to drive there and so she felt there was a need for parks more within the subdivisions in the community.

Member Csordas asked how she would put parks in developed communities?

Ms. Kerbrat said she did not know. When they moved in their house in Meadowbrook Glens she was surprised that they were putting in the complex directly behind her home. She had hoped that the Church/Lilly Family would have done something more to add a park or

recreation outside instead of the gym inside. She wanted to learn what the Master Plan said about this and go from there.

Member Csordas said there is a small park planned on that specific development on Cherry Hill and Meadowbrook. It would be connected to Meadowbrook by a sidewalk. He asked what strengths she would bring to the Parks and Recreation Commission?

Ms. Kerbrat said she had participated in many programs from the time she was four to eighteen. She loved some of the new programs and especially the theatre group. She felt there needed to be programs for younger children.

Member Csordas asked what she thought the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Commission was?

Ms. Kerbrat said to provide courses and classes to the community. To provide clean and beautiful parks to play in. She felt there was a lot of overgrowth and things are not kept up very well in some areas.

Member Bononi asked how she would bring her concerns regarding maintenance to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Ms. Kerbrat would first like to know what the appropriation of funds were and future plans. She would want to see what was planned and would like to get the community involved.

Member Bononi asked if she had served on any other commission or was involved in volunteer activities in Novi?

Ms. Kerbrat said this is the first time she had applied for a commission. Her volunteer work was done on a larger scale through CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates, which dealt with abused and neglected children, Childrens Charter out of Lansing, member of the McCarty Cancer Foundation.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo said on her application there are three different Board or Commissions; which one was she leaning toward?

Ms. Kerbrat said she was open to all three. She has a strong quality and environmental background so she thought possibly the planning or housing commission.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked if she had every watched or attended a Planning Commission meeting?

Ms. Kerbrat said she did not have Channel 10 Cable and so had not watched.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo said at the corner of Ten Mile and Novi Road there was a recent change in the Master Plan that would change the zoning from Light Industrial to Commercial from Walgreens to the railroad tracks and from Walgreens to the Ice Arena on Novi Road. She asked if she would agree with that zoning classification and why or why not?



Ms. Kerbrat said she hated to see Erwins Orchards go away but could see that Novi was expanding. It would depend on the extensiveness of what was planned and how much of the environment was being taken away and whether there would be road space.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo said Wixom Road south of Varsity Lincoln Mercury Dealership was another area changed on the Master Plan from Light Industrial to Commercial. Would you support that and why or why not?

Ms. Kerbrat stated she would probably support that because other than the Meijers store there wasn’t much else out there. If she were a resident in that area she would not want to drive all the way to a Walgreens for prescriptions, etc.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo said in terms of developing a Master Plan how much public input would be adequate and what did she think were some effective ways to communicate with the public?

Ms. Kerbrat thought public support had to be prevalent in order to get anything done. She understood that sometimes things had to be done against public opinion to get something done.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked if she was an independent thinker or liked to go along to get along?

Ms. Kerbrat said she was very much an independent thinker.

  1. Council Rules and Order of Business – language clarification on items F, H & L

Mayor Clark said the proposal had been re-drafted by Mr. Watson and asked if Council had any specific questions.

Member Crawford said it was a step in the right direction.

CM-99-12-348 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Csordas; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To adopting the amendments on Items F, H,

and L in the Council’s Organization Rules and Orders of business

and make it part of the policy.


Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked if every other part of this document was adopted except this section or does the full document need to be adopted?

Mayor Clark said the other portions of the document had been reviewed and this was the last remaining portion to be clarified before adopting the entire document.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked if that was a part of the motion?

Member Crawford said it was not because he had a concern to be addressed. He thought this had been adopted.

Vote on CM-99-12-348 Yeas: Clark, Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche,

Kramer, Lorenzo

Nays: None

Mayor Clark said Member Crawford expressed concerns with reference to Cable TV and Audio Tapes policy, Page 4 Item #9 A. Mayor Clark suggested asking Mr. Watson to write a clarification for Council. Member Crawford said that would be fine but he thought the last part of the sentence was where the problem came in where it said "except interview meetings unless Council Chambers are unavailable". He felt it was a little vague.

3. City Manager Recruitment Process

Ms. Gronlund-Fox advised Council the top six candidates had been contacted. She gave Council a list of the candidates and pointed out that at the right hand index she had made notes. Most of the candidates had responded and were asked if the 18th would be a convenient date and if not what date in the near future would be a good date. The first Saturday date would be January 8th. The only person in the top six that was available on the 18th was one of the internal candidates. Two of the candidates withdrew, Ronald Olson and Gerald Specher both for personal reasons.

James Pierce, Donald Crawford and Anthony Mortillaro all indicated that the 8th would be a better date for them.

The candidates that were in Michigan were called with the hope that some of them would be available on the 18th. The only candidate to respond was Robert Elliott who said he would not be available but would be available on the 8th of January.

Ms. Gronlund-Fox said the remaining candidates that had three or more votes in Michigan, Anthony Nowicki, who is a current staff member would be available on the 18th.

Mayor Clark said there are two candidates available for the 18th. Ms. Gronlund-Fox said that is correct. There were messages left on the answering machines of the candidates in Michigan so she was hoping they would call back tomorrow.

Member Crawford asked if the candidates were called that there was no notes for? Ms. Gronlund-Fox said they were not called. The top six were called and then those candidates that lived in Michigan were called because of the short notice.

Member Crawford said Mr. Vanderpool and Mr. Murphy were not called. Ms. Gronlund-Fox said they are from out of state and only Michigan residents were called because of short notice. Member Crawford said these other out of State candidates probably would not be ready in time even if called tomorrow. Ms. Gronlund-Fox said she doubted it but would notify them if Council desired. Member Crawford said there was a possibility and Mayor Clark said it was worth a try. Ms. Gronlund-Fox said she would contact them.

Mayor Clark said January 8th had to be agreed on with Councilmembers and stated that he might not be available on the 8th. Council could come to a decision on Monday the 20th regarding their availability on the 8th. Mayor Clark asked Ms. Gronlund-Fox to see if there are any more possibilities for the 18th and proceed with those.

Ms. Gronlund-Fox said it was the main consensus from candidates when called that they were out of town and had family commitments because of the holidays. She said she would call the rest of the candidates on the list with three or more votes and would call the candidates from Michigan again if they had not responded.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked though the internal policy is not to pay for out of town applicants travel plans does Council want to reconsider that?

Member Csordas thought it should be considered and offer to pay fair and reasonable expenses for candidates from out of town especially at the C.E.O. level. It is standard business practice in the private sector. He was not sure what the standard was in the public sector.

Mayor Clark suggested this be researched before next Monday’s meeting before making a commitment and bring it up as an item.

Member Crawford asked if any of the candidates had asked about paid travel?

Ms. Gronlund-Fox said they had all asked. They had been told their travel expenses would not be paid for the first interview but if they were brought back for a second interview their travel expenses would be paid. They all accepted that.

Member Bononi agreed with Member Csordas. These are people who would be the Chief Executive of the City and in her experience even Department Heads were accorded that privilege in Cities of similar size to Novi. She felt it would be fair and reasonable.

Member Crawford stated he agreed and thought it would be in the City’s best interest to make the arrangements and send them airline tickets. Ms. Gronlund-Fox said she could do that. Member Crawford asked what would be reimbursed? Would it be airfare and hotel for one night or would it include meals, incidentals and transportation from the airport to Novi.

Mayor Clark said some of the hotels offer a shuttle service. Member Crawford said there is staff that plans trips for Council and could probably make all the arrangements. Ms. Gronlund-Fox said that could be done.

Member Csordas said as that relates to per diem or meals it would probably depend on when the person comes in. If the interview is on a Saturday then they would probably come in on Friday evening. He asked about meeting with these people in a social environment like a lunch or dinner to get a feel of how they communicate with other people and how they relate in a social environment? He felt it was a critical component of some one coming in as Novi’s C.E.O. and he would be willing to spend time with a couple of them at a local restaurant. As far as per diem there are rates per city per day and those published guidelines could be followed.

Member Crawford thought it would be a good idea if it could be worked out in the context of the day of interviews.

Ms. Gronlund-Fox asked if Council wanted to do this at the second round of interviews as opposed to the first? Member Csordas thought there should be as much exposure with each

of them in the time available. Member Crawford felt the first round would be the appropriate time to do that. Member Csordas agreed.

Ms. Gronlund-Fox asked if Council would like her to make those reservations and if they had a preference? Member Crawford suggested Country Epicure, Steve and Rockys, Too chez and Oxford Inn. She asked if it would be for lunch or dinner. Member Csordas suggested lunch and Council agreed.

Ms. Gronlund-Fox advised Council that she had enclosed, for their convenience, some sample interview questions from several different sources. She asked if Council was planning on doing questions of their own or if they wanted her to supply questions for Council to pick from and then let her know?

Member Csordas stated he would appreciate a list of five to ten questions. Member Crawford agreed and felt there should be ten core questions to be asked of every candidate. He also suggested reviewing the mistake list and asked Ms. Gronlund-Fox to highlight some of the questions that should not be asked. He would also like Council to ask a couple of questions of their own. He also expected questions from the candidates.

Ms. Gronlund-Fox said there was one particular question that discussed the point of verbal and written communication. Obviously, when the candidates are here Council would get an idea of their verbal communication but was wondering if Council wanted them to do any type of written exercise so they could get a feel of their ability to write? It could be geared to a question such as "Give your opinion of local government and how it could be improved or how you might see yourself improving that".

Member Crawford asked if it was her intent to asked that question ahead of time and have them bring that to Council?

Mayor Clark said it could not be done too much ahead of time because then they could structure the answer. He thought that whoever was going to be first that day tell them to come a half hour before the interview and then ask them to answer a question in writing as part of the interview process.

Member Csordas said he has had the opportunity to interview for more senior management positions and had never been required to do anything written. Typically the cover letter and the resume covers the ability to articulate through writing.

Member Bononi agreed with Member Csordas and thought it was an inappropriate request to make because there is a presumption that these candidates are executive material. She would not even look for a Department Head to do this and would not be supportive of it.

Member Lorenzo agreed and felt that it would be insulting to a higher level manager.

Mayor Clark said there is consensus that Council would not request candidates to write anything in response to a question.

Mrs. Gronlund-Fox confirmed the meeting would be on Saturday at AM.


Mayor Clark said yes, and asked Mrs. Gronlund-Fox to try to schedule additional interviews for Saturday. She said she would. Mayor Clark asked Mrs. Gronlund-Fox to notify Council by Thursday if there are additional interviews and if the times had been changed.

Member Crawford asked if any applications had been received in the last couple of weeks?

Mrs. Gronlund-Fox said no and she did not anticipate any more.

Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo said it was mentioned at the last meeting that one additional application was received and she had not seen it yet.

Mrs. Gronlund-Fox said she would check into it.

Member Csordas said in the remote possibility that Council did not select any of these applicants there should be a contingency plan.

Mayor Clark asked Council to think about this and suggested it be addressed after the interviews on Saturday.



CM-99-12-349 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Lorenzo; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: That there being no further business to come

Before Council, the meeting be adjourned at 10:45 PM.

Vote on CM-99-12-349 Yeas: Clark, Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche,

Kramer, Lorenzo

Nays: None




________________________________ ____________________________

Richard J. Clark Tonni L. Bartholomew




Transcribed by: __________________

Charlene Mc Lean


Date approved: December 20, 1999