Mayor ProTem Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Mayor McLallen (absent/excused) Mayor ProTem Crawford, Council Members DeRoche, Kramer, Lorenzo, Mutch (arrived at 8:45 p.m.) Schmid
Warren Jocz - came before Council for the discussion on the road project along with issues on the Master Plan regarding the road system. One of the issues, is the lack of a computer model in the City to analyze the traffic flow. Since 1991, the City has not had an active Trans Planning computer model that can prioritize the projects. The model might find roads that are actually more the cause than the roads that are identified. He would like some discussion on funding to get a computer model before a decisions on the projects. The City is in desperate need of a tool that can provide the best educated guess or prediction. Right now the City is probably relying on SEMCOG, and that it might be a model source that is too microscopic. The model needs to be refined to the City level. Mayor Pro Tem Crawford mentioned Mr. Arroyo would address the computer model when he becomes available.
Jeanne Jax - Thornbury Drive said she is with five other residents from the Dinser and Delmont Drive. They attended the Council meeting on 29th of March. They had 16 people in person and also had signatures from people interested in Council considering the Dinser & Delmont paving to be in the next road bond proposal. We want Council to recognize our contingency once again and that we feel it is important to balance the needs of Novi residents in these smaller projects with these larger projects that are funded in different areas.
Unidentified speaker - said several of the projects add operating expense to the budget. Those two projects will decrease the operating expense of the City so that has got to be a consideration along with showing responsibility. The figures that it currently takes to maintain those dirt roads is not known by myself but if they were paved, the cost would be considerably less.
Unidentified speaker - addressed the issue of paths on the main roads. They are only 13 and in order for them to go to their friend's houses, they have to go on the main roads which is dangerous because of the threat of being killed or injured. With the safety paths, they would be able to go to their friend's houses without their parents having to drive them there.
Andrea - said having sidewalks would really help take the burden off her mom just knowing that she would not get hurt because of the sidewalks.
Unidentified speaker - stated she and Kara live at the opposite end of the City than Andrea and their parents have to drive five miles just so they can get to their friend’s house for an hour. If they could ride their bikes or walk, they could meet halfway. Also, their parents would not have to be home for them to visit each other.
Unidentified speaker - stated she moved to Novi three years ago and since that time, has not been allowed to ride her bike on any busy roads because her parents are afraid she would get hurt. She stated she cannot go anywhere without sidewalks.
Mayor ProTem Crawford thanked the participants for their input. The City does have a Safety Path Master Plan that is implemented when possible and feasible. The City will take safety paths into consideration in the road bond proposal.
Mr. Kriewall commented Administration had prepared a preliminary list of priorities based on City Engineer and Traffic Engineer's input and some funding situations that have to be addressed. The City has some Federal Fund Projects that are in queue and really have to address these needs. The City put together about a $27-28 million dollar Administrative Top Ten Road Projects several months ago. Council was surveyed and also produced a Top Ten Road Projects list.
Mr. Kriewall thinks the major difference between the two lists is there was political influence based on traffic and the fact that some of these projects are in the Federal Funding queue. Administratively the Council has a problem recommending the City expend General Fund dollars to improve County roads. An example would be Grand River Avenue. Everybody knows it ought to be five lanes from Haggerty to Wixom Road. The estimate for that total improvement for Grand River is around $42 million. If the City gets the project Federally funded, it would be because it is a high priority road at the County and City level. 80% of the funding would come from the Federal Government. Sometimes a community has to wait for these projects to fester and to wait for traffic to get worse, before the City can get Federal funding. This happens because of inadequate funding at the Federal and State levels.
Mr. Kriewall stated State Legislators have historically attempted to keep the gas tax down in the State of Michigan. There is not enough dollars flowing to the Road Commission and the cities because of the State’s effort to keep the gas tax down. Road improvements and funding throughout the State are under funded. The Road Commission has given the City Council several presentations on the dilemma of inadequate road funding. It causes pressure on localities such as Novi to step forward and do improvements on the roads that are not City roads. The County roads have all of a sudden become a major problem for the community; such as Grand River, Ten Mile and Novi Roads. These are County roads and repairs should be funded by the Oakland County Road Commission. If Oakland County Road Commission were present, they would say they have no funding available except for what might be available through the Federal funding process. With the growth and development in Oakland County, the pressure on these communities to have the road improvements is a mess. The community needs to continue to improve local roads that are obviously Novi’s responsibility, and needs to continue to monitor the County roads and encourage the County to bring these roads into the Federal funding process. Novi has been doing this for the past 10 or 15 years and has accomplished quite a bit.
Mr. Kriewall stated the top of the priority list is the Beck Road and I-96 Interchange. This would be for the City's share only, which is about an $80 million project. The City's share by State law is $6 million. When a community grows they have to fund the local share for some of these improvements.
Mr. Kriewall said the exhibit breaks down all the road projects on the list. It puts them into unfunded, currently funded projects, Road Commission, Novi roads, and M-DOT projects. This is a clear indicator of all the projects and he thinks Council really wanted to see the status of funding on all of these projects so that they could make a better decision as to how to proceed.
Mr. Kriewall stated that the Beck Road and I-96 Interchange project will be constructed at the same time as the Wixom Road Interchange. The Wixom Road Interchange will tend to service Lyon Township and South Lyon because there is no other exits between Wixom and Milford Roads. This will make a tremendous amount of pressure at that intersection in the future. These are obvious projects that the City has been working on obtaining funding for about 15 years. Governor Engler has announced that these two projects are the number one road projects in the State of Michigan. The Beck Road project is being pushed and accelerated and has completed the environmental impact statement with a construction start in 2001. It has been moved up about five years. Novi talked to M-DOT before Governor Engler made his pronouncement about a year ago. Things are looking very good to get this project implemented in the near future. It is in the design stage and the right-of-way acquisition should be following in about nine months.
The second priority road project is Novi Road from Grand River to Ten Mile Road. Mr. Kriewall said this is already Federally funded through the County and has been identified as a priority. The engineering design has been taking place for the past couple of years and the next phase is right-of-way acquisition. The latest prediction from Oakland County is that the project will start in 2000-2001. The project will widen Novi Road to five lanes, which will be a major improvement. The City is very fortunate to be able to include the bridge over the CSX railroad tracks into the project. The bridge will start around Fifth Avenue Billiards and end where there the road goes into the Arbor Drugs Industrial Park. This project is very important to the Novi community.
Mr. Kriewall said the third priority is 12 Mile Road from east of Novi Road to west of Dixon Road. The City’s share of the project is $1,200,000. About 80% of that improvement cost are scheduled to be paid for by the partnership of Ramco-Gershenson and the Taubman Company as part of their new project. The improvement will make a four lane boulevard, cross-section from just east of Novi Road to west of Dixon Road. The City is in the same position waiting for Federal funding for the project. The project is also qualifying for Federal funding but there is not enough dollars in Federal funds to bring the project along in a timely fashion. If the City can get the developer to provide the 80%, the City will provide 20%. It is a logical project to move ahead. It benefits the community and the City would only be paying what would normally be the local share of a Federally funded project.
The fourth road is the Beck Road widening from Grand River to Ten Mile Road. This road could either be a five lane widening or a four lane boulevard for a cost of $5,785,000. The road is being proposed to match up with the improved Beck Road Interchange. Mr. Kriewall explained when the new Interchange is rebuilt a lot more traffic will be exiting at Beck Road and also heading north on Beck Road to get on the expressway system. Beck Road is a major transportation corridor in this community because it is continually paved from I-96 to Michigan Avenue and a connector at least M-14. The long range forecast for the road is that it will continue to carry more traffic. The City is going to have to ultimately widen Beck Road to either five lanes or a four lane boulevard all the way from Eight Mile Road to Grand River Avenue. This will be the first phase of this project.
Member Kramer commented on the funding for the project. He asked if either a four lane boulevard or five lanes is up for their consideration in terms of the dollar figure. Mr. Potter answered that the figure is for the five lanes because boulevards cost a few million more.
Member Kramer commented the City needs to discuss the project because there is a major philosophy issue here.
Mr. Kriewall answered the other reason this is part of the road program is because the potential for Federal funding for widening in that area is very limited. The City does not believe it can ever qualify for a widening of Beck Road between Ten Mile and Grand River. The City will not qualify and Novi might as well go ahead and address the issue and pave the road. That is why it is on the road program.
Mr. Kriewall stated that the Crescent Boulevard East, at a cost of $7,700,000, is the road segment that will go from the Wyndham Hotel, along the expressway, down to the DPW site, across Eleven Mile Road, and touch down on Grand River Avenue between Country Epicure and the shopping center with the Library Pub. The City already owns that right-of-way. The right-of-way was part of the prior bond issue. Novi had to cut back on the prior bond issue so instead of putting the construction costs in that program, the City put in the right-of-way acquisition. Novi owns all of the property from the Wyndham Hotel to Grand River Avenue. This project has been on the drawing board for quite some time. It is also important project for not only traffic relief, but because the property west of Novi’s DPW garage was recently purchased by a Milwaukee developer. They want to start building some office buildings in the area. The Milwaukee developer has also expressed some interest in buying the DPW facility. If the road goes through, the value of the DPW property increases and the community will benefit. If the project goes through, the City may end up with a free DPW garage in a different location.
Mr. Kriewall addressed the Main Street west project for the downtown area with a cost $1,300,000. Some time ago the City planned a ring road system that would go around the entire Grand River and Novi Road area. The first segment that was built was the section by Bally's Vic Tanning through the Town Center Project. This is considered a ring road design. It will move traffic around the area. The second segment was the Main Street area. Residents have noticed that with some of the detours set up on Novi Road for the Expo Center they can use Main and Market Streets to go across Grand River Avenue to travel to various destinations.
Mr. Kriewall indicated that the third phase is in litigation. Novi has funded road bonding programs in the past. In the last bond issue, a bridge was funded to cross the stream in Novi Road / Grand River Avenue area. Novi also received a grant from the State to make the connection back to Grand River Avenue with another ring road. This project will take truck traffic off of the Grand River and Novi Road intersection that will be turning right. The City is having some right-of-way problems with the owners of the Expo Center and the Adell Childrens' Trust. Novi hopes to have possession of that property soon. Litigation is also holding up the replacement of the Grand River Bridge. Both of those projects are tied together from a design standpoint. Novi cannot move ahead with the replacement of the Grand River Bridge until the City gets the right-of-way for the bypass through that area.
Mr. Kriewall quoted $1,300,000 is the cost for the fourth quadrant of the ring road concept. This project would go from Grand River Avenue by the abandoned gas station west of Novi Road and come out by the cement plant. The City is trying to relocate the cement plant at this time. The plant is negotiating for a new site in another part of town. The City will have the fourth leg of the ring road quadrant in place at that time. This is important from a traffic standpoint but also from a community redevelopment standpoint. People have come to town and see this beautiful project the City is building on the east side of Novi Road, and then they look west right down the street to the cement plant. It is a detriment to the area. This program will pave that particular quadrant and Novi will have another potential for an additional tax base in that area.
Mr. Kriewall commented Ten Mile and Taft Road is the next project at $80,000 in traffic signal improvements. If a leading left turn signal was installed, the traffic could move around the corner.
Mr. Kriewall said the eighth project is $3.5 million for the Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Projects. Several years ago a former Councilman had successfully passed a couple of Charter Amendments that prohibits the City from special assessing for subdivision resurfacing. Typically in most cities throughout the United States, residents are assessed usually 80-100% to resurface subdivision streets. Mr. Young was successful in getting a Charter Amendment past to prohibit the City from special assessing subdivision street resurfacing. The City has to fund all of these improvements at-large. The City has to continually request money within bond issues to provide for the resurfacing and the repair of subdivision streets. Most of the road bond issues will always have pavement rehabilitation projects and resurfacing funding contained therein.
The last two priorities are the paving of Delmont and Dinser Drive. Novi believes these projects ought to be in the bond issue and be paved and that was recommend to Council.
Mr. Kriewall commented an added project concern is Meadowbrook Road Improvements with the cost of $450,000. Novi has a two lane paved road at Meadowbrook Road from Eleven to Twelve Mile Road. Council has recently approved zoning and site plans for the corporate park in that area. The developers who are developing the park will probably bring in a major company for their world headquarters in that location. That road was paved many years ago and is in pretty bad shape. The City needs to improve the roadway, probably add some asphalt cross-section and make it capable of bringing in this industrial, office or OST type traffic. A lot of the turning and taper lanes would be provided for by the site plan and the developers themselves.
Mr. Kriewall commented about a month ago, the Category A grant funding profiles such as tourism, is now an eligible project for developmental funding. Novi is getting some very positive signals back from the State. The City is recommending that Council might want to add a couple of million dollars, and maybe not specify a particular project. Novi has some other grant potentials in the community and never seems to have enough funding for the local share. This is where the taxpayers of Novi really benefit when Novi can get Federal funding to come on line and minimize the local share cost. With the proposed and under construction projects in the future, Novi will have a five lane, cross-section all the way from Novi to Wixom Road because Oakland County and the Road Commission have pledged to widen Grand River Avenue from Wixom to Beck Road as part of the Interchange project. As part of the projects already approved and working with the Oakland County Road Commission, Novi is going to widen Grand River Avenue from Novi Road to just over the CSX tracks to five lanes. This should happen over the next year. The missing gap is from the CSX tracks to Beck Road and the City is looking good to receive some Federal funds based on the potential moving of the Expo Center.
Councilman Kramer commented the road that Mr. Kriewall is talking about is Grand River. Will the Taft Road Extension get to it? Mr. Kriewall replied that the Taft Road Extension will not cross the expressway.
Councilman Kramer wanted clarification the funding is for grant matching. Is it to be applied to Grand River? Mr. Kriewall explained it is for Grand River all the way to the CSX tracks.
Councilman Kramer mentioned there would also have to be an access road to wherever the Expo site is located. Mr. Kriewall explained that is a short piece of road. The City could get the Expo Center to take care of that section. If some money is available, there is little more discretion to some of these projects that come along. The other project that might need a couple hundred thousand dollars in terms of a local match is Nine Mile between Novi Road and Venture Drive. Novi applied for a State grant for that section of roadway about a year-and-a-half ago. The City was successful in lowering it and getting 80% funding for the Interchange. The work is going on right now. Mr. Kriewall explained because of the industrial development that is taking place on Nine Mile Road, Novi qualifies for additional funding. The City had to phase out that grant and needs to come back in the next round of grants with an application sometime in August or September. The City might need to go back and apply for a grant for Novi Road from the intersection to Venture Drive because the road is deteriorating very rapidly. The City probably might want to add a couple hundred thousand dollars for a local match. Mr. Kriewall thinks Novi can get a grant for that segment of road probably in the next round. The Planning Department was successful in getting a grant for the Nine Mile and Novi Road intersection and he believes the City can get a grant for the next segment.
Mr. Kriewall said he would review Council’s list and talk briefly about the differences. He started with the Twelve Mile improvements from Meadowbrook to Novi Roads. Council has made it fairly clear to Ramco-Gershenson what they expect when the project comes along. The gap is going to be addressed. Novi has had several meetings with them, and somewhere along the way, they formed a partnership with the Taubman Company. Novi has not been able to get Taubman to sign on and come forward to say they are going to take care of that short piece of roadway. Novi has expressed displeasure to them fairly often, fairly recently, and has let it be known that by the time this project comes back to Council, someone better figure out how to pay for this piece of road.
Mr. Kriewall mentioned the City received a call from Harry Murphy of the Taubman Company, about two days ago. Mr. Murphy indicated that they are not ready. He said the company announced and it might have been on the radio, that Nordstrom is coming to 12 Oaks Mall also a new Hudson's store is being built. The old store would become part of the mall. The new Hudson's would be in front of the existing Hudson's location. It will be larger. This is a major redo of the shopping center. A word of caution on the subject is the City has been hearing about this Nordstrom expansion every year for the past ten years. He does not know what that means at this point in time. He would like the company to get some feedback on the City's concern about the missing road gap. That roadway improvement needs to be addressed in the near future from a funding standpoint. Council was not planning to fund the road, correct? Members responded no and Mr. Kriewall also said probably not.
Member Kramer said Council would prefer the project be funded by other interests.
Mr. Kriewall commented if by going on their words, Taubman Company said the mall expansion is coming. That might be the obvious time to require them to make that improvement.
Mr. Kriewall indicated the Beck Road and I-96 Interchange was on the Council list.
Mr. Kriewall referred to the Grand River Avenue Project from Haggerty to Novi Roads. Council has it marked for $10 million. There is a possibility that can be grant funded in the near future where the City would pick up 80% funding. The City would be spending $10 million now or $2 million a couple years. This project is not being recommended at this time. The Novi Road Project from Grand River to Ten Mile was on the Administrative List.
Mr. Kriewall referred to the Grand River Avenue Project from Novi Road to CSX. This issue has been taken care of as part of the project already approved and funded.
Mr. Kriewall mentioned the Ten Mile Road and Meadowbrook intersection improvement. He commented the Crescent Boulevard East has been talked about. This is in the Administrative program list, as well as the Twelve Mile Road west of Novi Road and east of Dixon.
Mr. Kriewall mentioned the Ten Mile and Novi Road intersection improvement has been taken care of because it is a part of the grant for the improvement of Ten Mile Road from Novi Road to Haggerty Road. The entire intersection will be redone as part of that project.
Grand River Avenue from CSX to Beck is a $9 million project. can get funded through the State; a special assessment and some local contributions.
Mr. Kriewall stated the Grand River Avenue at Novi Road intersection will get redone and maximized as part of the County improvement widening of Novi Road from Ten Mile to Grand River.
Regarding the Ten Mile Road from Novi to Haggerty is $2 million which is the local share of grant funding, Mr. Kriewall mentioned the project is three to four years out, and could go into the next bond issue. The project can be included but he does not think the money will be needed until the next round. Member Kramer wanted clarification that Mr. Kriewall is recommending the project be out three to four years? Mr. Kriewall answered yes.
Member Schmid wanted some explanation on Ten Mile Road from Novi to Haggerty project. He referred to the funding chart showing that $10 million has to be funded for the project. Mr. Kriewall answered yes.
Member Schmid said it has five lanes. Repeatedly, Council and others have been told that money is there or it is not going to be there, and that was three years ago. If the City did not move it three years ago, it is gone. Council is being told the money is now available. He referred to Mr. Kriewall’s comments about five lanes, and Member Schmid thinks Council has been fairly clear that the road is not going to be a five-lane highway.
Mr. Kriewall believes if Council ends up making it three lanes, the funding may not be there. Member Schmid commented that is important to know.
Member Kramer noted the discussion that needs to be held is whether the appropriate position in the priority list is out three to four years. Mr. Kriewall commented it could be in the next bond issue.
Member Schmid suggested it be placed in this road bond and if it will be funded for five lanes. Mr. Kriewall commented that could be done in this road bond and it is funded, but the City would have to wait for the funding.
Mr. Potter answered that funding for five lanes was in the last approval when it was applied for in 1993 with a cost of approximately $5 million at that time. It is unclear at what it would be funded today because the project was about $6.5 million and today it obviously would have increased.
Member Schmid commented it was at least the projection, a couple three years ago, that if the City moved on it , that it would probably get funding and would have it by now. Mr. Kriewall commented he does not think so and does not know where that came from. Mr. Potter commented the projects that were approved even before Ten Mile got funded.
Member Kramer asked if the City is in the queue somewhere? Mr. Potter said yes. The money for Ten Mile is probably three years off.
Member Schmid mentioned there was a lot of panic and critical comments, but the City moved fast and under pressure to make the decision two or three years ago. What was the difference if they made the decision back then or not? Ten Mile Road has been a mystery a long time. The Council did not make any decision back then, but it is still on the State and County funding program.
Mr. Potter answered yes it is. Member Schmid commented as what type of road? Mr. Potter said it was applied for as five lanes.
Member Schmid asked what if Council said they are not going to go five lanes? What would happen to that funding?
Mr. Potter explained depending on the costs of the revisions, higher or lower? For example, if it went lower, the application may actually move up in the queue.
Member Schmid commented all this is inference, but if the City did not have five lanes, the funding would not be there. Mr. Potter mentioned the cost increases substantially between 3 and 5 lanes. The City would have to go back before the County Funding Committee. They will reassess it and look at whether or not they will fund the project.
Mr. Arroyo mentioned if the City changes the scope of the project, it was ranked based upon a project of five lanes, then the County Committee is going to apply a different standard. It could fall in the ranks.
Member Schmid asked if it comes down to the three lanes, is the funding still there but ranked 25th instead of 20th or 18? Mr. Potter answered if it even gets ranked.
Member Schmid commented the City would never try to find out? Mr. Potter answered no. Member Schmid wanted to know why? Mr. Potter commented it has never been taken back before the funding Committee.
Mr. Arroyo said it has been asked. He has talked with officials of the Road Commission about the concept of going to three lanes, and he was told that they would not fund three lanes. That would be their recommendation.
Member Schmid commented this was the story two or three years ago. The road is not really funded if it is not five lanes. Mr. Kriewall stated Council could decide to make it three lanes, if they did not care whether the City got Federal funding.
Member Schmid asked if anything has been done on the funding for the divided boulevard as it would carry the same amount of traffic as five lanes. Mr. Kriewall stated he thinks the residents said they did not want it because a boulevard would require more right-of-way than the five lanes.
Mr. Jocz commented the proposals say they prefer the three lane option. Mr. Kriewall asked over the four lane boulevard? Mr. Jocz said that is correct. They prefer the four-lane boulevard above five lanes.
Mayor ProTem Crawford questioned there is no funding available unless the City does it the way the Road Commission wants which is five lanes? Mr. Potter and Mr. Arroyo both reply no.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if that is the decision, they need to move one. Is there potential funding for other projects along Ten Mile? Mr. Arroyo commented a four lane boulevard would likely still be able to be a funded project as long as it provides the capacity the Road Commission would look for in terms of making recommendations. Novi is also going to end up scoring high on the point system, because the point system that they use, look at the benefit and provide the capacity as one of the key criteria. The boulevard porposal could cause a ranking change slightly lower than the five lane section would have ranked.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if funding would be availabe if the City does not do a boulevard or five lanes, but does three lanes with improvements and turning lanes, which probably will not take the capacity, but the costs would be less?
Member Schmid commented it has been said if it is not funded, it probably would not be funded. It is a County road. Mr. Potter replied that the way the process works is that the community takes that road before the County Task.The report that is being prepared is the review of Ten Mile Road Task Force's recommendation.
Member Schmid asked if the report is about done? Mr. Kriewall and Mr. Potter both replied yes.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if the report is with the three lane recommendation? Mr. Potter said it reviews existing conditions, existing traffic, considers the recommendation of three lanes.
Member Kramer asked if the City could have that available before it finalizes the package so the Council could determine one of two things. Either the City would submit a revised project for County funding, or acknowledge that whatever they propose is unlikely to be funded and consider putting it on this list. Mr. Potter said yes it will be added.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented Novi would not hear from the County in time to put this in a road bond.
Mr. Kriewall said if the Council wants to move ahead with this issue, and not wait for Federal funds, or if the City is going to wait for the Federal funds, five lanes, three lanes boulevard, or whatever, it can go in the bond issue because that is how long it is going to take. If Council wants to move the project up and forget about the Federal funding, Meadowbrook to Haggerty Roads, then move ahead and do it right now because Novi can get a reading whether or not it might be funded.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if Federal funding is available for the Meadowbrook and Novi Roads section because of the railroad? Mr. Kriewall stated if Council wants to disregard the potential for Federal funding and wants to pave it, they can put it in this bond issue.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked about Federal funding for Meadowbrook to Novi Road with perhaps four or five lanes. Mr. Kriewall commented it would be five years out.
Member Kramer stated the City needs to come to a consensus on what design level they want for the road and then determine the timing. Mr. Kriewall said the issue is not complicated. The traffic engineers recommend five lanes. Their traffic engineers say it should be three lanes, and they do not want anything other than three lanes.
Member Schmid commented he is still uncertain on how the road should be done. He is absolutely convinced that Ten Mile Road should not be a five lane highway, whether it is done today or ten years from now. It will divide the City. He is convinced Beck Road should be a divided highway and Ten Mile should be a boulevard or three lanes but not a five-lane road. He would have liked to seen Grand River Avenue as a boulevard. That seems to have lost interest by a lot of people and Council should try to do what is good for the community not just to move traffic. Boulevards are the way to go and the City should start thinking boulevards because the majority of Council is thinking boulevards.
Mr. Kriewall commented if Council thinks a boulevard makes sense between Haggerty and Meadowbrook Roads, the City can probably get Federal funding.
Member Kramer commented a study should be conducted to get some consensus on design direction, and then the City can get a clearer picture of the timing. He asked if this needs to go on the road bond? Mr. Kriewall commented Council does not need to do that.
Member DeRoche commented it is more of a concern regarding the traffic flow inside Novi, not necessarily making it easier to drive through Novi. He does not think that Novi needs other roads besides Grand River Avenue, Haggerty, Beck or Eight Mile Roads to get to the outskirts of Novi. He believes the focus should be on how do people get home more easily once they are in Novi, not how people who live in Salem Township get home faster because they do not feel like staying on I 96 or taking M 14 around our community.
Mr. Kriewall stated by the end of summer, the north and south traffic movement north of I-96 would be resolved. He explained that between Taft Road and M-5 plus the paving of Meadowbrook Road that solution is in place. There is a major problem on Beck Road moving north and south traffic on that corridor. The Novi Road widening is on the drawing board. Taft, Meadowbrook and Garfield Roads do not go through Novi and Wixom Road stop at the boundary. The only unsolved riddle in this community is the east and west traffic. That is the one that will be around for years and become worse.
Member DeRoche commented that traffic should go around Novi by taking the freeway and come back down or stay on Eight Mile and go back up. Novi does not necessarily need three or four different ways to shoot across town. It is to service people that are in the community who need the road wider and have better traffic signals, not people that want to traverse through our City.
Member Kramer commented the City needs to understand the impact of the Beck Road and Wixom Road Interchanges on Ten Mile traffic. Mr. Kriewall stated it is going to facilitate more traffic in all directions. The redo of the Beck Road Interchange and the Wixom Road Interchange will take some pressure off the mile roads.
Member Kramer commented again a study session should be done regarding Ten Mile Road. The result might be all that needs to be done is the local intersection improvements. Novi may not have to do major work on Ten Mile if traffic would flow to Wixom and Beck as Member DeRoche suggested. He is unclear if traffic would flow to Wixom and Beck Roads and cannot presume the traffic is really heading to the Interchange. If Novi knew the traffic was heading toward the freeway and accesses were made attractive, Ten Mile Road might not be the issue that it is today.
Mayor ProTem Crawford mentioned he would like an update on the computer model and then he would like some questions answered on some safety paths and whatever is decided as priority.
Mr. Arroyo started by responding to Member Kramer's question about where the traffic is going to go. A few years back a destination survey was performed. This was the early 1990's, but a lot of the contents may still hold true. The traffic coming across Ten Mile and entering the City at Napier Road accounted for 20-21%, which were traveling all the way through to Novi Road by going north and then getting on and travelling eastbound on I-96. Member Kramer commented they were heading for a freeway. Mr. Arroyo said they were heading for the freeway so certainly there is an opportunity for some of that traffic to get on at Beck Road Interchange or the Wixom Road Interchange.
Mr. Arroyo commented the Beck Road Interchange is probably the most likely location for traffic because it would be the most convenient for that type of travel. The primary benefit is going to be some reduction on Ten Mile Road west of Novi Road because that is likely where that traffic is primarily trying to get on Novi Road to get to the freeway. He does not think it is going to have a significant impact on Ten Mile Road traffic east of Novi Road. But it could cause some benefit, some reduction to Ten Mile traffic west of Novi Road.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked Mr. Arroyo to explain the potential of an updated computer model. Mr. Arroyo said there are several options. Those options have been explored on behalf of the Planning Department who asked the consultants to investigate. Obviously one is to bring it back through the Planning Department and have a staff person on board as in the past and buy a new copy of the model and run it in-house. That is going to involve basically taking everything that has been done and starting a lot from scratch because it has to be recalibrated into the existing volumes and new information has to be entered. It is a fairly significant undertaking.
Member DeRoche commented that is the way it was handled in the past? Mr. Arroyo said that opportunity was there to have a staff person, who devoted a significant time toward getting it up, running, and maintaining it. Another option is to let SEMCOG do some of the modeling. They do have a model and it does have more of a macroid (sic) scale. It is not really that useful to look at the flow within an individual city. When the original model was developed, Novi took SEMCOG's data and refined it into smaller traffic analysis zones and more usable as a scale of the City of Novi. One potential would be to talk to SEMCOG about having them undertake that type of work on behalf of the City. Transportation Director, Mr. Columbo, said on a preliminary basis, they would be interested in talking to the City about that. I'm sure it involves some type of cost exchange to help support the extra effort.
Mr. Arroyo said the next option would be to have a consultant get the model up and running, have it calibrated and maintained. These are at least three options available. He does not have any numbers attached to the options but he thinks that one of those three would be the way to go.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented none of these options would be completed in time to give the City information for a November ballot.
Mr. Arroyo said that the City is looking at a minimum of six months, maybe nine or twelve depending on what type of resources are installed to get a new model up, calibrated, running, and working in a manner where the City feels comfortable.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked about the issue of safety paths on whatever roads the City may do. The amount is not included. Mr. Potter said the amount is not included because when the estimates were first being prepared, the sidewalk was before Council with the sidewalk program. The intent is depending on the ranking. They would do a more detailed effort in presenting those. One of the issues that JCK prepared is a contingency on construction estimates will be put before Council. Council has gotten construction estimates. Those project costs would increase by about 30%. That is the next step after Council ranks these. The design and construction standards for sidewalks and bike paths are probably coming before Council. It is through the Ordinance and Review Committee so if it is passed, depending on the projects that are selected, the Mile roads versus subdivision roads, it will make sidewalks and bike paths integral to the process.
Member Schmid mentioned Novi has a Master Plan that indicates every road the City is going to put in must have a sidewalk. Mr. Kriewall said he believes Tony Nowicki indicated the sidewalks are included.
Mr. Potter stated he does not believe the estimates were broken down because there was a 15% contingency. The level of detail for the construction cost estimate is rough.
Member Kramer has two questions regarding sidewalks and the comment to Council about all construction to include applicable street trees, landscape, sidewalks, bike paths, and he added lighting wherever applicable. Is this a policy that needs to be explained or is this something that can be assumed will be developed as part of all the formal projects? Mr. Potter stated current ordinance is to try to design and require bike path and sidewalks. Landscaping and trees are not included.
Member Kramer commented the road is not done until all of this is done. If Council sets a policy that all roads should include this, would that be included? Mr. Potter commented it would be requested. Member Kramer commented that Council needs to consider that as policy.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented if Novi Road is on the list to widen to five lanes from Grand River to Ten Mile, would those amenities be part of that project? Mr. Potter stated that is a County road. The County typically does not construct sidewalks or bike paths on their roads unless directed to be by the community.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if Novi had to do a match? Mr. Potter said yes. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked should the City increase the match in order to make it happen? Mr. Potter said he believes that should be done. The County would fund certain items and not others. Sidewalks are probably one that they would not consider as fundable and that would increase the match.
Member Kramer said a policy should be discussed before they get to the total.
Member Schmid commented he is not sure a road like Novi should be designated for sidewalks. There were some sidewalk projects that were considered in the budget process.
Member Kramer asked if the City should have available for consideration, additional sidewalk projects because they are not listed.
Mr. Kriewall thinks the City should not confuse the road bond with sidewalks. The City would not want to put sidewalks in that are not associated with road construction. He sees conforming to the City’s own cross-section or matching to an existing plan. Putting sidewalks into the road program could be a problem.
Member Kramer commented this is a policy issue. He would like to find a way to make steady progress on sidewalks. Does the Council want to consider this year by year or try to take off one or two each calendar year budget? Member Schmid mentioned the Council did pick one or two. Mayor ProTem Crawford thought it was mostly maintenance.
Member DeRoche said there is going to have to be a Council member that would take the initiative to do something.
Member Kramer fully supports the idea of new road construction. Member DeRoche said he agrees and that there is a connection that is needed. Will it be 6 or 8 feet concrete or asphalt? Mayor ProTem Crawford said that is coming out of Ordinance Review.
Member Kramer said that is design and construction standards. He would like to do either the bond proposal or as a concerted effort, annually find some small funding to do a couple of links each year.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented links in this road bond are not part of this proposal.
Member Kramer commented if Council and Administration would agree that it is reasonable or feasible to link each year, then he would go and fight for that in each budget.
Mayor ProTem Crawford said his concern would be if sidewalks were on Taft Road between two points, it may generate enough negative people and the whole bond issue would be defeated. His concern is to mix individual sidewalks with needed road construction.
Member Kramer commented he wanted to talk about anything that would allow the City to continue work on the sidewalks. Mr. Kriewall commented from a political standpoint, the two should not be mixed. Member Schmid agreed.
Member DeRoche asked if it means proposing not to pave West Lake Road in this bond issue? Mr. Kriewall answered maybe.
Member Kramer commented if it is the consensus of Council to not mix sidewalks with this road bond except with the road associated, he can accept that situation but will continue to fight annually for sidewalks. Mayor ProTem Crawford expressed that might be the consensus. Member DeRoche commented Council is not taking any support away from the projects. Mayor ProTem Crawford mentioned he believes to put in a separate sidewalk would not be advisable but detrimental. Member Kramer asked if this is how the Council feels? Member Schmid mentioned Novi has got to deal with roads.
Member Kramer mentioned the sidewalks will be incorporated with the new roads. The link connect is an annual discussion. Member Schmid thinks Administration intends to bring back to Council all the sidewalk issues discussed so Council can eventually start planning how to address the situation. That could be a bonding issue or it could be obtaining money out of the budget each year. Member Kramer would be happy at that rate.
Member DeRoche mentioned these links and connections would be funded. The job would be completed on priorities.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked Council if they want to set some priorities and give some direction? Member DeRoche mentioned if everything from all of our priority lists is included, basically taking out only the Grand River portions, except for a $2 million match, the amount is $36.3 million, including the amount of $200,000 and $150,000. He knows it is an evolving process, but it involves about $36.3 and everybody gets everything. Grand River to Ten Mile and Twelve Mile are both $5.5 million projects that can take off $11 million and put it down to $25 million right there. Maybe they are both important and it will remain at $36 million. Should the $5.5 million be pulled out? The Administration put forward the recommendation.
Mr. Potter commented there is about 25-30% additional costs. This is just construction cost. Member DeRoche wanted to know why the 25-30% was added to the cost in the third meeting? Why was it not asterisked on every other meeting? Mr. Potter said he has tried to keep it at construction and has tried to emphasize that point.
Member DeRoche said he is trying to narrow it down. Mayor ProTem Crawford commented maybe there is some issue that can be thrown out and then can be bargained in the middle. Member DeRoche said his impression was Council needed to discuss Ten and Twelve Miles, Beck Road and Grand River Avenue.
Member Kramer commented the three intersection improvements that Council had highlighted was taken out at Ten/Meadowbrook Roads, Ten/Novi Roads, and Grand River Avenue/Novi Road. There are Novi and County intersections that all need improvements. He supports doing all of these because this is what makes traffic flow. It includes these intersections plus a lot more intersections. He totaled up the cost of the intersections as $565,000, $325,000 and $320,000. Mayor ProTem Crawford commented some of these intersections are going to be funded with the road improvements. Mr. Kriewall said yes.
Member Kramer said there needs to be some clarification for what is not included. Only three intersections were picked. There are four intersection columns, which include one on Novi Road, one under Oakland County, one under Novi. Currently funded, one under Oakland County. Please clarify which of those are funded and under our consideration, and he would like to propose that Novi fund the rest and stay under the definition of Local Road Improvements. Looking at these intersection programs shows each one is relatively small but the project gets citizens from location to location in Novi. Mr. Kriewall said the intersections could be discussed one at a time.
Member Schmid commented the City needs to figure out what they want to include in the bond. The computer system should be installed but the more discussion is needed about Beck Road Interchange and M-5. These are two major projects, plus the Ten Mile Interchange. These three areas are going to greatly impact the traffic in the City of Novi. A study should definitely be conducted. With these three intersections in place, it might make a major impact on the City as to how people get around. This study is going to cause a major change of thinking and Ten Mile Road could be one of them.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented some things the computer is not going to affect, like Dinser and Delmont and the City- wide rehabilitation.
Mr. Arroyo pointed out that the traffic model that was running several years ago did take into consideration the Beck Road Interchange improvements and the Wixom Road Interchange improvements. It also looked at the build-out of the community. The Planning Commission now has the new Master Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan. The plans called for four-lane boulevard improvements on Ten Mile and Beck Road to name off a few, and that is something Council should also take a look at and it would be helpful in trying to come to a decision.
Mr. Kriewall commented a traffic analysis would not do anything to change this list.
Member Schmid commented it is aggravating for citizens on Ten Mile Road if they do not know what is happening from one month to the next. There should be a plan of what the City is going to do, even though it would or would not be in this road program. Then it should be to bond for 20 million, 30 million, or 40 million dollars.
Mayor ProTem Crawford said there are certain things on this list that are probably a unanimous consent and some that the City wants to do. There are a couple of others but the City wide rehabilitation projects has to be done. Mr. Kriewall mentioned Novi Road improvements have to be done.
Member Schmid asked what is the City -wide pavement project and does it refer to interior streets? Mr. Kriewall mentioned the project includes resurfacing and bad spots of concrete on interior streets.
Member DeRoche commented these include Village Oaks, Country Place and Willowbrook. Mayor ProTem Crawford also mentioned Crescent Boulevard and Main Street West. Member Lorenzo commented those might be removed not that they are not important. Mayor ProTem Crawford said those are the ones that need to be discussed.
Member Lorenzo mentioned the City is not looking for a $40 million road bond proposal. That is where the money needs to come out. Member Schmid said those are discussion items.
Mr. Kriewall commented road project Number 2 has to be done along with Number 3. Member Kramer agreed that road project Number 3 has to be done. Member Schmid mentioned Number 3 has to be done with Number 2.
Mayor ProTem Crawford said Novi Road Improvements from Grand River to Ten Mile is a match.
Member Schmid said Number 3 has to be discussed. Member Schmid said it is not a match. It is a Ramco match. Mayor ProTem Crawford: commented Number 2 is a match. Member Schmid said Number 3 is not a match. He would like to know where that $1.2 million is going to be spent. His understanding is that Ramco is going to do 99.9%. Mr. Kriewall commented this is 20% of what Ramco is going to spend. Member Kramer believes it was done by the State and County funds. Novi still has to do 20%. Member Schmid commented the City has got to do that. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if Number 3 is a match? Mr. Kriewall answered yes. Members Kramer and DeRoche agree that needs to be done.
Mayor ProTem Crawford mentioned project Numbers 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 are starters? Members Kramer and DeRoche agreed.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if there are some that Council wants to take out completely? Member Lorenzo mentioned Number 7.
Member Schmid asked to add them up the projects Number 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 plus add 30%. Member Lorenzo said she would say 7, 8, 9, 10.
Mr. Potter said the total is about $39 million. Member DeRoche said no is about $15.9 million. Mr. Potter said it $17 million. Member DeRoche said fine but now add your 28-30%. Mr. Potter said that is $13 million plus the 30%. Member Kramer commented 1.3 times the amount. Member Lorenzo mentioned that would be $14.6 million.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if there is anything on the list that is not going to be covered on the Administrative List or that Council wants to eliminate? Member Lorenzo mentioned Ten Mile at Meadowbrook. Member Schmid commented that is an intersection. Member Lorenzo commented it is a very important intersection where there have been fatalities and numerous accidents.
Mayor Pro Tem Crawford commented Number 1 probably would be taken out because Council said they are looking for the developer to do the project. The Beck Road Interchange is on the other list. Grand River Avenue is a good case made that 80% later is better than paying 100% now. Will the Novi Road and Grand River Avenue intersection be part of the bridge improvement? Mr. Kriewall answered yes. Mayor ProTem Crawford wanted to know about Number 5? Mr. Kriewall said yes. Mayor ProTem Crawford said Ten Mile Road and Meadowbrook could be in perhaps?
Mayor ProTem Crawford stated the project Numbers 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 are in and Number 11 is Ten Mile and Meadowbrook for $60,000. There are the three that Mr. Kriewall added on at the end and Meadowbrook Road Improvements for a consensus here for that. The Meadowbrook Road Improvements for Eleven Mile to Twelve Mile is $450,000.
Member Kramer said he withdrew from that one. He believes a mall improvement is coming through and they want access to Meadowbrook Road, and as far as the improvement, the City would have to take care of Twelve Mile. He will not support Meadowbrook Road.
Mr. Kriewall commented the funding needs to be in place. Novi cannot wait for the next bond issue, which is three or four years out. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if there is a consensus to move on.
Member DeRoche commented he assuming Mr. Kriewall knows what he is talking about and has a deal that is going to be coming forward. Member Kramer commented this needs to get to a vote then Council will know more about it.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented he does not think action this night is totally final. It is an update. It is not a decision. A decision can be made at a future Council meeting based on tonight's discussions, is that about where this is going? Member Kramer said yes and then Council needs the financial information for what is on the list.
Mayor ProTem Crawford said the project for Meadowbrook Road Improvements has a $2 million match for the Grand River area and $200,000 match for Nine Mile Road from Novi Road to Venture.
Councilman Kramer said these projects total $1.2 million but it is less than that because of the intersection. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked what do all these add up to? Mr. Potter said he wanted to confirm that. He has Administrative 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 would be Ten Mile Road and Meadowbrook for $60,000, and Meadowbrook Road improvements $450,000, the Expo and Grand River Avenue is $2 million and Nine Mile and Novi to Venture $200,000. There are still others to be discussed so this is a running total about $19.5 million. Member Kramer asked with that includes the 30%? Mr. Potter said that is the project costs to build it, which includes the 30%. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked what is it without the 30%? Mr. Potter stated about $13.7 million.
Mayor ProTem Crawford mentioned the intersections and asked for discussion. Member Lorenzo commented what is there to talk about because it is expensive.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked what is the final number then Council needs to move ahead. Mr. Kriewall said maybe the developer wants to start building office buildings with tax bases, which the City really needs. Member Lorenzo commented if the developer wants to do something different, then they can pay for it. Member Schmid asked which ones would be put in there. Mr. Kriewall said he would put that in over the Beck Road widening. Also, Crescent Boulevard and Main Street need to stay.
Member Lorenzo asked what is being taken out? Mr. Kriewall stated Beck Road is being taken out.
Mr. Kriewall commented the City is trying to build a downtown and if Beck Road is pushed out three or four more years, Novi is going to miss some opportunities. Crescent Boulevard is really an extension of the Main Street and the Town Center. Mayor ProTem Crawford commented this is about $9 million plus 30% if these two are included.
Mr. Wahl stated there are two big differences with these roads compared to what has happened at the Ramco project. The developers of these properties would probably build their projects without these roads. They could just access into the sites, provide access roads out on Eleven Mile Road out onto Town Center Drive and not cost themselves any money and build their projects. The road really serves the wider circulation throughout the whole area.
The problem is the conditions of the soils are such that these roads are very expensive. In addition the developers do not really need these roads, there is an expense if it is spread out over the acreage like Trammel-Crow did or what Ramco is trying to do. Mr. Wahl said the road is so expensive the acreage is not there to spread the costs. This really applies to Main Street West as well a request for a parking lot for the development; they do not really need a road to get into the property. The City of Novi needs the road to move the traffic all around the Town Center. So the circumstances for those roads are different than say for Ramco-Gershenson or the Taubman project.
Councilman DeRoche commented this is where Council is going to have to start getting serious about how much is going to be added in this bond issue. Member Lorenzo said either do everything or pare back and be realistic about it. Mayor ProTem Crawford stated if Crescent and Main Street are in it is $22,790,000 not including the 30%. Member Lorenzo asked what if the 30% were included? Mr. Potter stated it totals $29.3 million.
Mayor Pro Tem Crawford commented Council did not talk about Ten Mile and Taft Road traffic signal. Mr. Kriewall stated that is $80,000.
Member DeRoche mentioned Ten Mile Road from Haggerty to Meadowbrook. Member Lorenzo asked which is different from the intersections. Member DeRoche answered three lanes.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented the consensus was that it is better to be discussed after the computer models. Member Lorenzo commented that was Member Crawford’s opinion. Member Kramer said Council did not disagree.
Member Schmid said the City should do a study of Ten Mile Road and come up with a decision what the City is going to do with it. Mayor ProTem Crawford stated he agrees but does not think it is going to fit in this road bond issue. Member Schmid agrees but it should be there for the next one or other funding.
Member DeRoche commented is this never going to be funded and if it is ever going to be funded, is it going to be three lanes? He does not want people in lines to get on Ten Mile Road for ten minutes in the morning. Mayor ProTem Crawford mentioned Council wanted to wait to get a better understanding along with a traffic model. Member DeRoche said he maybe ready to take that off the list. Mayor ProTem Crawford wanted clarification for this November? Member DeRoche said that is correct. When Council comes forward at the final meeting, he is not sure he can make a decision whether or not to include the project. Mr. Kriewall mentioned that could wait till the next bond issue, and Council will have an opportunity to pare it back a bit. There would have to be a lot of clarification on that road and direction.
Member Lorenzo has a number of disappointments with the Ten Mile from Meadowbrook to Haggerty. Mr. Kriewall issued the challenge to the area residents that they had to come up with a response in a certain amount of time, which they did. They met the challenge. The City is still stringing it along six, eight months later, and now Council is talking about stringing them along possibly three, four, five years down the road. And why does Council not have a report back from JCK responding to the information that they brought forward? What has taken all this time? Mr. Potter commented the report is basically done. The intent was to try to be able to hand it out tonight.
Member Lorenzo asked what has taken six months? She imagined this is all information that it basically needed. Mr. Potter mentioned a boulevard is a very complicated road to build.
Mr. Potter said there are a lot of impacts that were considered, a lot of costs that were researched so that JCK tried to give the City a good number to get a feel for what type of financial commitment for a boulevard. JCK has learned a lot from other communities that have built this particular type of boulevard with a 30 foot center median. JCK has gone out, observed, video taped, superimposed over aerial shots to get a feel for how this could be implemented. It was a monstrous amount of work, but it basically is complete.
Member Lorenzo said number one the City issued a challenge to neighboring residents with a time table and then Council has taken six months to complete our end. That is very unfair. Mayor ProTem Crawford said he does not disagree with what is being said but it is not relevant to deciding what is going to go in the bond issue. Member Lorenzo commented it is very relevant. The second disappointment is why does the City not have an updated computer model?
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented Council is trying to prioritize a list and assemble a list of roads.
Member Lorenzo commented a decision needs to be made on Ten Mile Road between Meadowbrook and Haggerty. The City should not be stringing along the neighbors on that road for another four or five years and she is not willing to wait another six months or another year for more information to come forward.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented they all have similar feelings that the residents, via Warren Jocz, asked that we get a better computer model before we make a decision. None of that is going to happen between now and when we need to decide what is to go on the road bond issue. Member Lorenzo said that is her point. The City should have had that computer model long before now. Mr. Kriewall stated there is nothing on this list that any computer model is going to change. Mayor ProTem Crawford disagreed with Mr. Kriewall on the Ten Mile Road action.
Member Kramer commented there are four elements that have to do with improving local citizens' mobility in the City. The total comes to $1.2 million, but he is not sure if that is a valid total. If it is a valid total, he would like to put a line item that says City -- Intersection Improvement or Local Traffic Improvement Program.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if the intersections under Currently Funded are they currently funded? Does Council need to consider them, or is there funding somewhere for them? Mr. Kriewall stated they are in the grant. The Novi intersections in blue under Currently Funded are in the Ten Mile Road Grant. Member Kramer asked if the $320,000 that is in there, does the City have to bond? Mr. Kriewall commented nothing has to be done.
Mayor ProTem Crawford asked about the County Intersection for Ten-Mile and Novi Roads? Is that part of the Novi Road project?
Member Kramer asked if the Unfunded New Intersections that need to be constructed are in the unfunded group? Mr. Arroyo said that is right, except the one at Haggerty and Twelve Mile which is a County project and should not be in this current one That is at least five years down the road. Member Kramer said the total would be 565 plus 125. At this point, those are the local intersections that have been identified to improve local traffic flow?
Member Lorenzo referred to the chart about Cranbrooke and Ten Mile Road. Mr. Kriewall said those are all funded in the Ten Mile Road Grant. Member Lorenzo said suppose the City does not go forward with Ten Mile Road Improvements? The City still needs to improve the Ten Mile and Meadowbrook Roads intersection before there is another fatality. Mr. Kriewall said that it would be funded. Ten Mile and Meadowbrook Roads will be funded and Ten Mile and Grand River, however, if it goes to three lanes, probably not.
Mayor ProTem Crawford commented $60,000 for Ten Mile and Meadowbrook. Member Kramer asked is this added on to the list?
Mayor ProTem Crawford said that was taken off Council's list and put it in this proposal. Member Lorenzo comment that is what she is saying. A few of these are not on the list.
Member Kramer commented if they have to change the blue list and the two green lists are going to get funded by other means, then it sounds like they do have it on the Council's list, which is Meadowbrook and Ten Mile?
Mayor ProTem Crawford said Council moved that over to this list.
Member DeRoche said they are only talking about bringing the Ten Mile and Cranbrooke in as a priority.
Member Kramer said the suggestion was if they are not going to do the road for three or four years, then maybe they should do the intersection. Member DeRoche said he agrees. Mayor ProTem Crawford mentioned there is a figure of $10 million for Grand River. Right now they are at $29.5 million plus $180,000 for Ten and Cranbrooke, plus $565,000 for the rest of the intersections. Member Kramer commented that will do it.
Mr. Potter wanted to confirm a few points. He referred to the round numbers of Novi intersections; 16, 19, 24, 20, 23 and added 17. Member Kramer said Council decided not to put in 17 or 18. They were going to be taken care of somehow but 25 have to be added.
Mr. Potter mentioned the last discussion added in was Crescent and Main Street, right? Mayor ProTem Crawford said that is already in there. Mr. Potter said the new total is about $32,300,000. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked if he took 745 and added 30%? Mr. Potter answered yes. Member Schmid commented that brings it to $31 million bucks. Member Kramer asked if that $31 million includes Ten Mile? Mayor ProTem Crawford commented it does not. It includes the Beck Road Interchange; Novi Road Improvements; 12 Mile - Novi to Dixon; Crescent, Main Street, Citywide Rehabilitation; Delmont/Dinser; Ten Mile & Meadowbrook Interchange; Meadowbrook Road Improvements; Grand River $2 million matching funds; Nine Mile - Novi to Venture $200,000; Ten Mile & Cranbrooke $180,000; all the rest of the intersections at $565,000.
Member Kramer asked if number seven get in there anywhere?
Member DeRoche referred to the Beck Road widening for $5.7 million. He is willing to take that out. Mayor ProTem Crawford commented he might tend to agree with Member DeRoche.
Member Lorenzo asked if Ten Mile and Taft were included in the total? Mayor ProTem Crawford said it is a part of the $565,000. It is not an additional $80,000. There is a general consensus that Council is talking about $31 million. There needs to be a firm figure when it is to go to Council for a final decision and a resolution adoption.
Member Kramer requested when it comes up for a vote, Council represents some of the information that is in the budget with regards to millions over years, defining millage, and bond payoff.
Member Lorenzo asked if the information on safety paths is coming back? Mayor ProTem Crawford answered not on this issue, but yes.
Member DeRoche commented that is a policy issue. Bring it up as an agenda item and Council can make the policy.
Member Schmid wanted clarification on SCATS. Novi is one of the few communities that is really buying these by the dozens. There is not another community going as fast as we are on that. Some of these intersections may or may not need SCATS. Mr. Kriewall commented fortunately, Novi is getting the advantage of the County grants. Member Schmid commented the City needs to find out for sure that they are working and if the City needs them at all of these intersections.
Member Kramer mentioned the three items coming back are the proposals, finances and the policy on what is included. Mayor ProTem Crawford asked what is the time frame? There has to be a decision made by a certain time to get this on the ballot. Mr. Kriewall mentioned it needs to get it finalized by the end of June. The City only has four months after selling the bonds.
There being no further business before City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Nancy Reutter, Deputy City Clerk Hugh D. Crawford
Transcribed by:
Melissa H. Place Date Approved: July 12, 1999